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一. 阅读部分


1. D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. C


8. E 9. G 10. I 11. F 12. A


13. D 14. E 15. G 16. A 17. C 18. F 19. G 20. D


21. A 22. B 23.D 24. D 25. D 26.A 27.D 28. B 29.C

30. D 31. A 32.C 33. C 34. D 35.A


Section A

36. down是多余,应删掉.

37. 没有多余的词

38. years是多余,应删掉.

39. the 是多余,应删掉.

40. 没有多余的词.

Section B

41. behalve应改为behalf

42. exist应改为existing

43. oblige应改为obligations

44. failing应改为fail

45. specific 应改为specified



Question 46

(Sample for reference)

Dear Mr. Max Remington ,

As our company is purchasing a set of equipment ,a lot of materials -have to be translated, which is impossible to do within four months. Could you advertise for two experienced translators in the newspapers? It is urgent.


Question 47

(Sample for reference)

Near the end of 1994, people suddenly become “rich, buying a lot of things. We have received the report that the real hourly wages of workers become even less ,so they do not have enough money to buy so many things. Although the employment is rising towards the end of 1994 ,the growth is very slow. Therefore ,not many people find jobs to earn enough money to buy goods. Then where does the big consumer confidence come from? We have discovered that people overspend with various credit cards ,buying goods. And they are not worried about returning the borrowed money. This it is our turn to be concerned about this kind of consumer confidence.


1. Cathedral 2. museums 3. special

4. Barcelona 5. Murphy 6. 55322788

7. Sunny 8. 120pounds 9. coffee sets

10. 2 11. 96pounds 12. 10th

13. F 14. H 15. B

16. E 17. C 18. F

19. A 20. E 21.Hh

22. D 23. A 24. B

25. B 26. C 27. B

Part One. Questions 1 to12.

Message One. Questions 1 to 4.

F1 : Good morning ,Garble Travel Agency. Can I help you?

M1 : Yes , please. I d like to have some information about the city of Barcelona. I have 5 days holiday.

F1 : Well, there are lots of places to visit in Barcelona. You could go to the Old City, which is the real Barcelona of many centuries ago. I think you d enjoy it.

M1 : So there are many old buildings in the Old City?

F1 : Yes ,and these old buildings are quite w6ll-preserved. And there s a cathedral near the Old City. It s very magniF1cent.

M1 : I ve heard about it. Any place else?

F1 : Well ,there re also several very interesting museums and a lot of good restaurants

M1 : If I go to Barcelona ,where could I stay? Have you any suggestion?

F1 : Well ,you d better stay at the Barcelona Hotel ,which is near the Old City. The food there is cheap and special as well.

Message Two. Questions 5-8.

M1 : Good morning. Can I help you?

F1 : Oh, yes. I want to rent an apartment. My name is Kate Murphy.

M1 : Is it K-A-T-E,M-U-R-P-H-Y.

F1 : Yes , that s right.

M1 : Then what kind of apartment do you prefer?

F1 : Well ,l want to live near Sunny Street.

M1 : Sunny Street ,right. Anything else?

F1 : The rent should not be more than 120pounds a month ,including water and gas. I d like an air conditioner and heating system.

M1 : How long are you going to rent it?

F1 : About a year and a half, from February.

M1 : Do you have the contact number?

F1 : It s 55322788

M1 : OK! As soon as I find an apartment I will call you.

F1 : Thank you. I m looking forward to your answer.

Message Three. Questions 9 to 12.

F1 : Yes ,Mr. Wilson. Chris speaking.

M1 : Hello ,Chris. Could you buy some china for our meeting room?

F1 : How much money do you want to spend?

M1 : Er , f80 `for 10 coffee sets. What do you think.

Fl : I ll manage. I suggest we buy two more sets for our office.

M1 : Let s see... OK ! I agree. 12 coffee sets with 96pounds.

F1 : When do you want them?

M1 : Before the 10th of April. By the way ,I want to look at the sample beforehand.

F1 : OK! I will select some samples for you.

M1 : Thank you. Bye.

F1 : Bye-bye , Mr. Wilson.

Part Two. Questions 13-22.

Section One. Questions 13-17.

Question Thirteen

A couple called today and they said they couldn t arrive tonight.

You re lucky to find this vacancy. This is a busy time of the year. Please fill out this registration card and be sure to list your car s license number.

Question Fourteen

There s no charger for transfers if you have paid your fares already. Would somebody

give this young boy a hand? He s handicapped. I think you ll have to move over and let the young boy take this seat. Squeeze through!

Question Fifteen

Please sign your name on the check and don t forget the date. Then give me the check

and your driver s license. I ll give it to you in fifties. If you want to transfer y


our money from your savings account to the check account ,you have to fill out these slips as well.

Question Sixteen

My name is Dan Sloan. I paid for two tickets by credit card by telephone about two weeks ago on June 2nd ,I remember. I hope they re good seats. They re about halfway up the first balcong.

Question Seventeen

It s too bad that our flight is delayed for an hour. Our plane is supposed to leave at 9:10,but now it s already 10: 00. Let s go to Gate 2 and wait for the check-in. I m a little nervous. I am flying for the first time.

Section Two.

Questions 18-22...

Question Eighteen

I vote against visiting the mountains and riding horses. I was thrown from a horse last year. I vote that we go to the seashore. We could go swimming in the sea or take long walks along the beach and collect seashells.

Question Nineteen

Cigarettes will do no good to your health. And it s medically proven that they can cause lung cancer and a lot of other diseases. If you feel run-down without them ,I ll give you a prescription which will help you sleep.

Question Twenty

The Gamble Department Store has just opened a new shop near St. Maria Street. In the advertisement ,they re going to have a big celebration for the grand opening and the first one thousand customers can get free T-shirts. I want to get one.

Question Twenty-one

Eleven hours on the road is long enough for anyone, especially in this hot weather. I m anxious to get back to the family house. But I don t think we should overdo it. Let s rest for a while ,shall we?

Question Twenty-two

In the package ,there s a beautiful glass necklace. It s a birthday gift for my husband s sister who s living in Lincolnshire. I packed it very carefully, so I m sure it won t break on the way. But still I want to insure it for f25 just in case.

Part Three. Questions 23 30.

By Paul Abrahams in Tokyo

Results from Japan s largest petrochemicals companies for the year to March 3lst reflect the crisis facing a sector plagued by sluggish domestic demand ,over capacity ,plunging prices and the appreciation of the yen.

News of the sector s cire trading position follow this week s decision by Showa Denko to sell its polystyrene business.

The company, a marginal manufacturer, sold its 30, 000 tonnes a year Kawasaki plant to Asahi Chemical, Japan s largest polystyrene manufacturer with capacity of about 333, 000 tonnes a year, equivalent to about 25 per cent of the market. The move was the latest in a series of alliances and mergers as the troubled industry restructures.

Mitsubishi Petrochemical , the country s biggest plastics group , reported a loss of Y8,39bn ( $ 80m) compared with pre-tax profits last year of Y8.25bn. The group made an operating loss of Y13.8bn,the first since 1982. The poor result came despits cost-cutting measures, lower raw material prices ,and Y4bn worth of profits from equity sales.

Turnover fell 12.2 per cent from Y372bn to Y326bn, as prices and volumes declined. Earnings per share, which reached Y52. 5 in 1991 , fell to a loss per share of Y9.44. The group, which is scheduled to merge with Mitsubishi Kasei on October 1st ,cut its dividend from Y8 per share to Y4.

Mitsubishi Kasei s pre-tax profits fell 76. 8 per cent from Y9.3bn last year to Y2.2bn. The group reported its first operating loss in 40 years at Y467m, and only managed to post positive pre-tax results by selling Y15. 7bn worth of equities. Turnover fell 1.8 per cent ,the fourth yearly decline ,to Y696bn. The dividend was halved to Y3 per share.

Mr. Morihisa Takano ,managing director, said the newly merged group would generate pre-tax profits of Y10bn on sales of Y855 bn during the year to March 1995.

He predicted petrochemicals prices would bottom out during the summer. No decision had been made about the dividend ,but the new company could pass it during the current year, he Pre-tax profits at Mitsui Petrochemical industries, Japan s biggest polyethylene maker, plunged 75 per cent from Y9bn to Y2. 26bn on sales down 9. 3 per cent at Y272bn. The company blamed poor demand for the slump which offset the benefits of cost-cutting measures. The dividend is unchanged at Y6 per share. The group forecast pre-tax profits for the current year marginally up at Y3bn on turnover of Y276bn.

Shin-Etsu, one of Japan s biggest makers of polyvinyl chloride , reported profits down 26.1 per cent from Y17. 6bn to Y13bn. Sales increased 0. 2 per cent from Y275bn to Y276bn. Net profits fell 26. 6 per cent to Y7.08bn, or Y21.85 per share.

The group maintained the final dividend at Y3.75, making the full-year pay out Y7.5 per share. Shin-Etsu forecast pre-tax profits for the current year of Y15.5bn on sales of Y277bn.

The outlook for the petrochemicals industry remains blsak. The imbalance between supply and demand for ethylene, the basic building block of petrochemicals




Sussex police ordered to search a six-foot, dark-haired 57____________

youth about 20 he failed to rob an old lady – Mrs West. 58____________

The youth rushed at the lady and tried to bring h 59____________

things and money then she was walking through the street. 60___________

Surprisingly, however, the old lady grasped the robber 61____________

wrist (手腕) and it made him let out of a cry “Oh, no! 62____________

Stop!“ and ran away. ”If I had been carrying my shopping, 63____________

I would real have put him on his back,“ said Mrs West 64____________

who took a course in judo (柔道) when younger. “When my 65____________

husband was living. I used to practicing throwing h 66____________

At Christmas,“ she explained.



57.Search 后面加for

58.he 改成who

59.bring改成 take

60.then 改成when



63.had 改成hadn’t

64.real 改成really


66.Practicing改成 practise



Most people agree that fencing (击剑) is one sport in which a person must be at least 30 years old before he learns all he needs to know about the sport. (16 ) Clark Summers of the University of Detroit (17 ) that this doesnt always have to be (18 ).

Clark is a different kind of fencer in a lot of (19 ). He is American, while most fencers are from the (20 ) of Europe. He is black while most fencers in the past have been (21 ). And he is (22 ) 22 years old.

Many people (23) that Clark is the most promising fencer in this country today. Although he is young, he has been able to (24) the necessary skills. Already he has won a number of fencing contest (竟赛) (25) older fencers. He is almost (26) to become a member of the U. S. Olympic(奥林匹克 ) fencing team!

”There is no (27) danger in fencing, today, Clark says. “But I never (28) that fencing was not always a sport. In the old days, People fenced to(29)a quarrel. Each match was a matter of (30) If that (31) true in the matches I (32) in today, every touch against me would mean that I (33) wounded or killed. So I try to play (34) l were fencing for my life. I dont like, the idea of being (35) ! ”

16. A. And B. But C. Then D. So

17. A. h



Woman have more problems than men in old age. First of all, they have less money—or no money at all — and because of this, they often feel they get less respect , even at home. Quite a large number have no pension(退休费) because they have never worked outside the home, and thirty-eight percent are supported mainly by their husbands or children. Second, a larger number of old women than old men become window(single women). Men are normally older than the women they marry, and women generally live longer than men. The remarriage among older windows is lower than that among widows(single men). Statistics (统计) from 1990 in Shanghai show only 52 percent of elderly women with husbands still living, compared to(与---相比)82 percent of men.Because of lower incomes and the difficulty of remarriage,many elderly women who live alone, are poor and have almost no social life. Even an old couple lives with children, it is the woman who ends up doing the work around the house. She cleans the rooms, prepares meals, and takes care of the family. Some 75 percent of them carry out such heavy physical tasks as buying and carrying grain, coal and other supplies for the home. How to improve the quality of life of women in their later years is a question that needs to be dealt with by all the society.

44.If they had more money, elderly women _______.

A. would have no more problem B. could live a fairy life

C. would get more respect D. would need no care of others

45.In Shanghai, of 150 elderly women, only ______have husbands still living.

A.75. B.52. C.82. D.78.

46.According to the statistics, suppose there are 150,000 elderly men, _____of them are widowers.

A.27,000 B.78,000 C.72,000 D.123,000

47.According to the writer, _______.

A. elderly women should be paid well B. elderly women should live with their families

C. all people should do something for elderly women

D. housework should not be ddone by elderly women





Questions 1-7

. Read these sentences and the share prices below.

. Which stock market does each sentence(1-7) describe?

. For each sentence mark one letter (A ,B ,C or D) on your Answer Sheet.


The index went up more than one thousand.


1. The share prices were influenced by the improvement of the two countries''


2. Over the week ,turnover rose by T $ 5. 83bn.

3. Many people went to buy capitalization stocks.

4. In the beginning many foreign shareholders buy blue chips at high prices.

5. Price was lower after shareholders sold stocks in industrials to make profit.

6. On Thursday price dropped and then rose again.

7. The falling of composite index rose by 1. 3 per cent on the week.

A. Bangkok rose 2 per cent on the day and 3.4 per cent over the week as buyers moved in to large market capitalization stocks. The SET index rose 27.55 to 1,383.57 in turnover of Bt 8.5 bn, down from Thursday''s Bt 10bn.

B. Taipei was pulled lower by late profit-taking in industrials after Thursday''s rebound ,and the weighted index fell 45.59 to 5,806.77, or 1.7 per cent, over the week. Turnover rose to T $41.51 bn from T $ 35. 78bn.

C. Manila opened strongly on foreign buying of blue chips but dipped at the close as profits were taken. The composite index fell 10.07 to 2 ,907. 00 , 1.3 per cent higher on the week

D. Hong Kong finished a mixed day slightly lower ,sapped by profit-taking on confirmation of US renewal of China''s MFN trade status and concerns over the lower domestic property market. The Hang Seng index fell 11.58 to close at 9,470.13, 1.7 per cent lower on the week.


Questions 8-12

. Read this letter to the editor of The Economist.

. Choose the best sentence from the list A-I to fill each of the blanks.

. For each blank (8-12) mark one letter (A-I) on your Answer Sheet.

. Do not mar4 any letter twice.

. One answer has been given as an example.


You state on February 13th that New Mexico has “few natural resources ”,... ...example...... In 1991 New Mexico ranked fourth in the United States in production of natural gas , seventh in oil and tenth in non-fuel minerals ... ...8... ... Non-fuel minerals contributed about $ 1 billion and coal $ 509 million.

Taxes from production of fuels and minerals, and lease payments on state lands have been set aside by legislative acts to endow two permanent funds worth about $ 5. 65 billion, ...... 9 ...... In addition, during fiscal year 1991 , payments to New Mexico from taxes on federal lands were S 108 million ,all earmarked for public education.

...... 10 ...... About $566 million came from taxes and permanent-fund earnings attributable to oil and gas production. ......11 ...... Tourism is an important industry in New Mexico, yet its economic impact on the public sector is dwarfed by that of mineral production.

New Mexico came through the recent recession in much better shape than most other states. It does not have a deficit. ... ... 12... ... States that rely primarily on a sales tax or on an income tax have big problems during economic downturns. Income growth per head in New Mexico averaged 6. 1/00 in the year to October 1992-one of the fastest growth rates in the United States.

Charles Chapin

Example :C

A. It has a broadly based tax structure an important point.

B. In 1992 it produced more oil than Colorado and Kansas combined.

C. However, the extractive mineral industry in New Mexico is one of the state''s strongest economic forces.

D. During fiscal year 1992 New Mexico raised permanent funds worth about $6.1 billion.

E. The combined value of oil and gas production was $ 2. 8 billion.

F. Some 16, 000 employees work in the extractive industries and their wages are among the highest of any major industry.

G. The $39 million earned by these funds in 1991 was used to finance education and other public services.

H. Only S 25 million came from agricultural taxes.

I. New Mexico''s extractive mineral industries contribute about a third of the state''s $ 1. 9 billion general-fund income in fiscal year 1991.


Questions 13-20

. Read this letter about Compensation Trade ,and answer the following questions.

Ministry of Foreign Trade 19th January , 1 993

Xi Changan Street

Beijing , China

Dear Sirs,

This letter is in regard to the window glass business between our firm and the China National Light industrial Products Import & Export Corporation, Daren Branch and the Daren Window Glass Factory.

1. Our two sides sincerely worked in the past and the window glass business has already been done successfully. However, the quantity of products doesn''t meet our requi




rements. This company wants to develop the trade and business further in this line. We now expect to begin working with all the other branches and window glass factories on the same basis ,i. e. compensation trade.

2. For the U. S. A. market, we require very large quantities of small cut sizes. Therefore, we are asking your prompt assistance to help us out in expanding glass-cutting business. We would highly appreciate it if you take this matter into consideration. We are certain that ,with your prompt cooperation, our purchases of Chinese window glass for sale in the U. S. A. market will very quickly increase to a large and substantial volume. With the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries ,the time is now right for a very quick and large increase in trade between us.

3. For your information, we are doing everything possible to cooperate in achieving our mutual goal of making the window glass business a very large one. We have offered to purchase various equipment for your Dairen factory which will increase its products, improve quality and raise its efficiency. We have offered to accept payment for this machinery in the form of buy-back of glass. We have also cooperated with the factory in making suggestions for better efficient packing and containerization. The factory has been very cooperative and receptive to our ideas. As we want to begin our business with the other branches too ,we plan to offer the same suggestions and proposals to purchase machinery for them.

4. From this letter, you can see that we are very sincere in our desire for a long-term relationship between our two countries and our firm and the various branches of the China National Light industrial Products Import and Export Corporation, Window Glass Departments .

During our next visit to China, we will discuss the appointment of our firm as the exclusive agent for Chinese Window Glass in the U. S. A. market. Since we have discussed this question in the past ,we expect that the official appointment of our firm as the exclusive agent will be made during our next trip.

Thank you for your prompt attention to the above. Best regards.

Sincerely yours ,

Norman Goldstein

Associates , INC

Questions 13-16

. For questions 13-16 ,choose the correct title for each paragraph from the box below.

. For each paragraph(1-4) mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet.

. Do not mark any letter twice.

13. Paragraph 1.......... .

14. Paragraph 2..........

15. Paragraph 3. .........

16. Paragraph 4..... . . .. .

A Our hope for a long-term relationship

B Our successful cooperation in the past

C The diplomatic relations between our two countries

D Our wish to increase the quantity of products

E Our need of help in glass-cutting

F Our goal to make the window glass business large

G Improvement of equipment in Chinese factories

Questions l7-20

. Using the information in the test ,complete each sentence 17-20 ,with a phrase from the list below (A-G).

. For each sentence(17-20) mark one letter (A-G) on your Answer Sheet.

. Do not mark any letter twice.

17. When we visit your country again next time ,we hope you''11. . . . . .

18. On the basis of compensation trade ,we are going to. . . . . .

19. In order to enlarge our window glass business, we''re doing our best to. . . . . .

20. To other branches that have business with us, we''ll. . . . . .

A take this problem into consideration.

B develop and expand the trade and business further.

C make our company the sole agent in China.

D offer to buy equipment for them.

E accept payment for this equipment.

F start cooperation with other branches and factories.

G cooperate with you and realize our common dream.


Questions 21-35

. Read this advertisement a hat Fidelily Emerging Markets.

. Choose the best word to fil1 each gap.

. For each question (21 -35) mark one letter (A ,B,C or D) on your Answer Sheet.

. One answer has been given as an example.

The dynamic developing economies of the world are ripe with potential. Not only have they ... ...example... ... extraordinary levels of ... ... 21 ... ... , but we believe this looks set continue , backed by ... ... 22 ... ... inflows of foreign investment. Fidelity Emerging Mark, Fund is ... ..23... ... to help you capitalize on this promising outlook.

The ......24... ... to real success in Emerging Markets is research and resources, of Fidelity''s foremost ...... 25 ...... As the world''s largest ..... 26 ...... investment management organization , we can draw upon a (n) ... ... 27 .. ... network of offices covering developing economies across Asia ,Latin America and Europe.

This local presence means we can ...... 28....




Questions 1-7

. Read these sentences and the three company plans below.

. Which company does each sentence describe?

. For each sentence mark one letter(A ,B or C)on your Answer Sheet.


To combine its operations in different parts of the world will save a lot of money for the company.

Answer: B

1. The company has businesses in four continents of the world.

2. The company has appointed a new manager in charge of medicines.

3. New automobiles will be developed in its program centers.

4. A reform is being carried out in its organizations.

5. Goods for hair protection makes a lot of money for the company.

6. It tries to be more ready to meet the needs of the customers.

7. The company is made up of fourteen subcompanies all over the world.


To save up to $ 3 billion a year, Ford is merging its manufacturing, sales, and product development operations in North America and Europe-and eventually in Lation America and Asia. And in a move toward a more horizontal organization the company is setting up five program centers with worldwide responsibility in develop new cars and trucks.


Big Blue is reorganizing its marketing and sales operations into 14 worldwide industry groups ,such as banking ,retail ,and insurance. In moving away from an organization based on geography, IBM hopes to eliminate turf wars and make itself more responsive to customers.


Bristol-Meyers Squibb is revamping its consumer business by appointing a new chief responsible for its worldwide consumer medicines business such as Bufferin and Excedrin. The

11, 400 million U. S. dollars drug company also has formed a new unit with worldwide

responsibility for its Clairol and other hair-care products.


Questions 8-12

. Read this proposal about the CPT Word Processor.

. Choose the best sentence from the list A-I to fill each of the blanks.

. For each blank ( 8 -12) mark one letter(A -I)on your Answer Sheet.

. De not mark any letter twice.

. One answer has been given as an example.

15 June 1993

Ms. Martha Weston

Word Processing Supervisor

ABC Company

Post Office Box 1072

28 King''s Street London

Dear Ms. Weston.

Performance of the Cpt Equipment

I''m Pleased to tell you about our experience with the CPT Word Processor as you requested recently... ...example ... .. I assume you have looked at several machines and have narrowed down your choices. Here are my observations.






















⒈____ ⒉____ ⒊____⒋____


⒌ A. For two hours. B. In two hours. C. Once a week.

⒍ A. Yes, we really do. B. Not until the rain stops. C. Yes, we have a car.

⒎ A. OK! What's the time? B. Oh, you're so lucky. C. That's OK. You can borrow one.

⒏ A. That's true. B. Look out! C. Yes, do please.

⒐ A. You can't miss it. B. You are welcome. C. Here! This way, please!

⒑ A. Yes, we should. B. History. C. No, it's not ours.


⒒ A. 6 years ago. B. For years. C. In China.

⒓ A. Tom. B. Brown. C. Green.

⒔ A. He doesn't want to lend his pen to the woman.

B. He doesn't have a pen.

C. He hasn't got a pencil.

⒕ A. At the woman's. B. At the man's. C. At a restaurant.

⒖ A. In his office. B. In Guiyang. C. At home.


⒗ What's the name of the hospital?

A. New Hospital. B. Newton Hospital. C. New Town Hospital.

⒘ How many wards (病房) are there in this hospital?

A. 8. B. 800. C. 100.

⒙ Which of the following is the right time to visit the patients?

A. At 3:00 p.m.. B. At 8:30 p.m. . C. At 7:30 a.m..

⒚ What can't be allowed in the wards?

A. Getting up early. B. Smoking. C. Talking.

⒛ What program will follow this radio talk?

A. Hospital rules. B. A weather report. C. A music program.



⒈ He's a basketball fan and he wants to see Yao Ming ___ one day.

A. he B. him C. his D. himself

⒉ Li Ming is a new student in our class. He ___ here for only a month.

A. has come B. has been C. came D. Was

⒊ “May I go now?” “No. You ___ let the teacher know first.”

A. need B. must C. can D. may

⒋ Usually before exams, students ___ two minutes to write down their names.

A. are given B. were given C. gave D. give

⒌ I remember she came ___ a fine spring afternoo




Questions 1-7

. Read these sentences and the share prices below.

. Which stock market does each sentence(1-7) describe?

. For each sentence mark one letter (A ,B ,C or D) on your Answer Sheet.


The index went up more than one thousand.


1. The share prices were influenced by the improvement of the two countries


2. Over the week ,turnover rose by T $ 5. 83bn.

3. Many people went to buy capitalization stocks.

4. In the beginning many foreign shareholders buy blue chips at high prices.

5. Price was lower after shareholders sold stocks in industrials to make profit.

6. On Thursday price dropped and then rose again.

7. The falling of composite index rose by 1. 3 per cent on the week.

A. Bangkok rose 2 per cent on the day and 3.4 per cent over the week as buyers moved in to large market capitalization stocks. The SET index rose 27.55 to 1,383.57 in turnover of Bt 8.5 bn, down from Thursday s Bt 10bn.

B. Taipei was pulled lower by late profit-taking in industrials after Thursday s rebound ,and the weighted index fell 45.59 to 5,806.77, or 1.7 per cent, over the week. Turnover rose to T $41.51 bn from T $ 35. 78bn.

C. Manila opened strongly on foreign buying of blue chips but dipped at the close as profits were taken. The composite index fell 10.07 to 2 ,907. 00 , 1.3 per cent higher on the week

D. Hong Kong finished a mixed day slightly lower ,sapped by profit-taking on confirmation of US renewal of China s MFN trade status and concerns over the lower domestic property market. The Hang Seng index fell 11.58 to close at 9,470.13, 1.7 per cent lower on the week.


Questions 8-12

. Read this letter to the editor of The Economist.

. Choose the best sentence from the list A-I to fill each of the blanks.

. For each blank (8-12) mark one letter (A-I) on your Answer




一. 阅读部分


1. A 2. C 3. B 4. E 5. D 6. B 7. D


8. D 9. F 10. H 11. A 12. E


13. C 14. B 15. A 16. F 17. G 18. A 19. F 20. B


21. B 22. B 23.A 24. D 25. C 26.B 27.A 28. C 29.C

30. C 31. B 32.A 33. A 34. B 35.D


Section A

36. every是多余,应删掉.

37. that是多余,应删掉.

38. 没有多余的`词.

39. 没有多余的词.

40. up是多余,应删掉.

Section B

41. millions应改为million

42. fooding应改为food

43. burnt应改为burn

44. leaving应改为left

45. using 应改为use



Question 46

(Sample for reference)

To : Ms. Anne Folster, I have to delay my trip to Hawaii till July ,as Mr. Flton Deland will arrive in London on 25th June and discuss the claim face to face. Please arrange our meeting on 26th June.


Question 47

(Sample for reference )

After careful survey, we can see clearly from the chart that our cars have more models and colors than those of Quaker Company, our main competitor with higher quality. However, Quaker Company s income increases more quickly. What is the reason? First , Quaker Company spends much more money in advertising. I suggest we advertise on BTV, the most popular broadcasting station nowadays. Secondly , we should enlarge the scope of our after-sales service. We can open more service stations in many medium-sized cities. Thirdly ,if we have more money, We can hire more salesmen to sell cars directly to the customs, especially, more salesmen in medium-sized cities.

三. 听力部分

1. Davis 2. Monday 3. HI 83

4. curly 5. Hanover 6. Office

7. more 8. 081487001 9. Textiles

10. 4 11. 6:30 12. isolated

13. D 14. H 15. A

16. E 17. B 18. G

19. C 20. E 21. C

22. F 23. C 24. A

25. C 26. B 27. B

28. A 29. B 30. C


Part One.

Questions 1 to 12.

Message One. Questions 1 to 4.

F1 : Hello. Could I speak to Mr. Da



一. 阅读部分


1. A 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. C


8. C 9. H 10. F 11. A 12. G


13. E 14. G 15. B 16. C 17. D 18. G 19. A 20. C


21. D 22. A 23.B 24. D 25. C 26.C 27.C 28. D 29.B

30. B 31. D 32.C 33. B 34. B 35.A


Section A

36. but是多余,应删掉.

37. 没有多余的词.

38. 后面的'as是多余,应删掉.

39. 没有多余的词.

40. to是多余,应删掉.

Section B

41. qualify应改为quality

42. answer应改为answering

43. paying应改为pay

44. immediate应改为immediately

45.hear 应改为hearing



Question 46 .

(Sample for reference)

Dear Mr. Simon,

A customer complained that he had received 100 green colored bicycles instead of 50 green and 50 blue color bicycles ,which had been shipped on 11th May. Could you please send me the immediate invoice under contract No. TXI 2- 1 in duplicate?


Question 47

(Sample for reference)

Both Betty Fashion Shop and our shop are in city center ,therefore ,we have almost the same customers. But there exists a fact that customers are more likely to spend their money in Betty shop. After careful research ,we notice that ,although Betty shop has higher prices ,they also have more fashionable clothes. Compared with Betty Shop, our real prices are not high, but the comparative prices to fashion are high. Therefore ,if our shop decides to increase the profits, we should purchase highly fashionable clothes ,at least as fashionable as Betty Shop ,with the prices lower than Betty Shop s. As .customers hate increasing prices ,it is better to do this gradually.


1. 20 2. no53 3. Economic .

4. Wednesday 5. Robinson 6. 208

7. 2lst 8. 45pounds 9. Mr. Green

10. Canada 11 . 172 12. Beijing

13.D 14.E 15.A

16. F 17. C 18. G

19. A 20. B 21. H

22. D 23. A 24. B

25. A 26. C 27. C

28. C 29. B 3O. B


Part On

