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1、I will bring that book with me. 我会带着那本书的。

2、The library is big enough to hold more than 5000 books.“那图书馆足够大可以容纳5000多册图书。”

3、As prices have dropped lower and lower, the outlook looks black for many companies in the city.当价格一再下跌, 对市内许多公司来说前景大为不妙。

4、He has enough time to read the book.“他又足够的时间看这本书。”

5、You will be expected to work on Saturdays. 你们星期六要上班.

6、My little brother likes play with me.我弟弟喜欢和我一起玩。

7、France is famous for the Eiffel tower.法国以埃菲尔铁塔而著名。

8、The boy is playing with a toy plane. 小男孩正在玩一架玩具飞机。

9、He will never rest until he knows the truth.

10、Andy lau is one of the most popular actors。刘德华是最受欢迎的男演员之一。

11、Shes a lively child and popular with everyone. 她是个活泼的孩子, 大家都喜欢她.

12、You have enough time to learn English well.你有足够多的时间学好英语。”

13、I have enough time to finish tne work. “我有足够的时间完成这项工作。”

14、She has enough homework to do.她有足够多的`作业做。”

15、Sales of the product have been seriously hurt by the adverse publicity.该产品受到了反面宣传, 销量大受影响.

16、Rest the ladder against the wall.把梯子靠在墙上吧。

17、The patient seems a little livelier/more lively this morning. 那病人今晨好像精神些了.

18、The title passes by inheritance to the eldest son.这头衔按世袭传给长子.

19、The skater executed a perfect set of figures.那个滑冰的人做出了一套完美的花样动作。

20、We differ about moral standards.我们对道德标准看法不一致。

21、The room is enough big to live in for us .“这房间足够大供我们住居。”

22、Circumscribed and detached in outlook and experience; narrow or provincial.思想狭隘的眼界和经验受限制和孤立的; 狭窄得或见解偏狭得

23、The development was adverse to our interests.这种发展与我们的利益背道而驰。

24、Mahatma Gandhi was both a political and a religious figure in Indian history.甘地在印度历史上是政治和宗教要人。

25、He is the eldest son and thus heir to the title.他是长子, 因此是头衔的继承人。

26、The band played a lively tune.乐队演奏了一支轻快的乐曲。

27、Well eat some of the bread and keep the rest for breakfast.我们将吃一点面包, 剩下的留到早饭时吃。

28、We have enough ways to solve the problem.我们有足够多的办法解决那难题。“

29、Some young people like pop music, while still others like classical music.一些年青人喜欢流行音乐, 但仍有其它人喜欢古典音乐。

30、The style is lucid and lively.笔调很明快。

31、I have enough food to eat.我有足够多的食物吃。“

32、He has enough money to buy the car.他有足够多的钱买下那小汽车。”

33、Beethoven is regarded as one of the immortals of classical music.贝多芬被认为是不朽的古典音乐大师.

34、His behavior transgressed the moral rules of the social conduct.他的行为违背了社会行为的道德准则。

35、John isnt here today.That figures, he looked very unwell yesterday.‘约翰今天没来.’‘怪不得, 他昨天就好像不太舒服.’

36、She regards his moral faults with charity.她宽恕他的品行不端。

37、Nowadays China plays a more and more important part in the word 现在中国在世界上担负着越来越重要的角色

38、The title just wont come to mind.那个标题就是想不起来。

39、That classroom is big enough to hold more than 100 students.那教室足够大可以容纳100多学生。“

40、Can you recognize her from this picture?你能从这张照片中认出她吗?

41、An American university president once commented that Einstein has created a new outlook, a new view of the universe.一位美国大学校长曾经评论说爱因斯坦创立了一种新的观点, 即一种新的宇宙观。

42、She had a lively sense of humor.她幽默感很强。

43、An orchestra usually plays classical music.管弦乐队通常演奏古典音乐。

44、Ensure that our traditional markets are looked after; for the rest, I am not much concerned.一定要满足我们传统市场的需要, 其他方面倒无所谓。

45、Voters have been distanced from the party by adverse publicity.选民受到反面宣传的影响, 对这个政党冷淡了。




1. It's difficult, but I still don't shrink.


2. Although it is very rainy, I still go to school.


3, although I am too much, but for the sake of you.


4. Although I know he is cheating on me, I still forgive him.


5, although it is not appropriate to do this, but I have no way.


6, although I did one hundred points, but I still can not be proud.


7, although this problem is very difficult, but I still do it.


8, although Xiao Ming is sometimes naughty, but he is also very sensible.


9, although of unwillingness, but there is no way.


10. Although grandpa is already very old, he still insists on doing sports every day.


11. Although he made a mistake, he had repented.


12, although this gift is very simple, but I like it very much.


13. This is a chocolate cake you made with your own hands, but I don't like it.


14. Although this dress is beautiful, he is too expensive.


15, although you are not very good, but you can not abandon yourself.


16. Although she is very lively, but his inner world is a very quiet girl.


17. Although I was sick, I still have to go to school.


18, although the candy is very delicious, but eat more cavities.


19. Although I am a child, I am already very sensible.


20. Although my mother was for me, he did it too much.


21. Although the bridge has been built for many years, she is still strong.


22, although this is wrong, but it makes sense.


23. I always get up late, but I'm not late.


24, although the computer has its advantages, but he also has his disadvantages.



1、fair: That's a fair comment.那是公正的评价。

2、It’s difficult for us to finish the work. 对我们来说,完成这项工作很困难。

3、This pen could be mine.Because it is long.这支钢笔可能是我的.因为它很长

4、It is wise for them to turn down the suggestion. 他们拒绝这个建议是明智的。

5、It’s difficult for us to finish the work.  对我们来说,完成这项工作很困难。

6、It is impossible for you to get there in such a short time. 你在那么短的.时间内到达那是不可能的。

7、It is a pity for there to be any disagreement in the family. 家庭不和实为憾事。

8、It is hard for you to translate the sentence into English. 你把这个句子翻译成英语是有困难的。

9、role model: He is a role model.他是个模范。

10、It is important for you to study hard. 努力学习对你很重要。

11、pardon: I beg your pardon, I suppose I should have knocked.请原谅,我想我应该先敲一下门。

12、It's very hard for him to study two languages. 对他来说学两门外语是很难的。

13、It is good for you to do exercises. 锻炼对你有好处。

14、graduate: She is a psychology graduate of University of Pennsylvania.她是菲律宾大学心理系毕业生。

15、patience: My patience is exhausted.我没有耐性了。

16、gift: He was gifted with a good voice.他天生一个好嗓子。

17、decision: It is a sudden decision.这是一个突然的决定。

18、pay back: How can we pay you back for your great help?我们怎么才能报答你的恩惠呢?。

19、treasure: We treasure our friendship.我们珍惜我们之间的友谊。

20、value: The value of the dollar may fall.美元的币值可能下降。

21、kindness: Her kindness baffled description.她的仁慈令人无法形容。

22、raise: He raised his glass and said, “Your health.”他举起杯子说道“祝你健康”。

23、It’s very important for you to practise your oral English in daily life. 在日常生活中练习你的英语口语非常重要的。

24、This pen might have been used.Because there is not much ink in it.这支钢笔可能被用过了.因为里面的墨水不多

25、It is possible for me to spend one hour finishing the job. 我花费一个小时去完成那项工作是可能的。

26、beat: There are four beats in this measure.这一小节有四拍。

27、owe: We owe to Newton the principle of gravitation.我们全靠牛顿才知道的引力的原理。

28、fetch: Fetch your supper yourself.你自己去拿晚餐吧。

29、This pen can't be mine.Because it is too short.这支钢笔不可能是我的.因为它太短了。

30、model: His mother is a model of industry.他母亲是勤劳的模范。

31、It is necessary for you to learn from others. 你必须向他人学习。

32、forgive: We forgive him his rudeness.我们原谅了他的无礼。

33、stay in touch: She decided that she would no longer stay in touch with him.她决定中断与他的联系。

34、It's good for you to learn English.学英语对你有好处。

35、It’s very dangerous for children to cross the busy street. 对孩子们来说,穿过繁忙的街道很危险。

36、ceiling: The new houses in this locality have very high ceilings.这个地区的新房子天花板甚高。


1、fair: Thats a fair comment.那是公正的评价。

2、It’s difficult for us to finish the work. 对我们来说,完成这项工作很困难。

3、This pen could be mine.Because it is long.这支钢笔可能是我的.因为它很长

4、It is wise for them to turn down the suggestion. 他们拒绝这个建议是明智的。

5、It’s difficult for us to finish the work. 对我们来说,完成这项工作很困难。

6、It is impossible for you to get there in such a short time. 你在那么短的时间内到达那是不可能的。

7、It is a pity for there to be any disagreement in the family. 家庭不和实为憾事。

8、It is hard for you to translate the sentence into English. 你把这个句子翻译成英语是有困难的。

9、role model: He is a role model.他是个模范。

10、It is important for you to study hard. 努力学习对你很重要。

11、pardon: I beg your pardon, I suppose I should have knocked.请原谅,我想我应该先敲一下门。

12、Its very hard for him to study two languages. 对他来说学两门外语是很难的。

13、It is good for you to do exercises. 锻炼对你有好处。

14、graduate: She is a psychology graduate of University of Pennsylvania.她是菲律宾大学心理系毕业生。

15、patience: My patience is exhausted.我没有耐性了。

16、gift: He was gifted with a good voice.他天生一个好嗓子。

17、decision: It is a sudden decision.这是一个突然的决定。

18、pay back: How can we pay you back for your great help?我们怎么才能报答你的恩惠呢?。

19、treasure: We treasure our friendship.我们珍惜我们之间的友谊。

20、value: The value of the dollar may fall.美元的币值可能下降。

21、kindness: Her kindness baffled description.她的仁慈令人无法形容。

22、raise: He raised his glass and said, “Your health.”他举起杯子说道“祝你健康”。

23、It’s very important for you to practise your oral English in daily life. 在日常生活中练习你的英语口语非常重要的。

24、This pen might have been used.Because there is not much ink in it.这支钢笔可能被用过了.因为里面的墨水不多

25、It is possible for me to spend one hour finishing the job. 我花费一个小时去完成那项工作是可能的.。

26、beat: There are four beats in this measure.这一小节有四拍。

27、owe: We owe to Newton the principle of gravitation.我们全靠牛顿才知道的引力的原理。

28、fetch: Fetch your supper yourself.你自己去拿晚餐吧。

29、This pen cant be mine.Because it is too short.这支钢笔不可能是我的.因为它太短了。

30、model: His mother is a model of industry.他母亲是勤劳的模范。

31、It is necessary for you to learn from others. 你必须向他人学习。

32、forgive: We forgive him his rudeness.我们原谅了他的无礼。

33、stay in touch: She decided that she would no longer stay in touch with him.她决定中断与他的联系。

34、Its good for you to learn English.学英语对你有好处。

35、It’s very dangerous for children to cross the busy street. 对孩子们来说,穿过繁忙的街道很危险。

36、ceiling: The new houses in this locality have very high ceilings.这个地区的新房子天花板甚高。


1、I“m busy enough doing my homework.我做作业已经很忙了。

2、Please take the book to the right position.请将书放在正确的位置。

3、I won”t go to bed until my mom comes back.在妈妈回来之前我是不会去睡觉的。

4、It“s time for class.该上课了。

5、It”s time to get up.该起床了。

6、She always complain about her noisy sister.她总是抱怨她吵闹的妹妹。

7、I fit 3 hours into my study .我给我的学习安排三小时的'时间。

8.He tried to do his homework as much as possible.他努力地做尽可能多的作业。

9.He often put himself under pressure.他总是使自己有很大的压力。

10.She enjoys to take part in the party.她喜欢参加聚会。

11.The theef was seen steeling money.小偷被看到正在偷钱。

12.Please send the letter to him.请把这封信给他

13.There are all kinds of cloths in the shop,商店里有各种各样的衣服。

14.Compared with Beijing,the history of Qingdao is much shorter.与北京的历史相比,青岛的历史要短很多。

15.He found it\"s hard to catch up her.他发现很难赶上她。

16.On the one hand,we should improve our grades,on the other hand,hands-on ability is also important.一方面,我们应该提高我们的成绩,另一方面,动手能力也很重要。




According to my calculations, you owe just under calculus eighteen thousand dollars in taxes.




He doesn’t make much of a contribution to his team.




The deadline for doing your taxes is the end of May.




Have you filed your taxes for last year?




You owe eleven thousand dollars overall.




I got a really big tax refund last year.




Both you and your spouse had to sign the loan agreement.




About two hundred dollars is withheld from Anna’s paycheck each month.


