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1. Water is the mother of tea

2. Well water for the river water

3. Spring for the farmer's tea

4. In the mountains of the British water source

5. Very good tea with very good water

6. Intention to brew a good tea good water tea good drink

7. The body of water every 18 days to replace once, we do not produce water, we are just nature's porters! Natural weak alkaline water, Nongfushangquan.

8. Nongfushangquan a bit sweet

9. When you drink a bottle of Nongfushangquan, you donate a penny to the poor mountain children

10. For health, you should measure a test, you drink water!


Have You altered the Fresh Water You Need in Your Body? NongFu Spring---the porter of fresh water

The water of NongFu Spring come from the nature, where the springs has never been polluted. As a producer, we just port safe and healthy water to your body. The water in human’s body need to be altered every 18 days.

NongFu Spring----the sweet healthy water

The water is from the high mountains, where on human being’s activities conduct. What is more important is the taste of the water is fantastic. The natural sweet taste overwhelms other ordinary bottle water, because you are enjoying the nature while drinking NongFu Spring!

NongFu Spring---- not only change the water but your life

Your life will be changed if you keep having NongFu Spring, because you have been changing the most important element. Do you want to have a change in your life? Let us begin with the water!


1, Nongfushangquan a bit sweet

2, you drink a bottle of Nongfushangquan, for the poor mountain children to donate a penny

3, for health, you should test a test, you drink water!

4, water for the mother of tea, tea water

Well water for the river water

Spring for the farmer tea

In the mountains of the water source

Very good tea with very good water

Intention to brew a good tea good water tea good drink

5, the body of water every 18 days to replace once, we do not produce water, we are just nature porter! Natural weak alkaline water, Nongfushangquan.


CBD Sofa

Our vivid & novel designs full of the breath of youth.

CBD Sofa pays much attention to be comfortable, natural and stylish in design. Because of the hard work from our top designers, the contemporary sofa, with light color and simple lines, is quietly elegant, much suitable for leisure purpose.

It also adopts the professional sound sofa fabric, which is good dirt-proof and with no bow and skew. The fabric surface is also in the special processing, anti-static and flame-retardant.

CBD sofa, matching up better with your home, is the embodiment of grace, fashion and wisdom, leaving nobility and romance in your home air. CBD sofa can give you a diamond-level home!

Cozy splendid elegant simple natural stylish


Kelon refrigerator print ad copy

Advertising language: Unbounded dream technology unlimited

Title: perhaps, exquisite dried flowers on the drying room has long been envious

Kelon Nebula, a unique patented technology - multi-functional drying room, completely overturn the concept of traditional refrigerators, groundbreaking in the refrigerator is equipped with a +1 degrees Celsius - +25 degrees Celsius free control of mold Moisture storage, usually as a dry goods, medicines, film, cigarettes, special storage space, and if necessary, with the help of “discrete four-cycle refrigeration system”, freely converted into cold room. A space, two functions, it is a classic wisdom of science and technology masterpiece.

Mitsubishi air conditioning newspaper advertising copy

Title: If the lover said: “This is really good,” I chose Mitsubishi Electric air conditioning.

Text: quickly make every corner of the room are comfortable, this is the world's unique “air control.”

Back out, a button, quickly make every corner of the room have become comfortable. Mitsubishi air conditioning advanced air control, according to your preferences and characteristics of the room, equipped with optional “free”, “manual”, “swing” three air flow control function. No matter who thinks comfort is unusual, this is a world-class level.

Slogan: the difference lies in the level of the world - Mitsubishi Electric

Philips really soft light bulb

Midnight, a lamp a put out

The dense night drowned the lights at the beginning

All things sleep

How willing to return the person

Alone in the night hurry

And point on a lamp

Point home on the warmth and expectations

Let the late return of children

Feel lonely

Philips really soft light bulb

For the late return to the point of a warm lamp


1, investment and life, afraid of detours. - Fuxing Fitch

2, moving the shadows, is your home clock. Chongqing yard

3, towards life to sell Meng, it will laugh at you. - Poly Marine Mayflower

4, life only once, try. - Deja and the sea

5, when the bustling and quiet cause disagreement, the most beautiful is not helpless turned, but its capability. - R & F Sheng Yue home

6, fame and fortune of this mountain, Wang Wang also do not wear. - quiet house

7, save money to buy a house too hard, buy a house to save money to fly. - Ideal City

8, this beautiful, read your noble heart. - Liang are mansion

9, elegant, more prosperous things. - Southwest Sea

10, scarcity slightly broad, more lively wild. - In the Hai Weile

11, life to a certain height, moved to become the biggest transcendence. - Yuan Li water era

12, do not let your taste, good enough for your house. - World of Wangzhuang

13, the text can not be exhausted, in person to see the beginning of elegance. - Longhu original mountain

14, in the life of the moment to meet you, actually spent all the luck. - Pomelo

15, art cure life. - DADA grassland

16, terrace customs million, take a step backwards. - Washington mansion

17, swing and hesitation, will only allow less chance! - Waterfront International

18, to the lover, and then also feel shallow shallow. - World City

19, the farthest distance is not landscape apart, but not quiet down to talk to you about life. - quiet house

20, more know how to appreciate, the more people appreciate. - Leimeng bubble sea



1.M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hand. 只溶在口,不溶在手。 (M&M巧克力)

2.Behind that healthy smile, there's a crest kid. 健康笑容来自佳洁士。 (佳洁士牙膏 )

3.Time is what you make of it. (Swatch) 天长地久。 (斯沃奇手表)

4.Make yourself heard. (Ericsson) 理解就是沟通。 (爱立信)

5.Start ahead. (Rejoice) 成功之路,从头开始。 (飘柔)

6.Focus on life.(Olympus) 瞄准生活。(奥林巴斯)

7.Behind that healthy smile,there ’s a Crest kid.(Crest toothpaste) 健康笑容来自佳洁士。(佳洁士牙膏)

8.Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)

9.Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)

10.The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)


1、Intel: Give the computer a Pentium core

Intel's microprocessor was originally called x86, and not their own brand, in order to highlight their brand, from 586, the computer's running speed to define the number of Pentium. It is said that Intel Corporation to launch its own Pentium brand, gave the major computer companies 5% rebate, is to their products and packaging labeled “intel inside” words, and “to the computer a Pentium core” Pun intended to highlight both the brand and aptly reflect the Pentium microprocessor functions and surging driving force.

2、Toyota: car to the Piedmont must have a road, there must be a Toyota car ~ ha ha own boast their shameless

80 years, China 's road in addition to domestic cars in addition to only Japan' s imported cars. Toyota Motor as Japan's largest auto company in the Chinese market, the natural ear, and this wonderful slogan is very consistent with the situation at the time; ingenious to put together Chinese proverbs, reflecting the self-confidence and a domineering, and catchy .Today, Toyota has probably not dare to say so much, but many Chinese people still remember this phrase.

Goldlion's success in addition to benefit from a good name lies in the success of positioning, their own products targeted at the success and identity of the men, perseverance over the years, and finally become a boutique in men's clothing, and this ad phrase The finishing touch generally embodies Goldlion's positioning and core values.

Sassoon shampoo: my glory from your style ~ your style comes from my glory

Sassoon P & G shampoo brand is a rising star, they invited well-known international hairdressing experts Vidal Sassoon to do their own brand ambassador, and Vader? Sassoon's own name as a brand, so as to establish a professional shampoo, hair care image, and “my glory from your style” is the finishing touch.


1、Mentioned Swiss watch seems to think of only the valuable image and exquisite craft. However, the face of the Japanese watch the attack, the Swiss watch seems to be no longer valuable scenery. Swatch's emergence to break the unfavorable situation, they lead the fashion and affordable appearance, and many models and a limited number of production, that bright colors and beautiful shape as the ad shows as: wristOn the landscape.

UPS Express: treasure entrusted, as pro-delivery said good hope to do better

Courier company advertising often highlights a “fast” word, but UPS Express through a series of advertising to shape their more pro-and image, from greetings “good morning” handsome young people to a service staff smile , UPS pay more attention to the image of the appeal, “cherish the trust, as pro-delivery” is reflected in the humanities care and emotional communication.

2、Philips: Let us do better

Philips achieved remarkable results in the field of home appliances, and became the 500 most profitable electrical group. However, Philips advertising in addition to constantly emphasize their innovative technology, but also never forget the humble to say “let us do better”, this gentle selling seems to be easier to win people's recognition, no wonder that year Of the love will be moved out of a fake version of the East “We have been working hard.

3、Levi denim: different cool, the same pants

Levi denim is the world's first jeans brand, has always been a personalized image, in the younger generation, the cool culture seems to be a never out of date culture, Levi's jeans to seize this group of people Cultural characteristics of the changing with the ”cool“ like the ad appears to impress those who are cutting-edge fashion new ”cool“ family, to maintain the brand's fresh and lasting vitality.



Coca-Cola is a world-class beverage brand that is popular around the world, and it grows with us. Coca-Cola Company in order to better promote their own brand, every other world on the back with the then historical events related to the slogan. Favorite favorite friends to be useful, you can root


Coca-Cola is a world-class beverage brand that is popular around the world, and it grows with us. Coca-Cola Company in order to better promote their own brand, every other world on the back with the then historical events related to the slogan.

Like a collection of friends very useful, according to the can body to determine the jar of the year, but also better understand our favorite Coca-Cola.

1886 drink coca-cola

The earliest slogan, and the liberty (stayue of liberty) was born the same year, is also the most frequently used slogans, Cheong Hang more than a hundred years enduring.

1904 delicious and refreshing

Between 1941 and 1917, Coca-Cola was in the midst of a period of steady growth in domestic sales. The functional slogan suggested the American people and Coke's air, and at the same time Einstein published the theory of relativity in the Western world. Know the correct definition of genius. Eastern China at the moment is a dramatic transition from the monarchy to the national republican stage.

1917 three million a day

Wait three years, the neutral United States finally joined the ranks of the World War, three million bottles of daily sales, Coca-Cola announced sales began to surge in the starting point, as well as the status of the world's brand.

1922 thirst knows no reason

Coca-Cola at this time to convince the public, latitude 30 to 45 degrees around the United States, the four seasons are a good time to drink Coca-Cola.

Hollywood (hollywood) issued the first human color film ”sea bell“, but unfortunately the production cost is too high, can not continue to produce color film.

1925 six million a day

This slogan and the cola Ritz boy (ritz boy) advertising launched simultaneously, is the advertising genius A Qi. Li (arch lee) classic masterpiece, the same year, Sun Yat-sen's father died.

1927 around the corner from everywhere

From 1927 to 1929, Coca-Cola's first wave of expansion, Central and South America and Europe is its main focus, China is also among them, this slogan is showing the globalization of the authoritiesattempt. The same year the sound film came out, Coca-Cola also broadcast radio advertising this year. 1929 the pause that refreshes

The Wall Street stock market crash on October 24, 1929, opened the worst depression in human history, and a devastating stock market crash did take a moment's cool. At the same time, Germany joined the Coca-Cola production ranks. 1932 ice cold sunshine

Waiting for the dawn of economic recovery came at the same time, the East of Japan and the West of Germany is expanding military ideas to the extreme, tight emotions will be down to the freezing point of the relationship between countries. Look forward to Coca-Cola bring peace to the dawn. . ..

1963 it's the refreshing thing to do

and Coca-Cola Company is the most commonly used, but also the most confident of the functional words, in addition to Coke's icy heat, Chaplin's ”Modern Times“ also let you cool cool.

1938 the best friend thirst ever had

Thirsty throat needs Coke, then the face of economic crisis of confidence?Superman (superman) choice was born at this time, the United States had to rely on self-confidence. In the same year Australia, Austria and South Africa joined the Coca-Cola family.

1939 whoever you are, whatever you do, wherever you may be, when you think of refreshment, think of ice cold coca-cola

This is the longest slogan over the years, containing twenty-one words, as in the love of the dialogue, the whole sentence will need to spend a little time to finish. The classic business card ”gone with the wind“ (successfully with the wind) successfully swept the world, Superman's rival Batman (Batman) is also born in this turbulent era.

1942 the only thing like coca-cola is coca-cola itself

Consists of ten words, appears twice in succession. From 1942 to 1944, during the fervor of the Second World War, the Coca-Cola Company launched the slogan, saying that there were fake goods (afri-cola) in Germany because of the lack of genuine Coca-Cola. The German army to respect the rights and interests, to prevent piracy.

1944 global high sign

From the words between the lines can be seen, the United States on the Second World War confidence and expectations. The heart of war propaganda is also the first time with the beverage image of Coke slogan from the image.

1948 where there's coke, there's hospitality

for the first time in the ad slogan - warmth and cola with. In the same year Cola stationed in Hong Kong, ”India's conscience“ Gandhi was also stabbed at this time, let his worship of God with him.

1949 coca-cola along the highway to anywhere

The end of the four o's and even the whole of the five o is the beginning of the mainstream car culture, highway Coke faster service every corner of the same year the Cold War with the establishment of the NATO launched the psychological distance between the two lineup is very need Coke To resolve. Macao opened in this year Cola stationed.

1952 what you want is coke

Sony (Sony) development of transistor radio, this revolution makes the appliance into a new field (Walkman, tape recorders are its descendants), but at this time the general unit price is still high, Coca-Cola or get the best choice. Love and blue in the United Kingdom this year to stop the domestic Coke, rolled up the cuff to their own.

1956 coca-cola makes good thing taste better

Elvis Presley, Elvis Presley released the first album , immediately get the top results, good flavor of Coca-Cola is the best rock and roll companion. Iran also met Coca-Cola in the same year. 1957 sing of good taste

Li Zhengdao, Yang Zhenning won the Nobel Prize in Physics, a symbol of the wisdom of the Chinese began to bloom in the world stage. Coca-Cola bottle at a time when the development of new varieties of the critical period, 1956-59 years, four consecutive launch slogans, confirmed the high-level attention. In the same year Taiwan began to produce Coca-Cola.

1958 the cold, crisp taste of coke

is Coca-Cola's most favorite use of the five o verbs, as the ”football god“ Billy was the movement of the world's verbs, the World Cup in 1958 for its debut version, he also brought back Remy Jinbeimotherland. The same year Angola (angola) began to drink Coca-Cola.

1959 be really refreshed

Barbie dolls appear, the little girl and parents have a constructive discussion topic. For the little boy, we are

Recommended car. From this year, Ethiopia has its own Coke factory. 1963 thing go better with coke

President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. Hong Kong launched the ”relaxed and happy all things victory“, which is the earliest local slogans.Coke factory in Cambodia also began operation in the same year.

1969 it's the real thing

The American space shuttle landed on the moon, the most wild dream of mankind in this century reached by Armstrong, Hongkong then slogan is ”really good“.

1975 look up america

The end of the Vietnam War to bring unforgettable frustration the United States, Coca-Cola is the emergence of timely assistance to the people healing pain. 1976 coke adds life

Coke began to pay attention to the image of daily life, Hong Kong called the ”Coca-Cola Tim love Tim fun.“ Mao died the same year.

1976 have a coke and a smile

The United States and the People 's Republic of China to establish diplomatic relations, the same year re - enter the Chinese cola. Hong Kong 's local advertising language was ”Coca - Cola laughter.

1982 coke is it

Hong Kong called , is another very popular slogan, especially its widely printed on the Coke derivative products.

1986 coca-cola red, white and you

In addition to 1949, five years two years, four to eight or six years, jumped the main character of the slogan. Coke Centenary Anniversary launch of as the beginning, as the beginning of its restoration.In the mid-eighties, it was a white mark on the red bottom and was used in the vigorous stage of the bottle. The same year the Challenger blasted off after seventy-three seconds, leaving the world stunned the audience before the TV.

1987 can not beat the feeling

Taiwan, known as the “unstoppable feeling”, Hong Kong known as the “unstoppable feeling”. In terms of Taiwan is the most popular, but also impressed by a deepest Coke advertising language, when the endorsement of Chinese advertising song is Harlem Yu and Ye Qianwen.1990 can not beat the real thing

Continuation of a good feeling, only the to , but the sequel's popularity and popularity is often not the first song, and this law is clearly not only apply to the film. The collapse of the Berlin Wall symbolized democracy as the “real thing” of East Germany.

1993 always coca-cola

Short and powerful propaganda, creating the most successful slogan in the history of Coke, Taiwan has become “always Coca-Cola”, Hong Kong called “always Coca-Cola.” The longevity slogan lasted eight years, across the 92, 96 Olympic Games, nine

The World Cup, as well as the millennium, is the most enduring propaganda since 917. The same year nba Bulls (chicago bull) to complete the first three years of tyrants, bull dynasty determined. (

Football, drink coca-cola>Football-specific slogan) coca-cola. Enjoy

Hong Kong called , for the continued , the most popular verbs consumers. The same year Coca-Cola into North Korea.

life tastes good

Coca-Cola company product image from the essence of the beverage away from the feelings between people starting to create a warm atmosphere, from the website, print ads, television media to promote the integration of molding, look forward to creating another wave of the peak of three articles : Coca-Cola and Pepsi past years classic ad

Coca - Cola calendar year classic ad

Coca-Cola is a world-class beverage brand that is popular around the world, and it grows with us. Coca-Cola Company in order to better promote their own brand, every other world on the back with the then historical events related to the slogan. On the collection of friends very useful, you can root ...

Coca-Cola is a world-class beverage brand that is popular around the world, and it grows with us. Coca-Cola Company in order to better promote their own brand, every other world on the back with the then historical events related to the slogan.

Like a collection of friends very useful, according to the can body to determine the jar of the year, but also better understand our favorite Coca-Cola.

1886 drink coca-cola

The earliest slogan, and the liberty (stayue of liberty) was born the same year, is also the most frequently used slogans, Cheong Hang more than a hundred years enduring.

1904 delicious and refreshing

Between 1941 and 1917, Coca-Cola was in the midst of a period of steady growth in domestic sales. The functional slogan suggested the American people and Coke's air, and at the same time Einstein published the theory of relativity in the Western world. Know the correct definition of genius. Eastern China at the moment is a dramatic transition from the monarchy to the national republican stage.

1917 three million a day

Wait three years, the neutral United States finally joined the ranks of the World War, three million bottles of daily sales, Coca-Cola announced sales began to surge in the starting point, as well as the status of the world's brand.

1922 thirst knows no reason

Coca-Cola at this time to convince the public, latitude 30 to 45 degrees around the United States, the four seasons are a good time to drink Coca-Cola.

Hollywood (hollywood) issued the first human color film “sea bell”, but unfortunately the production cost is too high, can not continue to produce color film.

1925 six million a day

This slogan and the cola Ritz boy (ritz boy) advertising launched simultaneously, is the advertising genius A Qi. Li (arch lee) classic masterpiece, the same year, Sun Yat-sen's father died.

1927 around the corner from everywhere

From 1927 to 1929, Coca-Cola's first wave of expansion, Central and South America and Europe is its main focus, China is also among them, this slogan is showing the globalization of the authoritiesattempt. The same year the sound film came out, Coca-Cola also broadcast radio advertising this year.

1929 the pause that refreshes

The Wall Street crash on October 24, 1929, opened the worst recession in human history, and a devastating stock market crash took a moment of cool moments. At the same time, Germany joined the Coca-Cola production ranks. 1932 ice cold sunshine

Waiting for the dawn of economic recovery came at the same time, the East of Japan and the West of Germany is expanding military ideas to the extreme, tight emotions will be down to the freezing point of the relationship between countries. Look forward to Coca-Cola bring peace to the dawn. . ..

1963 it's the refreshing thing to do

and Coca-Cola Company is the most commonly used, but also the most confident of the functional words, in addition to Coke's icy heat, Chaplin's “Modern Times” also allows you to cool off.

1938 the best friend thirst ever had

Thirsty throat needs Coke, then the face of economic crisis of confidence?Superman (superman) choice was born at this time, the United States had to rely on self-confidence. The same year in Australia, Austria and South Africa to join the Coca-Cola family.

1939 whoever you are, whatever you do, wherever you may be, when you think of refreshment, think of ice cold coca-cola

This is the longest slogan over the years, containing twenty-one words, as in the love of the dialogue, the whole sentence will need to spend a little time to finish. The classic business card “gone with the wind” (successfully with the wind) successfully swept the world, Superman's rival Batman (Batman) is also born in this turbulent era.

1942 The only thing like coca-cola is coca-cola itself

Consists of ten words, appears twice in succession. From 1942 to 1944, during the fervor of the Second World War, the Coca-Cola Company launched the slogan, saying that there was a counterfeit (afri-cola) in Germany because of the lack of genuine Coca-Cola. The German army to respect the rights and interests, to prevent piracy.

1944 global high sign

From the words between the lines can be seen, the United States on the Second World War confidence and expectations. The heart of war propaganda is also the first time with the beverage image of Coke slogan from the image.

1948 where there's coke, there's hospitality

for the first time in the ad slogan - warmth and cola with. In the same year Cola stationed in Hong Kong, “India's conscience” Gandhi was also stabbed at this time, let his worship of God with him.

1949 coca-cola along the highway to anywhere

The end of the four o's and even the whole of the five o is the beginning of the mainstream car culture, highway Coke faster service every corner of the same year the Cold War with the establishment of the NATO launched the psychological distance between the two lineup is very need Coke To resolve. Macao opened in this year Cola stationed.

1952 what you want is coke

Sony (Sony) development of transistor radio, this revolution makes the appliance into a new field (Walkman, tape recorders are its descendants), but at this time the general unit price is still high, Coca-Cola or get the best choice. Love and blue in the United Kingdom this year to stop the domestic Coke, rolled up their own cuff.

1956 coca-cola makes good thing taste better

Elvis Presley, Elvis Presley released the first album , immediately get the top results, good flavor of Coca-Cola is the best rock and roll companion. Iran also met Coca-Cola in the same year.

1957 sing of good taste

Li Zhengdao, Yang Zhenning won the Nobel Prize in Physics, a symbol of the wisdom of the Chinese began to bloom in the world stage. Coca-Cola bottle at a time when the development of new varieties of the critical period, 1956-59 years, four consecutive launch slogans, confirmed the high-level attention. In the same year Taiwan began to produce Coca-Cola.

1958 the cold, crisp taste of coke

is Coca-Cola's favorite use of the five o verbs, as the Billy was the sport of verbs, the World Cup in 1958 for its debut version, he also brought back to the Remy Golden Cup motherland. The same year Angola (angola) began to drink Coca-Cola.

1959 be really refreshed

Barbie dolls appear, the little girl and parents have a constructive discussion topic. For the little boy, we recommend the “Coca-Cola” car.From this year, Ethiopia has its own Coke factory.

1963 thing go better with coke

President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. Hong Kong launched the “relaxed and happy all things victory”, which is the first local

Of the slogan. Coke factory in Cambodia also began operation in the same year.

1969 it's the real thing

The American Space Shuttle landed on the moon, the most wild dream of mankind in this century reached by Armstrong, the slogan of Hong Kong was “really good”.

1975 look up america

The end of the Vietnam War to bring the United States unforgettable frustration, the emergence of Coca-Cola is timely to help the people healing pain. 1976 coke adds life

Coke began to pay attention to the image of daily life, Hong Kong called the “Coca-Cola Tim love Tim fun.” Mao died the same year.

1976 have a coke and a smile

The United States and the People 's Republic of China to establish diplomatic relations, the same year re - enter the Chinese cola. Hong Kong 's local advertising language was “Coca - Cola laughter.

1982 coke is it

Hong Kong called , is another very popular slogan, especially its widely printed on the Coke derivative products.

1986 coca-cola red, white and you

In addition to 1949, five years two years, four to eight or six years, jumped the main character of the slogan. Coke Centenary Anniversary launch of as the beginning, as the beginning of its restoration.In the mid-eighties, it was a white mark on the red bottom and was used in the vigorous stage of the bottle. In the same year the Challenger blasted off after seventy-three seconds, leaving the world stunned the audience before the TV.

1987 can not beat the feeling

Taiwan, known as the ”unstoppable feeling“, Hong Kong known as the ”unstoppable feeling“. In terms of Taiwan is the most popular, but also impressed by a deepest Coke advertising language, when the endorsement of Chinese advertising song is Harlem Yu and Ye Qianwen.1990 can not beat the real thing

Continuation of a good feeling, only the to , but the sequel's popularity and popularity is often not the first song, and this law is clearly not only apply to the film. The collapse of the Berlin Wall symbolized democracy as the ”real thing“ of East Germany.

1993 always coca-cola

Short and powerful propaganda, creating the most successful slogan in the history of Coke, Taiwan has become ”always Coca-Cola“, Hong Kong called ”always Coca-Cola.“ The longevity slogan lasted eight years, across the 92, 96 Olympic Games, nine

The World Cup, as well as the millennium, is the most enduring propaganda since 917. The same year nba Bulls (chicago bull) completed the first three years of tyrants, bull dynasty determined. (1998 for soccer-specific slogan)

2000 coca-cola. Enjoy

Hong Kong called , for the continued , the most popular verbs consumers. The same year Coca-Cola into North Korea.


Please drink Coca - Cola

1904 Fresh and Delicious Satisfied - is Coca-Cola

1905 Coca-Cola - Keeping and Restoring Your Strength Whether you are there, you will find Coca-Cola 1906 high quality drinks

1907 Coca-Cola - Bringing energy to your energies

1908 Coca-Cola, bring sincerity

1909 No matter where you see the arrow mark, you will think of Coca-Cola

1911 Enjoy a flow of laughter

1917 There are three million a day! (Person-time)

1920 Coca-Cola - A good thing to pour a cup from nine places

1922 There is no season for thirst

1923 Enjoyment when thirsty

1925 The real charm

1925 Six million a day (person-times)

1926 The closest distance between thirst and cooling - Coca-Cola

1927 in any corner

1928 Coca-Cola - natural charm, pure drinks

1929 The world's best drink

The cold under the sun

1933 swept away fatigue, hunger and thirst

1935 Coca-Cola - bringing friends together moments

American Happy Hour

1938 Thirst does not need the other

1939 Only Coca-Cola

1940 Most easy to understand thirsty

1941 The vitality of the work Coca-Cola belongs to ----

1942 only Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola is always only buy the best

1943 American lifestyle the world symbol ---- Coca-Cola

1945 A symbol of happiness in a life of friendship

1946 World Friendship Club - just 5 cents

1946 yes

1947 The quality of Coca-Cola, you are always trusted friends

1948 Where hospitality, where there is Coke

1949 Coca-Cola ---- Walk the road along the road

1850 thirst, the same pursuit of quality

1951 Hospitality and family options

1952 What you want is Coke

1953 full of energy --- safe driving Midsummer dream

1955 is as exciting as the sun

1956 Coca - Cola - to make things better and better lightly in one fell swoop, bringing light

1957 A symbol of good taste

1958 Cool, relaxing and cola

1959 Coca-Cola's joyful life is truly alive

1961 Coca-Cola, to bring you the best

1963 with Coke, you will be the truth

1964 Coca-Cola gives you a lively and special energy

1965 Full enjoyment of Coca-Cola

1966 Coca-Cola, you will never feel tired

1968 wave after wave, cup and cup

1970 This is the real, this is authentic Coca-Cola really make you feel fresh 1971 I had the world of Coke

1972 Coca - Cola - with the good times

1975 overlooking the United States to see what we get

1976 Kologar lives

1980 A cup of cola, a smile

1982 This is Coca-Cola

1985 a kick; a blow; Coca-Cola

1989 can not stop the feeling

1993 is always Coca-Cola

1994 is always Coca-Cola

1995 This is Coca Cola

This is Coca-Cola






5.a diamond lasts forever。(de bierres)



7.intel inside。(intel pentium)

给电脑一颗奔腾的“芯”。(英特尔 奔腾)


9.for the road ahead。(honda)


10.let us make things better。(philips)



12.generation next。(pepsi)







18.good to the last drop。


19.obey your thirst。




22.impossible made possible。


23.take time to indulge。





27.just do it.


28.ask for more。


29.the taste is great。






Haier: sincere to forever \\ Haier, China \\ Haier oxygen bar smart air conditioning, Haier oxygen bar, aerobic vitality

Midea: the original life can be more beautiful \\ seriously spare 100 points

Aucma: not the best, only better

Kelon: dream unbounded, unlimited technology \\ whole process without worries

Hisense: Hisense air-conditioning, frequency expert \\ create a perfect, social services \\ is also a high-definition, not the same as clear

New Section: DVD into the mobile era

LG: LG fresh air conditioning, patent exclusive / fresh and healthy

Side too: side too kitchen experts, so that home feeling better

Gree: good air conditioning, Gree made

Toshiba: digital, dance here \\ Yiran life, taste fashion

Panasonic: gorgeous bright, true color restore \\ service is satisfied

Desheng: Because dreams of your dreams

Sharp: Image to Shang, Hui in the show

Xoceco: With Xoceco plasma, really want to live 500 years

MACRO: MACRO, Le million

Hualing: Hualing electrical, professional refrigeration for 18 years

Skyworth: Your satisfaction is our service standards

Little Swan: Wholehearted Little Swan

Philips: Let us do better!

Changhong: to industry serve the country, the national prosperity has been any \\ from bigger to better

New fly: the new fly advertising well, not as good as the new flying refrigerator

Mitsubishi Elevator: Up and down to enjoy!


ASUS QUALITY · Rock-solid

K450VB - the new experience

S56CM - High Performance Ultrabook with Optical Drive

ASUS Transformer Book TX300-ASUS deformation of the notebook, a strong work to enhance entertainment Y582C - new features the ultimate experience

F450LD - exquisite fashion, the ultimate performance

R500VM - with chic metallic feel to show cool style

Eee PC X101 - Eee PC R051PX - Eee PC X101 - Colorful, light-winged

K42JP - work, entertainment, arbitrary

Eee PC R011PX - fashion small personality full

ASUS-Automobili Lamborghini VX7 - surging power king domineering

U43SD - from the nature of the creative, unique style design!

N45SL Jay Chou Mystic Edition - Unmatched - N45SL Jay Chou Exclusive Movie Edition! NX90Jp - The Dual Charm of Fashion and Bel Canto

TAICHI 31 - notebook and tablet of the incredible integration

ET2321 - thin 【touch】 dynamic sense

ET2311INKH - so true, so charming!

ASUS Transformer AiO P1801 - ASUS deformation touch one computer: one machine, tablet, a machine to enjoy zero boundaries!


Riverside Huadu - I am a scenic spot, you are a door

Li was built house in Puyang, Yun honor Valley in the heart

Room of the wonderful, too, for the water, possession of the wind followed,

Building house to take gas, expensive in the gas, Shun gas, sector gas,

Gas wind and casual, community water stop.

Riverside Huadu,

According to the water house, house people help each other, possession of the wind poly gas, the great cause of a total of.

Riverside Huadu - family mansion residence model

One side of Sheung Shui, the water parked heart, precious legendary territory;

An introverted subtle, elegant affinity, worthy of the neo-classical architectural groups handed down;

A fusion of Chinese and Western garden culture, the natural landscape as the core to build a spiritual home;

One for the modern elite family to build high-end property brand.

Riverside Huadu is located in the northeast of Zhuji city center, south of the base Yingbin Road (formerly the North Ring Road, West River Bridge), west of Puyang Jiang, Zhuji future noble residential area. Park total construction area of about 100,000 square feet, planning a small high-rise and high-rise residential 7, 596 households.

Binjiang Huadu Park planning the use of the 21st century Europe and the United States ecological construction of new technologies, 13% of the low building density, 48% of the high green rate. Along the river bank Riverside; area of fine water features, the achievements of the Riverside luxury villas are luxurious quality.

Park set up a double pan hall, five European and American style theme park, boutique gallery, swimming pool, coffee bar and other noble facilities, and create a real celebrity Zhuji home.

And then familiar with the feelings of beautiful hometown, all from the ”hydrophilic“ start

Planning features one: Binjiang Huadu 90% of the owners in their own balcony to enjoy the Puyang Jiang

The birth of the rich area or luxury, the total can not escape from the possession of scarce natural resources, Riverside Huadu rely on the unique geographical advantages to promote waterfront life of the ”superstructure“ shape, become the love of waterfront living by the admiration of the landscape . Riverside Huadu in planning, construction and waterfront to achieve harmony and harmony, people think she seems to be from the Puyang River ”long“ out of the general natural and beautiful.

Riverside Huadu design of up to 3.6 meters of the overhead layer; in the Puyang River side of the exit from the huge central landscape green space to form a large open space for the Puyang Jiang without blocking, so that the entire district and Puyang Jiang in the space more integration,Transparent. This ingenious planning and design allows 90% of the owners in their own balcony to enjoy the Puyang Jiang, and some even in the bedroom will be able to enjoy the mighty leisurely Puyang Jiang. Enjoy the romantic and elegant hydrophilic lifestyle.


Gucci - ENVY (jealousy)

Title: ENVY

Advertisement: ENVY for men and women

Jealousy, not only women, men have

Artistic conception: ENVY advertising in the two people see is cuddling, but in reality is not, a woman will face close to the man's chest, deep sniffing, face blurred, the man's body is charming, but not attract women close to the reason, Envy is a man who ENVY, jealousy, not only a woman has, men also have, cleverly expressed the theme, which is the most direct and most appropriate.

Lancome - Gravitation

Title: ATTRACTION (Attraction) Lancome Gravity Perfume

Advertising language: Gravity born

Artistic conception: works cited men, women, two elements, with the man's close, a woman closed his eyes, shy and happy, with an expectation of the heart, a throbbing ... As we all know, homosexual repression, heterosexual phase Smoking, works of choice for men and women is not without reason, after all, men and women born to attract each other, gravity, born, this is the ATTRACTION perfume.

Fourth: Chanel perfume


Performance elements: a woman CHANEL perfume bottles

Artistic conception: a woman clinging to the bottle with both hands, as if treasured, the woman's lower body is ”deep“ bottle feet can not reach the bottom, but the woman's face is joy, enjoyment, pleasure, CHANEL perfume has a fatal attraction for women, both being submerged are willing, but also firmly grasp and do not let go, this is the temptation of Chanel.

Nina Ricci Nina Ricci perfume

Title: L'Air du Temps Flying Fragrance

PEATH ON EARTH The Tranquility of the Earth

Artistic conception: Women's light eyes lean against the railing of the subway box, as if the pursuit of laughter, peace and love of the desire to be met. So that you and I in time, feel pleasure, pure and true, behind the faint flash of white wings to increase the pure feeling.


Country Garden Phoenix white-collar workers can also live in villas

(Give you a five-star home, set ten years of experience in the construction of Phoenix for each successful Guangzhou people to build a villa! (Phoenix romantic sunshine villa / independent garden villa) Xinghewan mood in full bloom

Fairview Xiangjiang live with the world

Haizhu District · Walking leisurely between the natural breathing (return to natural life)

Hilton Sunshine International Apartments

(Not every kind of wisdom, can join the most prosperous)

Second, Country Garden Phoenix white-collar workers can live in villas

(To give you a five-star home, set ten years experience in construction)

Third, the city of Penglai Court, the first Xiguan first upstart apartment

Fourth, the days of Hebei Overseas Chinese forest into Guangzhou to do ”new Guangzhou“

5, Baiyun Golf Garden Baiyun living, preferred people

( ”Good house, to live 70 years“)

(Double-jump, double study)

6, Phoenix for each successful Canton people to build a villa!

(Phoenix romantic sunshine villa / independent garden villa)

White-collar workers can also live in villas

In the forest lake in a home

In seven, the Green Bay international celebrities sites

(The new axis, hundreds of billions of playing caused by the luxury garden)

Eight, Southland Olympic Garden South Park Olympic Park, wins in the comprehensive cost

(My day after day of the pursuit, is to help you dream tomorrow)

9, Yat King Cuiyuan home green and easy home

(8.6M ecological balcony to embrace million acres of ecological fruit forest)

10, the Pearl River Dili King felt the beauty of riverside art handed down the United States

(French courtyard, the Louvre)

European Culture Tour (Master Dali Interactive Exhibition)


1. The sensor uses advanced capacitive touch to take in essence a high resolution image of your fingerprint from the sub epidermal layers of your skin

2. It then intelligently analyzes this information with a remarkable degree of detail and precision

3. It categorizes your print by one of three basic types, arch, loop , or whorl.

4. It maps individual details in the ridges that are smaller than human eyes can see

5. it even inspects minor variations in the ridge direction caused by pores and edge structures.

6. Touch id uses all this to provide the most accurate match in a very high level of security.

7. Encrypted and stored

8. Inside the secure enclave Aunt play in our new 7 chip

9. Here it is locked away from anything else, accessible only by the touch id sensor

10.It’s never available to other software

11.It’s never stored on apple servers or backed up at icloud.


SHEAI, a premium brand!

No ugly lady but just those who know no dressing up. Our SA Sofa, because of our design, just likes a pretty lady with good dressing up.

SHEAI can give you a home full of feminine charm.

With both European simple design style and traditional Chinese crafts and aesthetics, this SHEAI sofa adopts special jacquard fabric. With the additional big curved backrest and armrest, it is the spotlight in the living room.

With a perfect learning and digesting of the design style of Chanel, this SHEAI sofa has employed lots of stylish fabric with suitable color matches. By bringing in the special clipping, stitching and other detailed decoration from the stylish dress, this sofa type gives you a noble and elegant home life.

For this comfortable leisure SA sofa, what’s the most classic is the color match. Its blue color is full of vitality and can give you a visual relief.

The one, fond of personality and fashion, would be much satisfied with this sofa, which can be freely placed in the living room. The big leisure backrests of the sofa can give you a nice reclining experience.



1. Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)

2. Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)

3. The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)

4. Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子)

5. Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)

6. The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐)

7. We integrate, you communicate. 我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)

8. Take TOSHIBA, take the world. 拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)

9. Let's make things better. 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)

10. No business too small, no problem too big.


1.M&Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hand. 只溶在口,不溶在手。 (M&M巧克力)

2.Behind that healthy smile, there's a crest kid. 健康笑容来自佳洁士。 (佳洁士牙膏 )

3.Time is what you make of it. (Swatch) 天长地久。 (斯沃奇手表)

4.Make yourself heard. (Ericsson) 理解就是沟通。 (爱立信)

5.Start ahead. (Rejoice) 成功之路,从头开始。 (飘柔)

6.Things go better with Coca-Cola. (Coca-Cola) 饮可口可乐,万事如意。 (可口可乐)

7.Connecting People.(Nokia) 科技以人为本。 (诺基亚)

8.A diamond lasts forever. (De Bierres) 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。 (第比尔斯)

9.Mosquito Bye Bye Bye. (RADAR) 蚊子杀杀杀。 (雷达牌驱虫剂)

10.A Kodak Moment. (Kodak) 就在柯达一刻。 (柯达相纸/胶卷)


1. Canners can can what they can can but can not can t be canned.

2. Bill’s big brother is building a beautiful building between two locks.

3. Please, Paul, pause for applause. things can’big brick b

4.“Shall I show you the shop for shoes and shirts?” Shirley said to shelly.

5. Do you agree, if you are free to come to tea with me by the sea?

6. Paul called from the hall that he had slipped on the floor and couldn’t get to the door.

7. I’d buy my ties before the price begins to rise.

8. A snow-white swan swam swiftly to catch a slowly swimming snake in a lake.

9. It is a fine thing to sing in Spring, I think.

10. Famine and failure faced the frightened farmer.


1. Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)

2. Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)

3. The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)

4. We lead. Others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)

5. Impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)

6. Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)

7. The relentless pursuit of perfection. 不懈追求完美。 (凌志轿车)

8. Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. 动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)

9. Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country.


10.To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.



April 30, 2002, four of our sisters sitting in Changzhou KFC restaurant on the second floor of the temporary window to write down the ”Kentucky Fried Chicken about.\"

At that time we are just four students, friendship let us Xiangxi, so agreed in 2005 on May 1 together.

Today, we gather more than away from the four sisters, some people do the mother, some people love, some people busy with work, but we always miss the day in May 1 party, with her husband children, boyfriend or single hand together, together KFC restaurant in Changzhou on the second floor.

Hoping to keep that seat, I'm afraid, sit down!

