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例:have A.gave B.save C.hat D.made


1.spare A.fear B.earn C.pear D.beard

2.navy A.neighhor B.nationality C.relative D.valley

3.unit A.fierce B.nephew C.juice D.sure

4.gentle A.organise B.bargain C.regular D.charge

5.journey A.merchant B.courtyard C.energy D.serious

B) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

例: We _____last night. but we went to the concert instead

A.must have studied B.might study

B.should have studied D.would study 答案是C。

6. --l had a really good weekend at my uncle's.


A. Oh. that's very nice of you B. Congratulations

C. It's a pleasure D. Oh. I'm glad to hear that

7. --I,m going to the post office.

--_____you're there. can you get me some stamps?

A. AsB. While C. Because D. If

8. Paper money was in _____use in China when Marco Polo visited tbe country in

_____thirteenth century.

A.the;不填 B.the;the

C.不填;the D.不填;不填

9. --Are the new rules working?

--Yes,_____books are stolen.

A.Few B. More C.Some D.None

10. --Alice. you feed ihe bird today,_____ ?

--But I fed it yesterday.

A. do you B. will you C. didn't you D. don't you

11. _____you've got a chance. you might as well make full use of it.

A. Now that B. After C. Although D. AS soon as

12. _____him and then try to copy whay he does.<












第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)


第一节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1.What will the woman do this afternoon?

A.Do some exercise. B.Go shopping. C. Wash her clothes.

2.Why does the woman call the man?

A .To cancel a flight. B. To make an apology. C. To put off a meeting.

3.How much more does David need for the car?

A.$ 5,000. B.$20,000. C.$25,000.

4.What is Jane doing?

A.Planning a tour. B.Calling her father. C.Asking for leave.

5 .How does the man feel?

A.Tied. B.Dizzy. C.Thirsty.




6. What does Jack want to do?

A. Watch TV. B. Play outside. C. Go to the zoo.

7. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At home. B. In a cinema. C. In a supermarket.



单选题 本大题共20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分。在每小题给出的4个选项中,有且只有一项是符合题目要求。


1. Where does the conversation probably take place? C

AIn a supermarket

BIn the post office

CIn the street

分值: 1.5分


2. What did Carl do? B

AHe designed a medal.

BHe fixed a TV set.

CHe took a test.

分值: 1.5分


3. What does the man do? A

AHe’s a tailor.

BHe’s a waiter.

CHe’s a shop assistant.

分值: 1.5分


4. When will the flight arrive? C

AAt 18:20.

BAt 18:35.

CAt 18:50.

分值: 1.5分


5. How can the man improve his article? A

ABy deleting unnecessary words.

BBy adding a couple of points.

CBy correcting grammar mistakes.

分值: 1.5分


6. What does Bill often do on Friday night? B

AVisit his parents.

BGo do the movies.

CWalk along Broadway.

分值: 1.5分


7. Who watches musical plays most often? B



CBill’s parents

分值: 1.5分


8. Why does David want to speak to Mike? C

ATo invite him to a party.

BTo discuss a schedule.

CTo call off a meeting.

分值: 1.5分


9. What do we know about the speakers? C

AThey are colleagues.

BThey are close friends.

CThey’ve never met before.

分值: 1.5分


10.What kind of camera does the man want? B

AA TV camera.

BA video camera.

CA movie camera.

分值: 1.5分


11.Which function is the man most interested in? A

AUnderwater filming.

BA large memory.


分值: 1.5分


12.How much would the man pay for the second camera? C

A950 euros.

B650 euros.

C470 euros.

分值: 1.5分


13.Who is Clifford? C

AA little girl.

BThe man’s pet.

CA fictional character.

分值: 1.5分


14.Who suggested that Norman paint for children’s books? A

AHis wife.


CA publisher.

分值: 1.5分


15.What is Norman’s story based on? B

AA book.

BA painting.

CA young woman.

分值: 1.5分


16.What is it that shocked Norman? A

AHis unexpected success.

BHis efforts made in vain.

CHis editor’s disagreement.

分值: 1.5分


17.Who would like to make small talk according to the speaker? B




分值: 1.5分


18.Why do people have small talk? C

ATo express opinions.

BTo avoid arguments.

CTo show friendliness.

分值: 1.5分


19.Which of the following is a frequent topic in small talk? B




分值: 1.5分


20.What does the speaker recommend at the end of his lecture? A

AAsking open-ended questions.

BFeeling free to change topics.

CMaking small talk interesting.

分值: 1.5分

简答题(综合题) 本大题共120分。简答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤。


第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




The Lake District Attractions Guide

Dalemain Mansion & Historic Gardens

History, Culture & Landscape(景观). Discover and enjoy 4 centuries of history, 5 acres of celebrated and award-winning gardens with parkland walk, Owned by the Hasell family since 1679, home to the International Marmalade Festival. Gifts and antiques, plant sales, museums & Mediaeval Hall Tearoom.

Open: 29 Mar- 29 Oct, Sun to Thurs.

Tearoom, Gardens & Gifts Shop: 10.30 – 17.30 (16:00 in Oct).

House: 11.15 – 16:00 (15.00 in Oct)

Town: Pooley Bridge & Penrith

Abbot Hall Art Gallery & Museum

Those viewing the quality of Abbot Hall’s temporary exhibitions may be forgiven for thinking they are in a city gallery. The impressive permanent collection includes Turners and Romneys and the temporary exhibition programme has Canaletto and the artists from St Ives.

Open: Min to Sat and Summer Sundays.10.30-17.00 Summer,10.30-16.00 Winter.

Town: Kendal

Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery

Discover, explore and enjoy award-winning Tullie House, where historic collections, contemporary art and family fun are brought together in one impressive museum and art gallery. There are four fantastic galleries to visit from fine art to interactive fun, so there’s something for everyone!

Open: High Season 1 Apr-31 Oct: Mon to Sat 10.00-17.00,Sun 11.00-17.00.

Low Season 1 Nov-31 Mar: Mon to Sat 10.00-16.30,Sun 12.00-16.30

Town: Carlisle

Dove Cottage & The Wordsworth Museum

Discover William Wordsworth’s inspiration home. Take a tour of his Lakeland cottage, walk through his hillside garden and explore the riches of the collection in the Museum. Visit the shop and relax in the café. Exhibitions, events and family activities throughout the year.

Open: Daily,0.30-17.30(last admission 17.00).

Town: Grasmere

21. Where is the House at Dalemain Mansion & Historic Gardens open on Sundays in July? C





22. What can visitors do at Abbot Hall Art Gallery & Museum? A

AEnjoy Romney’s works.

BHave some interactive fun.

CAttend a famous festival

DLearn the history of a family

23. Where should visitors go if they want to explore Wordsworth’s life? D





分值: 6分



Some parents will buy any high-tech toy if they think it will help their child, but researchers said puzzles help children with math-related skills.

Psychologist Susan Levine, an expert on mathematics development in young children at the University of Chicago, found children who play with puzzles between ages 2 and 4 later develop better spatial skills. Puzzle play was found to be a significant predictor of cognition(认知) after controlling for differences in parents’income, education and the amount of parent talk, Levine said.

The researchers analyzed video recording of 53 child-parent pairs during everyday activities at home and found children who play with puzzles between 26 and 46 months of age have better spatial skills when assessed at 54 months of age.

“The children who played with puzzles performed better than those who did not, on tasks that assessed their ability to rotate(旋转) and translate shapes,” Levine said in a statement.

The parents were asked to interact with their children as they normally would, and about half of the children in the study played with puzzles at one time. Higher-income parents tended to have children play with puzzles more frequently, and both boys and girls who played with puzzles had better spatial skills. However, boys tended to play with more complex puzzles than girls, and the parents of boys provided more spatial language and were more active during puzzle play than the parents of girls.

The findings were published in the journal Development Science.

24. In which aspect do children benefit from puzzle play? B

ABuilding confidence.

BDeveloping spatial skills

CLearning self-control.

DGaining high-tech knowledge.

25. What did Levine take into consideration when designing her experiment? C


BChildren’s imagination .


DChild-parent relationship.

26. How do boys differ from girls in puzzle play? B

AThey play with puzzles more often.

BThey tend to talk less during the game.

CThey prefer to use more spatial language.

DThey are likely to play with tougher puzzles.

27. What is the text mainly about?

AA mathematical method.

BA scientific study

CA woman psychologist.

DA teaching program.

分值: 8分



When you were trying to figure out what to buy for the environmentalist on your holiday list, fur probably didn’t cross your mind. But some ecologists and fashion(时装) enthusiast are trying to bring back the market for fur made from nutria(海狸鼠).

Unusual fashion shows in New Orleans and Brooklyn have showcased nutria fur made into clothes in different styles.“It sounds crazy to talk about guilt-free fur – unless you understand that the nutria are destroying vast wetlands every year,” says Cree McCree, project director of Righteous Fur.

Scientists in Louisiana were so concerned that they decided to pay hunters $5 a tail. Some of the fur ends up in the fashion shows like the one in Brooklyn last month.

Nutria were brought there from Argentina by fur farmers and let go into the wild. “The ecosystem down there can’t handle this non-native species(物种). It’s destroying the environment. It’s them or us,” says Michael Massimi, an expert in this field.

The fur trade kept nutria in check for decades, but when the market for nutria collapsed in the late 1980s, the cat-sized animals multiplied like crazy.

Biologist Edmond Mouton runs the nutria control program for Louisiana. He says it’s not easy to convince people that people that nutria fur is green, but he has no doubt about it. Hunters bring in more than 300,000 nutria tails a year, so part of Mouton’s job these days is trying to promote fur.

Then there’s Righteous Fur and its unusual fashions. Model Paige Morgan says,“To give people a guilt-free option that they can wear without someone throwing paint on them – I think that’s going to be a massive thing, at least here in New York.” Designer Jennifer Anderson

admits it took her a while to come around to the opinion that using nutria fur for her creations is morally acceptable. She’s trying to come up with a label to attach to nutria fashions to show it is eco-friendly.

28. What is the purpose of the fashion shows in New Orleans and Brooklyn? A

ATo promote guilt-free fur.

BTo expand the fashion market.

CTo introduce a new brand.

DTo celebrate a winter holiday.

29. Why are scientists concerned about nutria? A

ANutria damage the ecosystem seriously.

BNutria are an endangered species.

CNutria hurt local cat-sized animals.

DNutria are illegally hunted.

30. What does the underlined word “collapsed” in paragraph 5 probably mean? D


BBecame mature.

CRemained stable.


31. What can we infer about wearing fur in New York according to Morgan? B

AIt's formal.

BIt's risky,

CIt's harmful.

DIt's traditional.

分值: 8分



I have a special place in my heart for libraries. I have for as long as I can remember. I was always an enthusiastic reader, sometimes reading up to three books a day as a child. Stories were like air to me and while other kids played ball or went to parties, I lived out adventures through the books I checked out from the library,

My first job was working at the Ukiah Library when I was 16 years old. It was a dream job and I did everything from shelving books to reading to the children for story time.

As I grew older and became a mother, the library took on a new place and an added meaningin my life. I had several children, and books were our main source (来源) of entertainment. It was a big deal for us to load up and go to the local library, where my kids could pick out books to read or books they wanted me to read to them.

I always read, using different voices, as though I were acting out the stories with my voice and they loved it! It was a special time to bond with my children and it filled them with the wonderment of books.

Now, I see my children taking their children to the library and I love that the excitement of going to the library lives on from generation to generation.

As a novelist, I've found a new relationship with libraries. I encourage readers to go to their local library when they can't afford to purchase a book. I see libraries as a safe haven (避风港)for readers and writers, a bridge that helps put together a reader with a book. Libraries, in their own way, help fight book piracy (盗版行为) and I think all writers should support libraries in a significant way when they can. Encourage readers to use the library. Share library announcements on your social media. Frequent them and talk about them when you can.

32. Which word best describes the author's relationship with books as a child? C





33. What does the underlined phrase “an added meaning” in paragraph 3 refer to? B

APleasure from working in the library.

BJoy of reading passed on in the family.

c. Wonderment from acting out the stories.

CA closer bond developed with the readers.

34. What does the author call on other writers to do? C

ASponsor book fairs.

BWrite for social media.

CSupport libraries.

DPurchase her novels.

35. Which can be a suitable title for the text? D

AReading: A Source of Knowledge

BMy Idea about Writing

CLibrary: A Haven for the Young

DMy Love of the Library

分值: 8分


第二节(共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分)


Emoji (表情符号) and Workplace Communication

In Asia, messaging platforms are growing rapidly, with users in the hundreds of millions, both at work and play. __36__. It's been reported that 76 percent of employees in some western countries are using emojis at work.

Written communications can often read as cold and dull. Using emojis can add humor and feeling, keeping intention clear. ___37__, encouraging better and more frequent communication.

In any given office, employees can range from age 22 to 70 and beyond, and finding common ground in communication style can be a challenge. __38__. While the younger generations prefer to communicate visually, for those used to working with traditional tools like email, it may feel like a learning curve (曲线). The good news is that it's simple to learn and can be worth the effort.

There is also the matter of tone (语气). Who hasn't received an email so annoying that it ruined an entire day? __39__. Emoji can help communication feel friendlier, and even a serious note can be softened with an encouraging smile.

__40__ and emoji can contribute directly to that positive outcome. And when your employees begin adding smiling emojis to their business communication, you'll know you have succeeded in improving your work culture.

A. Messages with emojis feel more conversational

B. Even a formal email can seem cold and unfriendly

C. Sending smiling faces to colleagues may seem strange

D. The popularity of these platforms is spreading globally

E. Giving employees the tools enables them to communicate honestly

F. Studies show that friendlier communication leads to a happier workplace

G. An easy way to bring all work generations together is with a chat platform







分值: 10分


第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5 分,满分30分)


It was just after sunrise on a June morning, “Nicolo,” whose real name cannot be__41__to the public because of Italy's privacy laws, __42__ working the whole night at a factory in Turin. As he often did, he stopped by the “after work auction (拍卖)”__43__ by the Italian police where things__44__ on the trains were sold to the highest bidder. There, among many other things, Nicolo spotted two paintings he thought would look __45__ above his dining room table. Nicolo and another bidder__46__ until Nicolo finally won the paintings for $32.

When Nicolo retired and went to live in Sicily, he 47 the paintings with him. He hung them above the same table he had 48 from Turin. His son, age 15, who had 49_ an art appreciation class, thought that there was something 50 about the one with a young girl sitting on a garden chair. It was signed (签名) “Bonnato” or so he thought, but when he 51 it, he only found “Bonnard, ”a French 52 he had never heard of. He bought a book and was 53 to find a picture of the artist Pierre Bonnard sitting on the same chair in the same 54 as his father's painting

“That’s the garden in our picture. ”Nicolo'son told his father. They 55 learned that the painting they 56 was called “The Girl with Two Chairs.”They 57 the other painting and learned that it was 58 Paul Gauguin's “Still Life of Fruit on a Table with a Small Dog.”The 59 called the Italian Culture Ministry; the official confirmed that the paintings were 60 and worth as much as $50 million.

41. A. attached B. allocated C. exposed D. submitted

42. A. finished B. delayed C. considered D. tried

43. A. attended B. reserved C. cancelled D. run

44. A. shown B. found C. kept D. hidden

45. A. nice B. familiar C. useful D. real

46. A. battled B. debated C. discussed D. bargained

47. A. held B. left C. registered D. brought

48. A. chosen B. received C. ordered D. moved

49. A. missed B. failed C. taken D. led

50. A. concrete B. unusual C. unappealing D. natural

51. A. appreciated B. touched C. researched D. witnessed

52. A painter B. designer C. author D. actor

53. A. expected B. surprised C. anxious D.ready

54. A. room B. kitchen C. hall D. garden

55. A. apparently B. confidently C. eventually D. temporarily

56. A. owned B. borrowed C. sold D. stole

57. A. collected B. cleaned C. framed D. studied

58. A. suitably B. actually C. rightly D.specifically

59. A. girl B. artist C. family D. police

60. A. copies B. originals C. models D. presents

41.C 42.A 43.D 44.B 45.A 46.A 47.D 48.D 49.C 51.C 52.A 53.B 54.D 55.C 56.A 57.D 58.B 59.C 60.B

分值: 30分




Decorating with Plants, Fruits and Flowers for Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is a 61.(celebrate)marking the end of the winter season and the beginning of spring. This is why decorating with plants, fruits and flowers 62.(carry)special significance. They represent the earth 63.(come) back to life and best wishes for new beginnings.

These are some of the most popular in many parts of the country:

Oranges: Orange trees are more 64.decoration; they are a symbol of good fortune and wealth. They make great gifts and you see them many times 65.(decorate)with red envelopes and messages of good fortune.

Bamboo: Chinese love their “Lucky Bamboo” plants and you will see them often in their homes and offices.66.(certain) during the holiday period, this plant is a must. Bamboo plants are associated 67. health, abundance and a happy home. They are easy 68.(care)for and make great presents.

Branches of Plum blossoms(梅花):The 69.(beauty) long branches covered with pink-colored buds (蓓蕾) make fantastic decorations. The plum trees are 70. first to flower even as the snow is melting(融化). They represent the promise of spring and a renewal of life.








68.to care



分值: 15分


第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;







例:have A. gave B. save C. hat D. made 答案是C.

1. motor A. opposite B. ocean C. oppress D. object

2. theory A. diary B. pioneer C. therefore D. really

3. oxygen A. geography B. degree C. recognise D. sugar

4. canal A. important B. liberation C. majority D. national

5. medicine A. except B. record C. increase D. physics


例:We last night, but we went to the concert instead.

A. must have studied B. might study C. should have studied D. would study 答案是C.

6. It is generally considered unwise to give a child he or she wants.

A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever

7. ― Have you seen pen? I left it here this morning.

―Is it black one? I think I saw it somewhere.

A. a; the B. the; the C. the; a D. a; a

8. - Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?

- ________

A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, you could C. Yes, help yourself D. Yes, go on

9. She his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.

A. looked up B. looked for C. picked out D. picked up

10. I first met Lisa three years ago. She at a radio shop at the time.

A. has worked B. was working C. had been working D. had worked

11. The train leaves at 6:00 pm. So I have to be at the station 5:40 pm at the latest.

A.until B.after C.by D.around

12. I would love to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

A. to go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone

13. Wait till you are more . It's better to be sure than sorry.

A. inspired B. satisfied C.





Ⅰ.单项填空 (共40小题,计分40)

A) 从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。

例: have

A. gave B. save C. hat D. made


1. town

A. bowl B.shown C. pronounce D. southern

2. trunk

A. language B. strange C. thunder D. twentieth

3. something

A. breathe B. wealth C.although D. therefore

4. bread

A. break B. weak C. sweatD.least

5. biology

A. concert B.observe C. coverD.above



A. ea B. eeC. ie D. eu


6. s____v____ge

A.a; e B. o; a C. o; eD. a; a

7. sna____

A. ch B. shC. tch D. che

8. pr____b____bly

A. o; e B. o; a C. a; eD. a; a

9. whi____

A. ssel B. stle C. sle D. tle

10. p____neer

A. ia B. ieC. io D. iu

C)从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。

例: He comes late sometimes,____ ?

A. is he B.isn't he C. comes he D. doesn't he


11. Tony is going camping with ____  boys.

A. little two other B. two little other

C. two other little D. little other two

12. ―How's the young man?

― ____ .

A. He's twenty B. He's much better

C. He's a doctor D. He's David

13. We offered him our congratulations ____  his passing the college entrance exams.

A. at B. ofC. forD. on

14. If you keep on, you'll succeed ____  .

A. in time B. at one time

C. at the same tim





A) 从A、B、C、D、中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。


A. gave B. save

C. hat D. made


1. special

A. shallow B. officer

C. choke D. trousers

2. mathematics

A. ecycle B. respect

C. message D. package

3. shoulder

A. ouder B. proounce

C. onely D. Europe

4. increase

A. desert B. disign

C. wise D. promise

5. parent

A. spear B. wear

C. carry D. patient

B) 以下所给单词均不完整,从A、B、C、D中找出适当的字母或字母组合使其正确与完整。


A. ea B. ee

C. ie &nRGIN: 0cm 0cm 0pt; TEXT-INDENT: 21pt; mso-char-indbsp; D. eu


6. congr____t____lation

A. a; u B. e; u

C. o; o D. a; o

7. handker____ief

A. sch B. sh

C. tch D. ch

8. act____l

A. ru B. ur

C. au D. ua

9. li____id

A. qu B. q

C. kw D. k


A. ur; ai B. er; ia

C. ur; ia D. ar; ai

C) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。

例:He comes late sometimes, ______ ?

A. is he B. isn’t he

C. comes he D. doesn’t he


11. ―Is your camera like Bill’s and Ann’s?

―No, but it’s almost the same as ______.

C. them D. their

12. ―Do you remember ______ he came?

―Yes, I do, he came by car.

A. how B. when

C. that D. if

13. ―Do you think it’s going to rain over the weekend?

― ______.

A. I don’t believe B. I don’t believe it

C. I believe not so D. I believe not

14. ―Would you like to come to dinner t

―______ I’d like to, I’m too busy.

A. and B. so

C. as D. but

15. ―Can I join your club, Dad?

―You can when you ______ a bit older.

A. get &le=“Mnbsp; B. will get

C. are getting D. will have got

16. I told Sally how to get here, but perhaps I ______ for her.

A. had to write it out B. must have written it out

C. should have written it out D. ought to write it out

17. ―Hi, haven’t seen you for ages! You look fine!>

― ______. You look well, too.

A. Great B. Thanks

C. Oh, no D. Not at all

18. She set out soon after dark ______ home an hour later.

A. arriving B. to arrive

C. having arrived D. and arrived

19. ―I’m sorry to keep you waiting.

―Oh, not at all. I ______ here only a few minutes.

A. have been B. had been

C. was D. will be

20.She is _sp;_____ newcomer to ______ chemistry but she has already made some important discoveries.

A. the; the B. the ; 不填

C. a; 不填 D. a; the

21. ―I must apologize for ______ ahead of time.

―That’s all right.

A. letting you not know B. not letting you know

C. letting you know not D. letting not you know

22. Rather than ______ on a crowded bus, he always prefers ______ a bicycle.

A. ride; ride B. riding; ride

C. ride; to ride D. to ride; riding

23. ―Shall I tell John about it?

―No, you ______. I’ve told him already.

A. needn’t B. wouldn’t

C. mustn’t D. shouldn’t

24. ―How long has this bookshop been in business?

― ______ 1982.

A. After B. In

C. From D. Since

25. The missing boys were last seen ______ near the river.

A. playing B. to be playing

C. play D. to play

26. Don’t all speak at once!______, please.

A. Each at one time B. One by one time

C. One for each time D. One at a time

27. ―Do you like the material?

―Yes, it ______ very soft.

A. is feeling B. felt

C. feels nb; D. is felt

28. John plays football ______, if not better than, David.

A. as well B. as well as

C. so well D. so well as

29. I don’t really work here; I ______ until the new secretary arrives.

A. just help out B. have just helped out

C. am just helping out D. will just help out

30.It there were no examinations, we should have ______ at school.

A. the happiest time B. a more happier time

C. much happiest time D. a much happier time

31. I didn’t see your sister at the meeting. If she ______, she would have met my brother.

A. has come O; B. did come

C. came D. had come

32. The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, ______ that he had enjoyed his stay here.

A. having added B. to add

C. adding D. added

33. Here’s my card. Let’s keep in ______.

A. touch B. relation

C. connection D. friendship

34. The first textbooks ______ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.

A. having written B. to be written

C. being written D. written

35. ―Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.

― ______.

A. I don’t B. I won’t

C. I can’t D. I haven’t

36. I don’t know the restaurant, but it’s ______to be quite a good one.

A. said B. told

C. spoken D. talked

37. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially ______ Father was away in France.

A. as B. that

C. during D. if

38. I need one more stamp before my collection ______.

A. has completed B. completes

C. has been completed D. is completed

39. The weather turned out to be very good, ______ was more than we could expect.

A. what B. which

C. that D. it

40.We all write ______, even when there’s not much to say.

A. now and then B. by and by

C. step by step D. more or less

II. 完形填空(共20小题,计分30分)


It was an early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their ___41___. This was the beginning of another ___42___ day in New York City. ___43___ this day was to be different.

Waiting ___44___ the crowded streets, on top of a ___45___ 110 stories high, was Philippe Petit. This daring Frenchman was about to ___46___ a tightrope (绷索) between the two towers of the World Trade Center.

Philippe took his first ___47___ with great care. The wire held. Now he was ___48___ he could do it. ___49___ only a balancing pole, Philippe walked his way across, a ___50___ of 131 feet.

Soon the rush-hour ___51___ began to notice. What a ___52___! There, 1350 feet above the street, a ___53___ figure was walking on air. so-char-indent-count: 2.0; tab-stops: 189.0pt

Philippe made seven ___54___, back and forth(来回). He wasn’t satisfied with just ___55___. At times, he would turn, sit down, and ___56___ go on his knees. Once, he had the astonishing ___57___ to lie down on the thin thread. And thousands of ___58___ watchers stared with their hearts beating fast.

After the forty-five -minute ___59___, Philippe was taken to the police station. He was asked ___60___ he did it. Philippe shrugged(耸肩) and said, “When I see two tall buildings, I walk”.

41. A. jobs B. homes

C. buses har-indent- D. offices

42. A. working B. hot

C. same D. ordinary

43. A. And B. So

C. But D. Thus

44. A. for B. in

C. by D. above

45. A. roof B. position

C. wall D. building

46. A. throw B. walk

C. climb D. fix

47. A. act B. landing

C. step D. trip

48. A. sure B. uncertain

C. glad D. nervous

49. A. Through B. Against

C. With D. On

50.A. distance B. height

C. space D. rope

51. A. streets B. crowds

C. passengers D. city

52. A. height B. pleasure

C. wonder D. danger

53. A. great B. strange

C. public D. tiny

54. A. experiments B. circles

C. trips D. movements

55. A. walking B. staying

C. acting D. showing

56. A. almost B. even

C. often D. rather

57. A. spirit B. result

C. strength D. courage

58. A. patient B. terrified

C. pleased D. enjoyable

59. A. show B. trick

C. try D. program

60.A. how B. why

C. whether D. when

III. 阅读理解(共20小题,计分40分)



Tokyo: Three snakes, whose poison could kill a person in ten minutes, are guarding a blue star sapphire (蓝宝石) worth nearly six hundred thousand dollars at a Japanese exhibition of jewels sent from an Indian museum.

“Normally it would be forbidden to let these poisonous snakes guard exhibition objects, but it’s different this time because the jewels are being exhibited at a hotel,” a police official said.

Exhibition officials said that a person bitten(咬) by one of these snakes would need at least 80 ml of an anti-poison medicine to be saved. Medicine was being kept ready at a nearby hospital.

Star sapphires and other valukept ready at a nearby hospital.

61. Using snakes at exhibitions of valuable objects is.

A. quite normal

B. never allowed

C. often necessary

D. usually forbidden

62. The jewels were being shown in.

A. an Indian hotel

B. an Indian museum

C. a Japanese hotel

D. a Japanese museum

63. Why were the snakes and jewels at the same exhibition?

A. They were both special things from India.

B. The snakes were there to keep the jewels safe.

C. The organizers wanted to do something unusual.

D. People liked to visit an exhibition guarded by snakes.

64. Many visitors came to the exhibition because.

A. the snakes were on show

B. so many jewels were being exhibited

C. exhibition officials said it was special

D. they were interested in seeing a famous jewel


Do you always understand the directions on a bottle of medicine? Do you know what is meant by “Take only as directed”? Read the following directions and see if you understand them.

”To reduce pain, take two tablets(药片) with water, followed by one tablet every eight hours, as required. For night-time and early morning relief(缓解疼痛) take two tablets at bedtime. Do not take more than six tablets in twenty-four hours.

For children six to twelve years old, give half the amount(量). For children under six years old, ask for your doctor’s advice.

Reduce the amount if you suffer from restlessness or sleeplessness after taking the medicine”.

65. How many tablets at most can a person over 12 have in 24 hours?

A. Three B. Four

C. SixD. Eight

66. How many tablets should a nine-year-old child normally take in 24 hours?

A. Half a tablet. B. One tablet.

C. Two tablets. D. Four tablets.

67. What is the advice for one who cannot sleep well after taking the medicine?

A. Stop taking the medicine at bedtime.

B. Continue to take the normal amount.

C. Take more than the normal amount.

D. Take less than the normal amount.

68. It can be inferred from the directions that this medicine.

A. helps you to fall asleep quickly

B. may be dangerous to small children

C. cannot be taken if one feels sleepy

D. should not be taken by children under six

69. This text is most probably taken from a.

A. textbook B. newsreel

C. doctor’s notebook D. bottle of medicine


I had just gone to bed after a very hard day when the phone rang. It was an eccentric(怪僻的) farmer. I had never met him before although I had often heard people talk about him. He sounded quite nervous and he had been talking for a minute or so before I understood anything. Even then all I could make out was that someone called Milly had had a very bad accidencount:

It had been snowing heavily that day and I didn’t know the way. I had been driving for at least an hour when I finally found his place. He was standing there, waiting for me. It seemed Milly had died.” She meant more to me than anyone…even my own wife!” he said. I could see that he had been crying. I thought something terrible had taken place, a possible scandal(丑闻). I was even more shocked when he told me he had put her in the barn(厩).”I wouldn’t leave her out in the cold!” he said.

Milly had clearly been a secret lover of his. I was about to tell him he could not expect me to cover anything up when he opened the barn door. He lifted his candle and I saw a dark figure on the ground.” She was such a good cow! I wouldn’t let anyone but a doctor touch her!” he said, and burst into tears again.

70.The underlined phrase make out in the first paragraph means _______.

A. expect B. understand

C. see clearly D. hear clearly

71. Before he arrived at the farmer’s house, the writer expected to see Milly lying _______.

A. on the ground of a barn B. on the floor of a room.

C. in bed in a room D. in bed in a barn

72. What do we know about Milly from he story?

A. She had met with an accident.

B. She had caused a scandal

C. She was seriously ill.

D. She was hidden somewhere.

73. The farmer wished that the writer might_______.

A. look into the matter

B. bring Milly back to life

C. free him from a scandal

D. keep the whole thing a secret

74. The person who told the story is probably a _______.

A. farmer B. policeman

C. country doctor D. newspaper reporter


There are different ways in which people try to deal with the problem of energy. One way is the greater production of common energy sources(能源), such as coal, oil and gas. The trouble with these sources, however, is that they are not renewable.

Another way is energy conservation(节能), which means using energy more efficiently(有效地). In some very cold countries people build special houses to save energy. They place materials between the inside and the outside of the walls of the house to keep the cold out and the warmth in. The house is heated by the lights, the body heat of the people and the other equipment in it.

Finally, renewable energy sources are used even though they are often expensive to develop. One form of these is geothermal energy. In certain parts of the world the temperature of the earth increases thirty degrees centigrade with each kilometer down. At six kilometers, therefore, it rises to nearly two hundred degrees. To get the heat, water is pumped(压; 抽) down into the rocks and back up to the surface. Heat from the Times New Roman” earth is already used in certain countries.

75. How many ways of dealing with the energy problem are discussed in the text?

A. Two B. Three

C. Four D. Five.

76. From the text we learn that coal.

A. is quite easy to produce

B. is not used most efficiently

C. is the most common source of energy

D. could be renewed only by new technology

77. The writer tells about the “special houses” because they

A. show the excellent skills of the builders

B. serve as an example of energy conservation

C. are heated by different sources of energy

D. are warmer than other types of houses

78. The underlined words geothermal energy in the third paragraph mean.

A. renewable source B. underground source

C. heat inside the earth D. temperature of the earth

79. Which of the following drawings shows the right way to get geothermal energy?

80.At a place where the surface temperature is 15℃, how deep do you have to dig so

as to get a temperature of 75℃?

A. One km. B. Two km.

C. Three km. D. Four km.



此题要求你对一段文章改错。先对每一行作出判断是对还是错。如果是对的,则在该行右边的`横线上画一个勾(√) ;如果有错误(每行不会多于一个错误) ,则按情况改错如下:

如此行多一个词,则把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉,在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线把该词划掉;

如此行缺一个词,则在缺词处加一个漏字符号(/) ,并在该行右边横线上写出该加的词,并在该行右边横线上so-char-indent-count: 2.0; tab-stops: 189.0pt; mso-char-indent-size: 10.5pt“>如此行错一个词,则在错的词下划一横线,并在该行右边横线上写出改正后的词。



When I have free time I go / a long walk. Some_______

A. for\ books or watch television while

B. the the others have sports. Charles and Linda Mason do all

C. √of these things as well as climbed buildings.

D. climbing; climb

There is public library in every town in Britain. (81)________

There are branch library in many villages. (82) ________

Anyone may borrow books, and it cost nothing to (83) ________

borrow them. In some places you may borrow many (84) ________

books as you want, in other places where you (85) ________

are limited to a certain number, of that some (86) ________

may be novels. Books may be keep for four weeks. (87) ________

Newly-published novels are always in great demand, (88) ________

and some books, for example, books for history, (89) ________

science, cooking and gardening are also populer. (90) ________

If the book you will want is out, you may ask for it (91) ________

to be called back for you, and whether you pay (92) ________

the cost of send a postcard, the librarian will (93) ________

write to you, and let you to know when the book you (94) ________

want has returned and is ready for you to pick up. (95) ________

V. 书面表达(计分25分)




时间: 8月15日(星期六) 晚7: 30




(1) 广播稿约100词。

(2) 应包括以上要点,但不要逐字翻译,要组织成一篇通顺连贯的短文。

(3) 开头语已为你写好。May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make.

生词:交换礼品―to exchange gifts

学生会―the Student Union


Key to 1~80

1. A2. C 3. C 4. D 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. A 10.A

11. B 12. A 13. D 14. D 15. A 16. C 17. B 18. D 19. A 20.C

21. B 22. C 23. A 24. D 25. A 26. D 27. C 28. B 29. C 30.D

31. D 32. C 33. A 34. D 35. B 36. A 37. A 38. D 39. B 40.A

41. A 42. D 43. C 44. D 45. D 46. B 47. C 48. A 49. C 50.A

51. B 52. C 53. D 54. C 55. A 56. B 57. D 58. B 59. A 60.B

61. D 62. C 63. B 64. D 65. C 66. C 67. D 68. B 69. A 70.B

71. C 72. A 73. B 74. C 75. B 76. B 77. B 78. C 79. A 80.B


There is / public library in every town in Britain. (81) a

There are branch library in many villages. (82) libraries

Anyone may borrow books, and it cost nothing to (83) costs

borrow them. In some places you may borrow /many (84) as

books as you want, in other places where you (85) where

are limited to a certain number, of that some (86) which

may be novels. Books may be keep for four weeks. (87) kept

Newly-published novels are always in great demand, (88) √

and some books, for example, books for history, (89) on

science, cooking and gardening are also populcr (90) popular

If the book you will want is out, you may ask for it (91) will

to be called back for you, and whether ou pay (92) if

the cost of send a postcard, the librarian will (93) sending

write to you, and let you to know when the book you (94) to

want has / returned and is ready for you to pick up. (95) been

V. One possible version:

May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. The Student Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening, August 15, to welcome our friends from the United States. The party will be held in the roof garden of the Main Building. It will begin at 7: 30 P. m. There will be music, dancing, singing, games and exchange of gifts. Will everybody please bring along a small gift for this purpose. Remember to wrap it up, sign your name and write a few words of good wishes.

Don’t forget: 7: 30, Saturday evening, roof garden, Main Building. There’s sure to be laa lot of fun. Everybody is welcome.




英 语





第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)


第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


例:How much is the shirt?

A. ?19.15.

B. B. ?9.18.

C. C. ?9.15.


1.Where does this conversation take place?

A. In a classroom.

B. In a hospital.

C.In a museum.

2.What does Jack want to do?

A. Take fitness classes.

B. Buy a pair of gym shoes.

C. Change his work schedule.

3.What are the speakers talking about?

A. What to drink.

B. Where to meet

C. When to leave.

4.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Colleges.

B. Classmates.

C. Strangers.

5.Why is Emily mentioned in the conversation?

A. She might want a ticket.

B. She is looking for the man.

C. She has an extra ticket.




6.How long did James run his business?

A.10 years.B.13years.C.15 years.

7.How does the woman feel about James' situation?

A. Embarrassed.B. Concerned.C. Disappointed.


8.What has Kate's mother decided to do?

A. Return to school.B. Change her job.C. Retire from work.

9.What did Kate's mother study at college?

A. Oil painting.B. Art history.C. Business administration.

10.What is Kate's attitude toward her mother's decision?

A. Disapproving.B. Ambiguous. C. Understanding.


11.What is the man doing?

A. Chairing a meeting.

B. Hosting a radio program.

C. Conducting a job interview.

12.What benefits Mary most in her job?

A. Her wide reading.B. Her leaders' guidance.C. Her friends' help

13.Who will Mary talk about next?

A. Her teacher.B. Her father C. Her mother.


14.Why does the man seldom do exercise?

A. He lacks motivation.

B. He has a heart problem.

C. He works all the time.

15.What does Jacob Sattelmair probably do?

A. He's an athlete. B. He's a researcher.C. He's a journalist.

16.Why does the woman speak of a study?

A. To encourage the man.

B. To recommend an exercise.

C. To support her findings.

17.How much time will the man probably spend exercising weekly?

A.300 minutes.B.150 minute.C.75 minutes.


18.What did the scientists do to the road?

A. They repaired it.B. They painted it.C. They blocked it

19.Why are young birds drawn to the road surface?

A. It's warm.B. It's brown. C. It's smooth.

20.What is the purpose of the scientists' experiment?

A. To keep the birds there for a whole year.

B. To help students study the birds well.

C. To prevent the birds from being killed.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



Need a Job This Summer?

The provincial government and its partners offer many programs to help students find summer jobs. The deadlines and what you need to apply depend on the program.

Not a student? Go to the government website to learn about programs and online tools available to help people under 30 build skills, find a job or start businesses all year round.

Jobs for Youth

If you are a teenager living in certain parts of the province, you could be eligible(符合条件)for this program. Which provides eight weeks of paid employment along with training.

Who is eligible: Youth 15-18 years old in select communities(社区).

Summer Company

Summer Company provides students with hands-on business training and awards of up to $3,000 to start and run their own summer businesses.

Who is eligible: Students aged 15-29, returning to school in the fall.

Stewardship Youth Ranger Program

You could apply to be a Stewardship Youth Ranger and work on local natural resource management projects for eight weeks this summer.

Who is eligible: Students aged 16 or 17 at time of hire, but not turning 18 before December 31 this year.

Summer Employment Opportunities(机会)

Through the Summer Employment Opportunities program, students are hired each year in a variety of summer positions across the Provincial Public Service, its related agencies and community groups.

Who is eligible: Students aged 15 or older. Some positions require students to be 15 to 24 or up to 29 for persons with a disability.

21. What is special about Summer Company?

A. It requires no training before employment.

B. It provides awards for running new businesses.

C. It allows one to work in the natural environment.

D. It offers more summer job opportunities.

22. What is the age range required by Stewardship Youth Ranger Program?

A.15-18. B.15-24. C.15-29.D.16-17.

23. Which program favors the disabled?

A. Jobs for Youth. B. Summer Company.

C. Stewardship Youth Ranger Program.

D. Summer Employment Opportunities.


For Canaan Elementary’s second grade in Patchogue, N.Y.,today is speech day ,and right now it’s Chris Palaez’s turn. The 8-year-old is the joker of the class. With shining dark eyes, he seems like the of kid who would enjoy public speaking.

But he’s, nervous.“I’m here to tell you today why you should … should…”Chris trips on the“-ld,”a. pronunciation difficulty for many non-native English speakers. His teacher ,Thomas Whaley ,is next to him, whispering support.“…Vote for …me …”Except for some stumbles, Chris is doing amazingly well. When he brings his speech to a nice conclusion ,Whaley invites the rest of the class to praise him.

A son of immigrants, Chris stared learning English a little over three years ago. Whaley recalls(回想起)how at the beginning of the year,when called upon to read,Chris would excuse himself to go to the bathroom.

Learning English as a second language can be a painful experience. What you need is a great teacher who lets you make mistakes. “It takes a lot for any student,” Whaley explains,“especially for a student who is learning English as their new language,to feel confident enough to say,‘I don’t know,but I want to know.’”

Whaley got the idea of this second-grade presidential campaign project when he asked the children one day to raise their hands if they thought they could never be a president. The answer broke his heart. Whaley says the project is about more than just learning to read and speak in public. He wants these kids to learn to boast(夸耀)about themselves.

“Boasting about yourself,and your best qualities,” Whaley says,“is very difficult for a child who came into the classroom not feeling confident.”

24. What made Chris nervous?

A. Telling a story.B. Making a speech.

C. Taking a test.D. Answering a question.

25. What does the underlined word “stumbles” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A. Improper pauses.B. Bad manners.C. Spelling mistakes.D. Silly jokes.

26. We can infer that the purpose of Whaley’s project is to _________.

A. help students see their own strengths

B. assess students’ public speaking skills

C. prepare students for their future jobs

D. inspire students’ love for politics

27. Which of the following best describes Whaley as a teacher?

A. Humorous. B. Ambitious. C. Caring.D. Demanding.


As data and identity theft becomes more and more common, the market is growing for biometric(生物测量)technologies—like fingerprint scans—to keep others out of private e-spaces. At present, these technologies are still expensive, though.

Researchers from Georgia Tech say that they have come up with a low-cost device(装置)that gets around this problem: a smart keyboard. This smart keyboard precisely measures the cadence(节奏)with which one types and the pressure fingers apply to each key. The keyboard could offer a strong layer of security by analyzing things like the force of a user's typing and the time between key presses. These patterns are unique to each person. Thus, the keyboard can determine people's identities, and by extension, whether they should be given access to the computer it's connected to—regardless of whether someone gets the password right.

It also doesn't require a new type of technology that people aren't already familiar with. Everybody uses a keyboard and everybody types differently.

In a study describing the technology, the researchers had 100 volunteers type the word “touch”four times using the smart keyboard. Data collected from the device could be used to recognize different participants based on how they typed, with very low error rates. The researchers say that the keyboard should be pretty straightforward to commercialize and is mostly made of inexpensive, plastic-like parts. The team hopes to make it to market in the near future.

28. Why do the researchers develop the smart keyboard?

A. To reduce pressure on keys. B. To improve accuracy in typing

C. To replace the password system. D. To cut the cost of e-space protection.

29. What makes the invention of the smart keyboard possible?

A. Computers are much easier to operate.

B. Fingerprint scanning techniques develop fast.

C. Typing patterns vary from person to person.

D. Data security measures are guaranteed.

30. What do the researchers expect of the smart keyboard?all 1o soisgitieoco oll.

A. It'll be environment-friendly. B. It'll reach consumers soon.

C. It'll be made of plastics. D. It'll help speed up typing.

31. Where is this text most likely from?

A. A diary. B.A guidebookC. A novel.D. A magazine.


During the rosy years of elementary school(小学), I enjoyed sharing my dolls and jokes, which allowed me to keep my high social status. I was the queen of the playground. Then came my tweens and teens, and mean girls and cool kids. They rose in the ranks not by being friendly but by smoking cigarettes, breaking rules and playing jokes on others, among whom I soon found myself.

Popularity is a well-explored subject in social psychology. Mitch Prinstein, a professor of clinical psychology sorts the popular into two categories: the likable and the status seekers. The likables’ plays-well-with-others qualities strengthen schoolyard friendships, jump-start interpersonal skills and, when tapped early, are employed ever after in life and work. Then there’s the kind of popularity that appears in adolescence: status born of power and even dishonorable behavior.

Enviable as the cool kids may have seemed, Dr. Prinstein’s studies show unpleasant consequences. Those who were highest in status in high school, as well as those least liked in elementary school, are “most likely to engage(从事)in dangerous and risky behavior.”

In one study, Dr. Prinstein examined the two types of popularity in 235 adolescents, scoring the least liked, the most liked and the highest in status based on student surveys(调查研究). “We found that the least well-liked teens had become more aggressive over time toward their classmates. But so had those who were high in status. It clearly showed that while likability can lead to healthy adjustment, high status has just the opposite effect on us.”

Dr. Prinstein has also found that the qualities that made the neighbors want you on a play date-sharing, kindness, openness — carry over to later years and make you better able to relate and connect with others.

In analyzing his and other research,Dr. Prinstein came to another conclusion: Not only is likability related to positive life outcomes, but it is also responsible for those outcomes, too. \"Being liked creates opportunities for learning and for new kinds of life experiences that help somebody gain an advantage, ” he said.

32. What sort of girl was the author in her early years of elementary school?

A. Unkind. B. Lonely. C. Generous. D. Cool.

33.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A. The classification of the popular.

B. The characteristics of adolescents.

C. The importance of interpersonal skills.

D. The causes of dishonorable behavior.

34. What did Dr. Prinstein’s study find about the most liked kids?

A. They appeared to be aggressive.

B. They tended to be more adaptable.

C. They enjoyed the highest status.

D. They performed well academically.

35. What is the best title for the text?

A. Be Nice-You Won’t Finish Last

B. The Higher the Status, the Beer

C. Be the Best-You Can Make It

D. More Self-Control, Less Aggressiveness

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


Is Fresh Air Really Good for You?

We all grew up hearing people tell us to “go out and get some fresh air.” 36 According to recent studies,the answer is a big YES,if the air quality in your camping area is good.

37 If the air you’re breathing is clean-which it would be if you’re away from the smog of cities-then the air is filled with life-giving,energizing oxygen. If you exercise out of doors,your body will learn to breathe more deeply,allowing even more oxygen to get to your muscles(肌肉)and your brain.

Recently,people have begun studying the connection between the natural world and healing(治愈). 38 In these places patients can go to be near nature during their recovery. It turns out that just looking at green,growing things can reduce stress,lower blood pressure,and put people into a better mood(情绪).Greenery is good for us. Hospital patients Who see tree branches out their window are likely to recover at a faster rate than patients who see buildings or sky instead. 39 It gives us a great feeling of peace.

40 While the sun's rays can age and harm our skin, they also give is beneficial Vitamin D. To make sure you get enough Vitamin D—but still protect your skin— put on sunscreen right as you head outside. It takes sunscreen about fifteen minutes to start working, and that's plenty of time for your skin to absorb a day's worth of Vitamin D.

A. Fresh air cleans our lungs.

B. So what are you waiting for?

C. Being in nature refreshes us.

D. Another side benefit of getting fresh air is sunlight.

E. But is fresh air really as good for you as your mother always said?

F. Just as importantly, we tend to associate air with health care.

G. All across the country, recovery centers have begun building Healing Gardens.

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Every year about 40,000 people attempt to climb Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. They 41 with them lots of waste. The 42 might damage the beauty of the place. The glaciers(冰川)are disappearing, changing the 43 of Kilimanjaro.

Hearing these stories, I’m 44 about the place — other destinations are described as “purer” natural experiences.

However, I soon 45 that much has changed since the days of disturbing reports of 46 among tons of rubbish. I find a 47 mountain, with toilets at camps and along the paths. The environmental challenges are 48 but the efforts made by the Tanzania National Park Authority seem to be 49 .

The best of a Kilimanjaro 50 , in my opinion, isn’t reaching the top. Mountains are 51 as spiritual places by many cultures. This 52 is especially evident on Kilimanjaro as 53 go through five ecosystems(生态系统)in the space of a few kilometers. At the base is a rainforest. It ends abruptly at 3, 000 meters, 54 lands of low growing plants. Further up, the weather 55 — low clouds envelope the mountainsides, which are covered with thick grass. I 56 twelve shades of green from where I stand. Above 4, 000 meters is the highland 57 : gravel(砾石), stones and rocks. 58 you climb into an arctic-like zone with 59 snow and the glaciers that may soon disappear.

Does Kilimanjaro 60 its reputation as a crowded mountain with lines of tourists ruining the atmosphere of peace?I found the opposite to be true.

41. A. keepB. mix C. connect D. bring

42. A. stories B. buildings C. crowds D. reporters

43. A. positionB. ageC. face D. name

44. A. silentB. skeptical C. serious D. crazy

45. A. discoverB. argue C. decide D. advocate

46. A. equipment B. grassC. camps D. stones

47. A. remote B. quiet C. all D. clean

48. A. newB. special C. significant D. necessary

49. A. paying off B. spreading out C. blowing up D. fading away

50. A. atmosphere B. experience C. experiment D. sight

51. A. studied B. observed C. explored D. regarded

52. A. viewB. quality C. reasonD. purpose

53. A. scientists B. climbers C. locals D. officials

54. A. holding on to B. going back to C. living up to D. giving way to

55. A. changes B. clears C. improvesD. permits

56. A. match B. imagine C. count D. add

57. A. village B. desert C. roadD. lake

58. A. Obviously B. Easily C. Consequently D. Finally

59. A. permanent B. littleC. fresh D. artificial

60. A. enjoy B. deserve C. saveD. acquire

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


The polar bear is found in the Arctic Circle and some big land masses as far south as Newfoundland. While they are rare north of 88°,there is evidence 61 they range all the way across the Arctic, and as far south as James Bay in Canada. It is difficult to figure out a global population of polar bears as much of the range has been 62 (poor) studied; however, biologists calculate that there are about 20,000-25,000 polar bears worldwide.

Modem methods 63 tracking polar bear populations have been employed only since the mid-1980s,and are expensive 64 (perform) consistently over a large area. In recent years some Inuit people in Nunayut 65 (report) increases in bear sightings around human settlements, leading to a 66 (believe) that populations are increasing. Scientists have responded by 67 (note) that hungry bears may be congregating(聚集) around human settlements, leading to the illusion(错觉) that populations are 68 (high) than they actually are. Of 69 nineteen recognized polar bear subpopulations, three are declining, six 70 (be) stable, one is increasing, and nine lack enough data.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







I became interesting in playing football thanks to a small accident. One afternoon where I was in primary school, I was walking by the school playground. Suddenly football feel just in front of me but almost hit me. I stopped the ball and kicked it hardly back to the playground. To everyone`s surprising, the ball went into the net. All the football player on the playground cheered loudly, say that I had a talent for football. From now on, I started to play my football with classmates after school. I am a good player now.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)










第一部分 听力

1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A

6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. C

11. B12. A13. C14. A15. B

16. A17. C 18. B19. A20. C

第二部分 阅读理解

21. B22. D23. D24. B 25. A

26. A27. C28. D29. C30. B

31. D32. C33. A34. B35. A

36. E37. A38. G39. C40. D

第三部分 语言知识运用

41. D42. C43. C44. B45. A

46. C47. D48. C49. A50. B

51. D52. A53. B54. D55. A

56. C57. B58. D59. A60. B

61. that 62. poorly 63. of/for 64. to perform 65. have report

66. belief 67. noting68. higher 69. the 70. are











































书面表达题的“式 ”法:文章无乱涂乱画现象,整洁爽目。修改的地方应该尽量不留明显痕迹。写作一定要有从草稿到誊正的过程。
































分值: 9分






(摘自习近平《携手消除贫困 促进共同发展——在2015减贫与发展高层论坛的主旨演讲》)





















分值: 12分





书匠(节选) 葛亮







































7.下列对本文相关内容和艺术特色的分析鉴赏,不正确的一项是(3分) C









分值: 15分





王安中字履道,中山阳曲人。进士及第,历秘书省著作郎。政和间,天下争言瑞应,廷臣辄笺表贺,徽宗观所作,称为奇才。他日,特出制诏三题使具草,立就,上即草后批:“可中书舍人。”未几,自秘书少监除中书舍人,擢御史中丞。开封逻卒夜迹盗盗脱去民有惊出与卒遇缚以为盗民讼诸府不胜考掠之惨遂诬服安中廉知之按得冤状即出民抵吏罪 时上方乡神仙之事,蔡京引方士王仔昔以妖术见,朝臣戚里寅缘关通。安中疏请自今招延山林道术之士,当责所属保任;并言京欺君僣上、蠹国害民数事。上悚然纳之。已而再疏京罪,上曰:“本欲即行卿章,以近天宁节,俟过此,当为卿罢京。”京伺知之,大惧,其子攸日夕侍禁中,泣拜恳祈。上为迁安中翰林学士,又迁承旨。宣和元年,拜尚书右丞;三年,为左丞。金人来归燕,谋帅臣,安中请行。王黼赞于上,授庆远军节度使、河北河东燕山府路宣抚使、知燕山府,辽降将郭药师同知府事。药师跋扈,府事皆专行,安中不能制,第曲意奉之,故药师愈骄。靖康初,言者论其缔合王黼、童贯及不几察郭药师叛命,罢为观文殿大学士、提举嵩山崇福宫;又责授朝议大夫、秘书少监、分司南京,随州居住;又贬单州团练副使,象州安置。高宗即位,内徙道州,寻放自便。绍兴初,复左中大夫。子辟章知泉州,迎安中往,未几卒,年五十九。安中为文丰润敏拔,尤工四六之制。徽宗尝宴睿谟殿,命安中赋诗百韵以纪其事。诗成,赏叹不已,令大书于殿屏,凡侍臣皆以副本赐之。其见重如此。







11.下列对文中加点词语的相关内容的解说,不正确的一项是(3分) A





12.下列对原文有关内容的概括和分析,不正确的一项是(3分) C





13.把文中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。(10分) C





分值: 19分




读 史 王安石






14.下列对这首诗的理解和赏析,不正确的一项是(3分) B








分值: 9分




1899年发现的殷墟甲骨文,是近代中国史料“四大发现”之一。殷墟甲骨文内容丰富,甲骨刻辞大多是占卜的记录,但占卜的范围很广,涉及祭祀、征伐、农业,田猎、气象、疾病等等,能够在一定程度上反映商代的社会生活。从目前的发掘情况看,甲骨文不止出现在殷墟,在北京、山西、陕西、山东、湖北,______________宁夏都发现了刻有卜辞的甲骨。殷墟甲骨文年代最早,数量最多。但它不是当时唯一的文字。《尚书·多士》记载“惟殷先人,有册有典”,甲骨文有“典”“册” “聿(笔)”这样的文字,说明殷人祖先常规的书写材料是简册,书写工具是毛笔。只是用竹木做成的简册___________腐烂,似乎无法在北方的地下长期保存,所以至今___________没有发现商代的竹简。从出土材料看,甲骨文是商代晚期商王武丁以后才出现的,而商代早期、中期的青铜器上已有少量铭文。( ),甲骨文字体简化较多。对于文字本身来说,汉代学者总结的“六书”的方法在甲骨文基本都已出现,已经说明它是成熟的文字。文字本质上是记录语言的,___________受书写材质和体裁所限,甲骨文不能全面记录当时的语言现象,但是已经能够反映汉语的基本语法、词汇系统,

17.依次填入文中機线上的词语,全都恰当的一项是(3分) B

A以及 容易 尚且 然而

B乃至 容易 仍然 虽然

C以及 易于 仍然 然而

D乃至 易于 尚且 虽然

18.下列填入文中括号内的语句,衔接最恰当的一项是(3分) C





19.文中画横线的句子有语病,下列修改最恰当的一项是(3分) D





分值: 9分

填空题 本大题共4小题,每小题6分,共24分。把答案填写在题中横线上。





(3)苏轼在《赤壁赋》中发议论说,江水不停地流去,“_____而未尝往也______”;月亮时圆时缺,“______ 而卒莫消长也_____”。

分值: 6分



无论生产、生活还是娱乐,当人暴露在噪声环境中时,健康就会受到威胁。暴露时间短,会产生焦虑与精神压力;基露时间长,___①____,甚至失聪。 听力损失程度与音量和暴露时长相关。然而,当噪声级达到一定高度时, ② , 均会产生水久性听力损害。而单从听力保护角度来说,即使是乐音, ③ ,时间过久,也会对听力造成不可逆的损害。





分值: 6分





分值: 5分








分值: 60分
