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第一题 听力 一、二、三、听力部分:难度不是很大,但是初一学生训练少,很少得到满分,尤其第四部分听力填空内容,绝大多数学生听不出来。

第二题 单项选择 绝大部分学生都全做了,但有些题学生没有接触到因此有些失分。从卷面上看,学生对语法题不是很好,而且有些语法忘记,或者根本就不懂。

第三、四题 完形填空和阅读理解:这些题目都和学生的阅读能力和掌握的词汇量有关,平时还需在阅读方面加强训练。同时还要掌握一些阅读和做题技巧,而这些对初一来说是个难点。


第五题 词汇知识 最差就是这种题型,尽管出的单词不难,但学生依然不会写,特别体现在根据句意及首字母提示填空这题,这种题型不但要求要掌握大量词汇,还要理解句意,难度较大,必须要求学生有扎实的基本功。因此要加强这方面的练习。

第七题 句型转换 这种题型平时经常练习,但有些学生平时不认真,所以错误很多。

第八题 书面表达 这类题是学生平常最头疼的题但是也是容易得分的题,这种题型两极分化比较严重,有的学生一点不会,有的学生能得满分,这就需要平时的练习。
















7、根据汉语意思完成句子10分:难度适中,大部分成绩好的同学都得到8分以上,有好几个同学得到满分,但两级分化严重,有的同学竟然一分也不得。出错率高的是13题,好多同学hero 的复数加s 而不是es。另外还有14题也有很多同学失分,get ready for 没有用现在进行时。

















一、听力测试 (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)

A) 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。

1. How does Tom’s father usually go to work?

2. What does Lucy often do on Saturday?

3.What will the man do this weekend?

4. What is the girl’s favourite pet?

5. Which is Jack’s favourite city?

A. Paris. B. Tokyo. C. London.

6. What will the boy do tomorrow?

A. He’ll do his homework. B. He’ll go to work. C. He’ll do his housework.

7. Where does the boy have lunch?

A. In the restaurant. B. At home. C. At school.

8. What does the man want to do?

A. Climb hills. B. Go fishing. C. Go shopping.

9. What will the boy do this afternoon?

A. Have a party. B. Visit the old people. C. Go shopping.

10. How many teachers are there in the boy’s school?

A. 150. B. 3,0 80. C. 3,018.

B) 听下面1段对话和2篇短文。对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。对话和短文读两遍。


11. What does Millie often do at weekends?

A. Go on a picnic. B. Visit a museum. C. Read in the reading room.

12. How often does Tommy go on a picnic?

A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Once a year.


A trip to the Flower Park

Time This 13

How to get there 14

Things to do Allan wants to row a boat.

Alice wants to 15 .

13. A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday

14. A. On foot B. By bus C. By bike

15. A. go swimming B. have a picnic C. take photos


16. What are Jack and John good at?

A. English. B. Maths. C. Chinese.

17. What do Jack and John like to do in their holidays?

A. Play ping-pong and run. B. Swim and ride bikes. C. Swim and play basketball.

18. Where do Jack and John fly kites?

A. At school. B. In the park. C. Near the lake.

19.Who likes playing football?

A. Sam. B. John. C. Jack.

20. Who likes drawing pictures?

A. John. B. Jack. C. Sam.



21. —Who’s_______ pretty girl in pink over there?

—She’s a friend of_______.

A. a; mine B. the; his C. the; me D. a; her

22. —_______ I try on the white dress in the window?

—_______. It’s just on show.

A. Could; Yes, you can B. Can; Sorry, you couldn’t

C. Could; Sorry, you can’t D. C an: Yes, you could

23. There is a_______ over the bench saying “Wet Paint”. Don’t sit on it.

A. fact B. message C. talk D. sign

24. The careless boy lost his key, _______ he had to wait for his mom in the cold.

A. and B. or C. for D. so

25. The exchange_______ homes are in the UK.I want to take_______ to the Great Wall.

A students’; them B student’s; their

C students’, theirs D. student’s; they

26. The superman can burn things with his eyes._______ special his eyes are!

A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

27. —The fish_______ nice. Your mother is a great cook.

—Really? Try some, and you will like i t more.

A. tastes B. smells C. cooks D. sees

28. I put my hands ___________ her eyes to let her guess who I am.

A. outside B. off C. over D. behind

29. —Why are you carrying an umbrella? It’s not going to rain.

—To_______ myself from the sun.

A. protect B. save C. stop D. prepare

30. _______ knows anything about him because he never tells us_______ about himself.

A. Nobody; something B. Nobody; nothing

C. Nobody; anything D. Anybody; nothing

31. —Why are you in such a hurry, Mike?

—There_______ an NBA basketball game in ten minutes.

A. will be B. will have

C. is going to have D. are going to be

32. —You mustn’t swim here. Look at the sign. It_______ “No swimming”.

—Oh, I_______ notice it. Thanks for telling me.

A. says; don’t B. writes; don’t C. says; didn’t D. writes; didn’t

33. What a ______________ boy! Can’t you do everything_______________?

A. careful; carefully B. careless; carefully

C. car eful; carelessly D. careless; carelessly

34. — Where does he live?

— He lives in Room _______ on the ______ floor.

A. Three; third B. Three; three C. Third; third D. Third; three

35. —Big animals are a lot of trouble. Maybe you should keep a small pet, like a goldfish.


A. That’s all right. B. You’re welcome.

C. That’s a good idea. D. Never mind.

三、完形填空 (本大题共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)


Jennifer was sitting on th e bench. ‘It’s getting 36 ,’ she thought. ‘I should go home.’ She wanted to know her parents’ reactions (反应) when she 37 home after the three days she was missing. It was really dark when she finally got to home’s front door. It was different 38 usual. 39 looked after the outside garden for 40 days. It was so strange because her father usually worked hard to keep everything 41 and tidy. She couldn’t understand what was going on. She walked into the 42 . First, she went into the kitchen 43 she saw a note written by her father. He said, ‘Dear Ellen, here is some coffee. I am looking for her out.’ Ellen was her mother, but 44 is she? She went to her parents’ room. She saw her there. Her 45 was lying on the bed and was sleeping. Her face looked so tired as if she wasn’t asleep for days. Jennifer wanted to wake her up. However, she looked too tired, 46 Jennifer just fell asleep beside her.

When Jennifer 47 , something was different: She wasn’t in her mother’s room and she wasn’t 48 the old clothes she ran away in. She was on her own bed. It felt so good being back home. Suddenly she 49 a voice, ‘Are you feeling better now, dear? You know you 50 us all very, very afraid.

36. A. ear ly B. late C. warm D. angry

37. A. got B. get C. gets D. will get

38. A. to B. from C. with D. as

39. A. Everybody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Nobody

40. A. many B. lots of C. a few D. much

41. A. clean B. dirty C. quiet D. busy

42. A. school B. room C. house D. library

43. A. if B. or C. what D. and

44. A. when B. who C. where D. what

45. A. mother B. father C. friend D. sister

46. A. and B. so C. but D. though (尽管)

47. A. got up B. woke up C. put up D. cleaned up

48. A. putting on B. dressing C. wearing D. taking

49. A. heard B. listened C. sounded D. listened to

50. A. had B. told C. made D. gave

四、阅读理解 (本大题共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)


A These are all the messages that Helen got yesterday. Read them carefully and find the best answers to the questions.

51. What do you think “Hoppy Feet” is?

A. A book. B. A film. C. A song. D. A basketball match.

52. Who asked Helen to buy some milk and sugar?

A. Chris. B. Lisa. C. Jack. D. Steve.

53. What time can Helen get her computer back?

A. At 8 : 00 a. m. B. At 8 : 30 a. m.

C. At 6 : 00p. m. D. At 3 : 00 p. m.


Fire can be very dangerous. We should be careful with it. This is what to do in a fire:

●Shout out. Shout as loudly(高声地)as you can, because people may he asleep.

●Call 119. Don’t try to put out the fire yourself. Tell 119 where you are and what is on fire.

●Keep do wn next to the floor. There is less smoke down there, so it’s easier to breathe(呼吸)and see where you are going.

●Test the door. If the door is cool, open it carefully. If the door is hot, do not open it! Try to find a different way out.

●Get out. Do not stop to pick up anything. Afire can become very big in a few seconds!

●Don’t use the lift. Always use the stairs(楼梯).The lift may go wrong and keep you inside.

●Don’t go back. Even if your pet is still inside, do not go back for it. Animals have a very good sense(感觉)of smell. They often get away from buildings before people.

54. The passage tells us that we can_______ in a fire.

A. use the lift B. try to put out the fire ourselves

C. open the hot door and go out D. shout as loudly as possible

55. You should keep down next to the floor because_______

A. people may be asleep B. people can find you easily

C. there is less smoke down there D. you should look after your things carefully

56. If the door is hot, we should_______.

A. open it and get out B. find another way out

C. stop to pick up things D. go back for something

57. The lift is dangerous in a fire because_______.

A. it is too small B. it may go wrong

C. it may keep you inside D. both B and C


I went home one Saturday afternoon in the autumn of 1993 to get some work done in the garden. While sweeping leaves on the ground, my five-year-old son Nick came over and asked me to write something on a piece of paper to make a sign for him.

“What for?” I asked.

“I’m going to sell some of my stones,” he answered.

Nick was fascinated with stones and had collected many stones (石头) from all over. “I’m too busy to do that for you. Go and ask your mum for help.” I said.

A short time later, Nick returned with a sign, reading. “Stones. One Dollar Each”. He took the sign, a small chair and 4 0f his best stones and walked to the road in front of our garden. There he put the stones in a line and sat down on the chair.

After half an hour, nobody passed by. I walked to him and asked him to go back, but he didn’t.

Another half hour later, a small car came down the road. I watched as Nick stood up, holding his sign up. A woman rolled down(摇下)a window and read the sign. I couldn’t hear their talk, but I saw the woman turn to the driver and the man reach for his pocket.

I sat in the yard, as Nick ran to me. Waving the dollar, he shouted. “I told you I could sell one stone for a dollar – if you believe in yourself, you can do anything.”

58. Why didn’t the writer help his son?

A. Because his wife is better at making a sign.

B. Because he didn’t know what to write.

C. Because he was busy sweeping leaves.

D. Because he didn’t want his son to sell the stones.

59. The underlined words “was fascinated with” mean “_______”.

A. was far from B. was afraid of C. was famous for D. was interested in

60. Nick was a boy_______.

A. who was kind B. who had a strong mind (愿望、决心、意志)

C. who was honest(诚实的) D. who had many hobbies

61. From the passage we know_________.

A. the story happened in spring B. the car was driven by a woman

C. Nick spent half an hour selling one stone D. the writer might be moved (感动)by his son


As students, you may have many dreams. They can be very big like becoming Superman, or they can be small. You may just want to become one of the ten best students in your class.

If you find a dream, what do you do with it? Do you ev er try to make your dream come true?

Follow Your Heart by Australian writer Andrew Matthews tells us that making our dreams come true is life’s biggest challenge.

“You may think you’re not very good at some school subjects, or that it is impossible (不可能) for you to become a star. These ideas stop you from getting your dream,” the book says.

In fact, everyone can make his dream come true . The first important thing you must do is to remember what your dream is.

Don’t let it leave your heart (心). Keep telling yourself what you want. Do this step by step (一步一步地) and your dream will come true faster. A big dream is, in fact, many small dreams.

Never give up (放弃) your dream. There will be difficulties on the road. But the biggest problem comes from yourself. You need to decide what is the most important. Studying instead of (代替) watching TV will bring you better exam points. Saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book. When you get closer to your dream, it may change a little. Then you will be able to learn more skills and find new interests.

62. Follow Your Heart is _______.

A. the first thing you must do to make your dream come true

B. the most important dream to have for students

C. the name of a book by Andrew Matthews

D. the name of a famous Australian writer

63. From the text, we know the word “challenge” means _______.

A. 变化 B. 挑战 C. 决定 D. 态度

64. What should NOT you do to make your dream come true?

A. Watch TV to get better exam points.

B. Do what you should do step by step.

C . Always remember what your dream is.

D. Read more books, learn more skills and find new interests.

65. What is the best title (标题) of the text?

A. Keep Your Dream in Your Heart B. How to Find Your Dream

C. Make Your Dream Come True D. Students Have Many Dreams


五、词汇运用 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)


66. Did you or __________in your family see a little boy in blue? (someone)

67. My mother is good at cooking __________food ? (west)

68. “Come on, I am the best!” he said to _________. (he)

69. I will go _________ with my friends this weekend.(ride)

70. Jenny always comes __________in her class. (one)

71. Thousands of __________ come to Yangzhou every year. (参观者)

72. Walk __________on and you’ll see the traffic lights.(径直地)

73. I __________some stories about this singer many years ago. (听说)

74.We are so excited to drive __________the Slender West Lake Tunnel(隧道).(通过)

75. The human brain(人脑) usually__________ about 1.4 kilograms, but it can hold much more information than most computers. (重)

六、任务型阅读 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)


Let me tell you about my hometown. I live in Kinsale. It may be one of the smallest towns in Southern Ireland, but it is also the most famous one.

The fish restaurants are very wonderful and there are many good cooks here. They cook the best fish for people. The food is expensive but people enjoy it very much. So you can see many people from different countries in every restaurant.

My town is very beautiful because it is by the sea. In summer it is very cool a nd you can go swimming in the sea. There are three small shops and you can buy your friends many souvenirs (纪念品) there. They are very cheap and you can pay a little money for them.

The people in my town are friendly. They can make friends with you. If you feel sick, there is a clinic (诊所)with a doctor and a nurse. I’m Andy. You can ask me for help when you have some trouble(困难,麻烦). I think you will enjoy the holiday.

Introduction(介绍) Andy’s 76 is in Kinsale.

77 it is one of the smallest towns in Southern Ireland. The town is 78 the sea.

79 to do There are many wonderful fish 80 . People can go 81 in the sea in summer. And you can also buy a lot of souvenirs 82 your friends, because the souvenirs are not 83 .

People there People who live in the town are very 84 . They would like to 85 friends with you. If you are in trouble, you can ask Andy to help you.

七、缺词填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)


When I was a middle school student, I often had evening classes. Lily and I often walked home t 86 so I was not afraid.

But one evening, Lily didn’t go to school. I had to go home by myself after school. It was nearly 8:30p.m.. I walked q 87 as I was a little afraid. Suddenly I heard something s 88 behind me. I began to walk f 89 than before. And I s 90 could hear the sound. “Maybe s 91 is walking after me.” I said to m 92 . But I was afraid and didn’t dare(敢) to look back. I began to run .But when I was running the sound still came behind, and b 93 louder than before. It seemed that he was also running. Some sand (沙子) came i 94 my shoes. But I didn’t want to stop and just ran home.

Ten minutes later, I got home out of breath(上气不接下气). My father asked me, “What’s wrong with you, dear?” “Someone, someone is running after me.” My father h 95 outside. Nobody was there. Then he asked me to tell him about it. I told him everything. After that, he laughed, “Silly girl. There isn’t ghost in the world at all.”

八、书面表达 (计30分)


96. 你应该沿着河边的小路走。

97. 他将不得不照顾他住院的妈妈。

98. 如果你想更多了解扬州历史,不要错过今天的报告。

99. 信不信由你,我五岁的时候会拉小提琴。

100. 上周他足够的勇敢扑灭了餐厅的大火。


101. 假如你是Daniel,请根据下列表格中的要点写一封推荐信,推荐你班的Simon 为本年度的青年奖获得者。

姓 名 Simon

性 格 善良,友好,乐于助人

爱 好 看书,打羽毛球,…….

学习情况 1. 各门功课成绩好,对历史知识了解很多。

2. 最喜欢英语,每天花很多时间练习说英语。3. ……

主要事迹 上周,一个八岁的小男孩迷了路,他把小男孩送到警察局,小男孩的父母很感谢他(be grateful to sb)。


1. 词数100左右;开头与结尾已给出,不计入总字数;不得出现真实的人名、班级名;

2. 短文应包括表格内所有内容要点,不要逐条翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯通顺。 Dear Sir/ Madam,

I want to recommend Simon for this year’s Youth Award.

Yours faithfully,




1-5 BCAB C 6-10 AABBA 11-15 BABAC 16-20 ABCCA


21-25 BCDDA 26-30 CBCAC 31-35 ACBAC


36-40 BABDC 41-45 ACDCA 46-50 BBCAC


51-53 BCD 54-57 DCBD 58-61 CDBD 62-65 CBAC


66. anyone 67. Western 68. himself 69. riding 70. first

71. visitors 72. straight 73. heard 74. through 75. weighs


76. hometown 77.Maybe/Perhaps 78.by 79.Things 80. restaurants

81. swimming 82.for 83. expensive 84. friendly/nice/kind 85.make


86. together 87.quickly 88. strange 89. faster 90.still

91. someone 92. myself 93. became 94. into 95. hurried



96. You should walk along the river next to the river.

97. He will have to /has to look after/take care of his mother in hospital.

98. If you want to learn more about the history of Yangzhou/Yangzhou history, don’t miss today’s report/the report today.

99. Believe it or not, I could /was able to play the violin at the age of 5.

100. He was brave enough to put out the fire in the dining room last week.


Dear Sir/ Madam,

I want to recommend Simon for this year’s Youth Award. He is kind, friendly and helpful. He likes reading and playing badminton. He is good at organizing class activities. Simon is a top student and has good grades in all subjects. He knows a lot about history. He likes English best. He spends a lot of time practicing speaking English every day. Last week, a little boy lost his way. Simon took him to the police station. The boy’s parents were very grateful to him.

I will be very happy if he can get this award. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,





一、单项选择题 (15分)

( )1. Everyone ______him, because he is friendly.

A. like B. likes C. to like D. liking

( )2. --What ________he do? --He __________ an actor.

A. is, is B. does, does C. does, is D. is, does

( )3. Listen! Dave _____________on the phone.

A. talks B. are talking C. talk D. is talking

( )4.There is ugly lion under the tree .

A. a B. an C. the D. /

( )5. Look! The man ________ under the tree and enjoying the cool.

A. lie B. lying C. is lying D. lies

( )6. --Excuse me, where's the supermarket ?

--It is _______ the post office and the library.

A. next B. across C. between D. in front of

( )7.--Who are you _____? -- My mother.

A. wait B. waiting C. waiting for D. wait for

( )8. --Oh, hi, Jane!__________? -- Not bad.

A. How it is going B. What are you doing C. How is it going D. What does she do

( )9.--What do animals eat? --Some eat and some eat

A. meat; leafs B, meats; leafs C. meat; leaves D. meats; leaves

( )10.--Excuse me, is there a bank over there? --___________.

A. Yes, there's B. No, there aren't C. Yes, there is D .No, it isn't

( )11.She often TV in the evening. But she isn't TV now..

A. watch; watching B. watches, watching C. watches ; watch D. watching; watch

( )12.Dogs are .They are people's .

A. friend; friendly B. friends; friendly C. friendly; friend D. friendly; friends

( )13. What ____ he _____? He is a reporter.

A. do, do B. is, does C. is, doing D. does do

( )14.Let's the pandas first .

A. see B. to see C. look D. to look

( )15.What animals do you like ?

A. some B. any C. other D. the

二、完形填空 (10分)

Mr. Smith 16 from London. Now he is in China. He is 17 .He teaches 18 a middle school. He works very hard. His students like 19 very much. He can 20 a little Chinese . His students often teaches him Chinese on Sundays. Mr. Smith likes playing soccer. He often plays 21 with his students.

Mr. Smith 22 a son. His name is Jack. He is a student. He studies in a middle school. He likes 23 TV. It's 7 :00 p.m. now. Mr. Smith 24 a letter to his friend. Jack is 25 a newspaper. His mother is cleaning the room. They're busy.

( )16.A.am B. is C. are D. be

( )17.A. a teacher B. an actor C. a reporter D. a doctor

( )18.A. on B. in C. of D. from

( )19.A. he B. him C. she D. her

( )20.A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell

( )21.A. baseball B. soccer C. ping pong D. basketball

( )22.A. has B. have C. there is D. there are

( )23. A. watch B. watches C. watching D. watched

( )24.A. write B. writes C. is writing D. are writing

( )25.A. looking B. seeing C. reading D. watching

三、阅读理解 (30分)


Today Han Mei's classmates are having an art lesson in the park. Now they are playing near the lake. The boy in black is flying a kite. He is Li Lei. The girl in red is reading a book. Who is she? Ha, she's just Han Mei. Lucy and Lily are twins. They look the same(相似的)and they are dancing under a big tree. There is a boat on the lake. Mrs. Green and Mrs. Brown are in the boat. They are their teachers. And now the children are drawing pictures on the grass near the lake. The teachers are teaching how to draw pictures. But what is Joe doing? Oh, he is looking for his pencil case.

( ) 26. Why are the children in the park today?

A. They have no classes today. B. They like playing in the park.

C. They're having a class. D. Their teachers like boating.

( ) 27. What is Han Mei doing?

A. She is drawing a picture. B. She is flying a kite.

C. She is dancing with the twins. D. She is reading a book.

28.How many children are mentioned(提到) in the passage?

A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven

( ) 29. Where are the girls dancing?

A. Under the tree B. In a boat C. In the classroom D. Near the lake

( ) 30. Who is Mrs. Green?

A. She is their English teacher. B. She is Joe's mother.

C. She is their art teacher. D. She is their music teacher.


There are many clubs in our school. Let me tell you what they are.

Do you like playing tennis? It's OK if you can't play tennis. Mr. Qing can teach you. Come and join the tennis club!

Do you like acting? Do you like to work with other young people ? Do you want to be in the school play? Come and join the acting club.

Can you dance? Do you like Latin (拉丁) dance or Chinese traditional (传统的) dance? Join the dance club and dance for the Christmas (圣诞节) show.

Do you like French food? Can you speak French? Do you want to learn French? Join the French club now.

( ) 31. Who can teach you to play tennis?

A. Mr. Wang B. Mr. Qing C. Miss Zhang D. Miss Song

( ) 32. If Tony want to act in the school play, what club can he join?

A. The tennis club. B. The dance club. C. The acting club. D. The French. club

( ) 33. How many clubs are there in the school?

A. Two B. Three C .Four D. Five

( ) 34. What can you learn in the French club?

A. English B. French C. Chinese D. Japanese

( ) 35.What kind of article is it?

A. A story. B. An ad. C.A sports news D. A TV show.


Mike is seven and begins to go to school this week . It's Sunday . His mother Mrs. Smith doesn't go to work. Mike wants to go to the zoo. He gets up at six thirty and asks his mother to take him there. After breakfast they go to the bus stop. They want to take a No.3 bus to the zoo .

“Look ,Mummy!” the boy is calling out, “A NO.3 bus is coming !”

“No, dear” Mrs. Smith is saying ,“It isn't No.3 It's No.21.”

“You're wrong, Mummy, ”Mike is saying. “My teacher says two and one is three !”

( )36. Mike is a student of Grade .

A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four

( )37. Mike is going to the zoo with .

A. his father B. his mother C. his sister D. his brother

( )38. Mrs. Smith and her son want to go to the zoo by .

A. bus B. bike C. boat D. plane

( )39. Mike thinks , so he is calling out .

A. Two and one is three B. a No.2 bus is coming

C. a No. 3 bus is coming D. a No.21 bus is coming

( )40. Who is wrong ?

A. The teacher B. Mike C. His mother D. A、B and C


Some children are flying kites near the river. They are very high and Peter can see them in the classroom. After lunch his aunt comes to see his mother and brings a kite to him. It looks like a bird. He wants to fly it but his mother doesn't let him do so.

“It's time to go to school,” says his mother, “You can fly it after dinner. The boy is unhappy, and says goodbye to his aunt and leaves. Now he is in the classroom but he doesn't listen to Miss Black, She writes something on the blackboard and then turns to the class and finds this.

”Name nine things with milk(牛奶) in them, Peter.“ she says. The boy doesn't hear her and still sits there. A boy in Row 4 taps(拍)his back and he understands it. He stands up and Miss Black asks him the question again. He thinks for some time and then says, ”Yes, madam, tea, coffee, cake and... er ... six cows.“

( ) 41.There is ______ near Peter's school.

A. some water B. a river C. a lake D. a park

( ) 42. In the classroom Peter can see ______.

A. some children playing in the park B. his aunt buy a kite for him

C. some students reading beside the lake D. some children flying kites near the river

( ) 43. Peter's aunt comes to see his mother ____.

A. in the morning B. after dinner C. in the evening D. after lunch

( ) 44. Peter's mother tells him to fly the kite______.

A. at breakfast B. Quickly C. after dinner D. in school

( ) 45. In class Peter only thinks ______.

A. his teacher's words B. what the kite looks like

C. how to fly the kite D. how to answer the teacher's question

四、任务型阅读 (5分)

Li Feng is from Beijing, China. He studies in a middle school. He works hard at his lessons. He is good at English. He likes speaking English.

Li Feng's mother is from Japan. She is a good teacher. She teaches Japanese in a different school. She can speak some Chinese, but doesn't know English.

His father works in a factory. He is very busy every day, and his job is difficult but interesting.


46. Where does Li Feng come from?


47. What does Li Feng like?


48. Can his mother speak a little English?


49. Where does his father work?


50. Does his father like his work?


五、词汇 (20分)


51. My sister wants to be a shop a__________ .

52. Jimmy is reading a story book in the l .

53. It's r _________ outside. Take an umbrella(雨伞)with you.

54. I'm very h .I want to eat a hamburger..

55. Our Chinese teacher lives in an a_______ near our school.

56. Look! Jack is s__________ at the pool.

57. Is there a park in the n ?

58. When your father is sleeping , you must be q .

59. There is a big house with a beautiful g .

60. There are all kinds of a in the zoo .


join , walk , sun , on , take , other , Egyptian , because , year , What , how

Thank you for 61 CCTV's Around The World program. Right now,we are in Egypt , 62 in the desert(沙漠). It's a beautiful, 63 day! There are many people here 64 vacation .Some are 65photos of the pyramids . 66 are riding camels(骆驼)The 67 are wearing a kind of scarf on their heads. I guess they wear them 68 it's so hot ! Behind me I can see the city of Cairo. I'm looking at five thousand 69 of history ! 70 an interesting place !

61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70.

A.Where are we going to meet B.What are you doing, Tom C.How is the weather outside? D. Do you have a soccer ball E. Let's go and play soccer ball F. Are you watching TV

六、补全对话 (5分)

A: 71 ?

B: I'm watching TV.

A: The TV show is boring. 72 .

B: That sounds great. 73 ?

A: Yes, I do. I have a new soccer.

B: 74 ?

A: It's sunny outside. It's good for sports.

B: ___________75____________?

A: At the door of the park, OK?

B: Great. See you.

71.________ 72. _________73.________74.__________ 75.___________

七、书面表达 (15分)


请根据以上的信息,写一篇以My pen pal 为题不少于60字左右的短文(关键词已给出)

Australia, Shanghai, music, soccer, Chinese food, pandas, reporter, sunny, playing, park


1-5BCDBC 6-10CCCCC 11-15BDDAC 16-20BABBB 21-25BACCC 26-30CDBAC 31-35 BCCBB 36-40ABACB 41-45BDDCC

46. (He comes from) Beijing, China. 47. (He likes) speaking English.

48. No, she can’t. 49. (He works) in a factory. 50. Yes, he does. 51.assistant 52.library 53.raining 54.hungry 55.apartment 56.swimming 57.neighborhood 58.quiet 59.garden 60.animals 61.joining 62.walking 63.sunny 64.on 65.taking 66.Others 67.Egyptians 68. because 69.years 70.What

71-75 BEDCA


I have a pen pal. His name is Tony. He is 14.He is from Australia. Now he lives in Shanghai. Music and soccer are his favorites. He also likes Chinese food and pandas. He wants to be a reporter in China. Today is sunny. He with his friends is playing in the park.


第一节 听选答语:根据你听到的句子选择正确答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。每个句子读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分。)

( ) 1. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I’m not. C. I know anyone here.

( ) 2. A. You’re welcome. B. That’s right. C. See you later.

( ) 3. A. I’m fine. B. I’m nine years old. C. Me, too.

( ) 4. A. They are from America B. She is from Australia. C. He is from Cuba

( ) 5. A. He likes red. B. He likes oranges. C. He is old with white hair.

( ) 6. A. He looks like a cat. B. I like the girl with black hair. C. She likes a cat.

( ) 7. A. It’s a white cat. B. Its name is Mimi. C. It’s hers.

( ) 8. A. She has a big nose. B. He is short. C. She is tall.

( ) 9. A. My English teacher. B. It’s here. C. He has a fat nose.

( ) 10. A. Yes, I do. B. F-A-V-O-R-I-T-E, favorite.

C. F-A-I-V-O-U-R-I-T-E, faivourite.

第二节 对话问答:根据你听到的对话内容选择正确答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。每组对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分。)

( ) 11. A. Jack. B. Jack’s sister. C. I don’t know.

( ) 12. A. It’s Jim’s. B. It’s Maria’s. C. It’s the man’s.

( ) 13. A. Tom. B. Mike. C. Michael and David.

( ) 14. A. The boy. B. The girl. C. The boy and the girl.

( ) 15. A. They’re cats. B. They’re tigers. C. They’re pandas.

第三节 短文理解:根据你听到的短文内容选择正确答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分。)

( )16. Where is Jim Green now ?

A. In Zhejiang. B. In Henan. C. in Shanxi.

( ) 17. How many children are there(有) in John’s family ?

A. Six. B. Four. C. Three.

( ) 18. Are Jim’s sisters and brother all middle school students ?

A. No, they aren’t. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, they do.

( ) 19. What time does Jim go to school ?

A. At 6: 45 B. At 7: 00 C. At 7: 15

( ) 20. What time does Jim play sports( 进行体育活动) ?

A. At 4: 10 B: At 3: 50 C. At 9: 56

笔 试 部 分(共 100分)

一、单项选择 下面每小题中只有一个答案是正确的,请选出,并将代表该答案的序号填入题前括号内。(每小题1分,共15分)

( ) 21. I ____ a boy. My name _______ Jack.

A. am; are B. am; is C. is; are D. are; is

( )22. — Is this your book, Alice? — Yes, it is _________ .

A. his B. my C. hers D. mine

( )23. 8:15 in English is _________.

A. a quarter to nine B. a quarter past nine

C. forty- five to nine D. a quarter past eight

( ) 24. — _________ does your friend Li Qiang look like?

— He is tall and has black hair.

A. How B. What C. Which D. Why

( ) 25. — What does your father do? — _________

A. He’s old. B. He’s fine.

C. He likes me. D. He’s a cook.

( ) 26. — Does she ______ any pencils?

—Yes, she ______ three pencils.

A. have; has B. have; have C. has; have D. has; has

( ) 27. — What about going for a picnic with us?

— I’m sorry I can’t. My mother isn’t _________. I have to cook.

A. out B. in C. at D. for

( )28. It’s time _________ school.

A. go to B. to go C. to go to D. goes to

( ) 29. I want to buy ________ vegetables, but I don’t want to buy _____ chicken.

A. some; any B. any; some C. some; some D. any; any

.( ) 30. — These clothes are very nice. Could I _________?

— Sure.

A. try it on B. try them on C. try on it D. try on them

( ) 31. Please _________ the tree. Can you _________ any apples on it?

A. look; see B. look at; see C. see; look D. see; look at

( ) 32. We would like some meat and rice _____ lunch.

A. to B. in C. of D. for

( ) 33. A nurse works ______________.

A. in a school B. in a hospital C. on a farm D. in an office

( ) 34. -What color is it?

-It’s orange. It’s orange pen.

A. a, an B. an, an C. an, / D. /, an

( ) 35. — Can I help you ? — Yes, I’d like ______________.

A. two bag of salt B. two bags of salt

C. two bag of salts D. two bags of salts

二. 口语运用 从B栏中找出能与A栏相对应的答语,并将代表该答案的序号填入题前括号内。(每小题1分,共10分)


( )36. Can you spell pencil?

( )37. Is this coat red or green?

( )38. Is it a brown one?

( )39. Where does he come from?

( ) 40. Do you speak English?

( )41. Whose T-shirt is this?

( )42.Where is your cat?

( )43. Which knife is yours?

( )44. Do you like English?

( )45. What does he look like?


A. The black one.

B. It is in my room.

C. It’s his.

D. He is tall and thin with short hair.

E. Yes, I like it very much.

F. He comes from Japan.

G. No, it’s a blue one.

H. Yes, P-E-N-C-I-L, pencil.

I. It’s red.

J. Yes, but only a little.

三、完形填空 阅读短文,然后为短文后各题选择正确的答案,将其标号填入题前括号内。(每小题1分,共10分)

My name is Peter. I’m a boy 46 England. Welcome to my family. Here is a 47 of my family. We all live in Beijing now. The old man is my grandfather. He is a farmer. And the old woman is my grandmother. She is a farmer, too. They both work 48 .The young man is my father. He 49 in a factory. The young woman is my mother. She works 50 of Chaoyang District (区). She can speak Chinese. She often helps me with my Chinese. The lovely(可爱的) girl 51 blue is my aunt. She has long hair. She is twenty 52 . She likes Sichuan food a lot. She is a teacher, and she 53 English in our school. Her students like 54 very much. Can you see the little boy ? Haha, it’s me. I 55 in Xiangyang Junior High School.

( ) 46. A. is from B. comes from C. from

( ) 47. A. tree B. room C. photo

( ) 48. A. in a school B. on a farm C. in an office

( ) 49. A. works B. lives C. does

( ) 50. A. in hospital B. in a hospital C. to the hospital

( ) 51. A. with B. at C. in

( ) 52. A. old B. years C. years old

( ) 53. A. has B. teaches C. studies

( ) 54. A. she B. her C. him

( ) 55. A. study B. live C. work



Jim is from the USA. But his father,mother and he are in China now. His mother is a teacher. His father is a doctor. Jim is in Class 7, Grade 8. He is 13. His mother is my English teacher. I’m Zhang Jun. I’m in Class 8, Grade 7. I’m 13, too.


( ) 56. Jim’s family is from _______.

A. America B. China C. Japan

( ) 57. Who is in Grade 8?

A. Li Lei. B. Jim. C. Zhang Jun.

( ) 58. Who is in Class 8?

A. Zhang Jun. B. Jim. C. His mother.

( ) 59. How old is Jim?

A. 7. B. 8. C. 13.

( ) 60. Are Zhang Jun and Jim of the same age (同龄)?

A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, they are. C. No, they aren’t.


Bill, Jack and I are in the same class at Chongqing No.2 High School now. We are good friends, but we are from different countries(国家). Bill is from England. He likes Chinese noodles very much. Jack’s favorite food is hamburgers. They look like twin(双胞胎) brothers, but they are not. Jack is from Canada. I come from China. I like Chongqing food very much. They like singing very much and I like playing soccer(踢足球) a lot.


( ) 61. We are in now.

A. Beijing B. Chongqing C. America

( ) 62. We are from countries.

A. same B. different C. all

( ) 63. Jack likes very much.

A. Chinese noodles B. eggs C. hamburgers

( ) 64. Jack is Bill’s .

A. friend B. brother C. teacher

( ) 65. My favorite sport is .

A. driving B. singing C. soccer


Mike’s uncle comes to his home and the family plan(计划) to go for a picnic in the park. Mike’s mother puts(放) the picnic food in a black bag. She tells him to take it in the car. But his father asks him to throw away(扔掉) another(另一个)black bag. The bags look like the same. When(当……时)they go out, Mike throws away one of them.

An hour (小时) later, they get to the park. They take(拍)photos and go fishing. When they want to have lunch, they can’t find the food. Mike doesn’t throw away the right bag, so they have to eat out of the park. The food is very nice. They are all very happy, but Mike doesn’t say anything.


( ) 66. Who comes to Mike’s home?

A. Mike’s aunt. B. Mike’s uncle. C. Mike’s friend.

( ) 67. Mike’s family plan to __________ in the park.

A. drive B. go fishing C. have a picnic

( ) 68. They get to the park _________ later.

A. three hours B. one hour C. two hours

( ) 69. They have lunch _________ .

A. at home B. in the park C. out of the park

( ) 70. Mike may be _________for the picnic.

A. great B. sorry C. happy



two, family, mother, father, sister, parent, brother, daughter, Tom, Jean

Look at my 71 tree, please. I am Mike. I’m from the U.S.A.. I have a big happy family. My wife(妻子) 72 is a nurse. We have 73 kids. 74 is our son and Joy is our 75 . They study at No.1 High School. My father’s name is Bill and my 76 name is Helen. My 77 are old. John is my 78 . He is a doctor. Kate is my wife’s 79 . She is a worker. My wife’s mother’s name is Emma. My wife’s 80 name is Peter. They’re old, too. They don’t go to work and they are often at home.

71. ________ 72. ________ 73. ________74. __________75. ___________

76. ________ 77. _________78. ________79. _________ 80. ___________

五. 补全对话 :根据对话内容和上下文,用适当句子或短语补全对话,使对话完整通顺。(每句2分,共5分)

A: Hello! What’s your name, please?

B: My name is Bill

A: 81 ?

B: I’m from Canada.

A: 82 ?

B: Yes, I do. But my Chinese isn’t good.

83 ?

A: No problem. Do you often speak Chinese after class ?

B: 84 .

A: That’s good. 85 ?

B: No, I don’t. Can you help me find one ?

A: OK. A pen pal is good for your Chinese study.



提示词:family, happy, teacher,fish, doctor,chicken,student, grades, milk, vegetables


1. 书写规范,卷面整洁,语句通顺。

2. 所给提示词都要用上。

3. 60个词左右(不包括所给开头和结尾的词)。

Dear May,

I’m David. I’m from England.





第一节:1-5AABCC 6-10 BCCAB

第二节:11-15 BBCAC

第三节:16-20 ABBCB


一.21-25 BDDBD 26-30 ABCAB 31-35 BDBDB

二.36-40 HIGFJ 41-45 CBAED

三.46-50 CCBAB 51-55 CCBBA

四.A: 56-60 ABACB B: 61-65 BBCAC C: 66-70 BCBCB

D: 71. family 72. Jean 73. two 74. Tom 75. daughter

76. mother’s 77. parents 78. brother 79. sister 80. father’s

五.81.Where are you from

82. Do you study/learn / speak /like Chinese

83. Can/Could you help me ? / Can/Could you help me with my Chinese

Can /Could you help me learn/study my Chinese

84. Yes, I do. /Yes. /Sure..

85. Do you have a pen pal? /Do you any pen pals


Dear May,

I’m David. I’m from England. I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher. He likes fish very much. My mother is a doctor. She likes cooking. Chicken is her favorite food. My sister Julia and I are both students. We study in the same school,but in different grades. She likes drinking milk and I likes eating vegetables, but we don’t like chicken and fish at all.




一. 读一读,猜一猜:根据首字母提示完成单词(5分)。

1. June can play basketball. He wants to j__________ the basketball club.

2. F____________ is the second month of a year.

3. Jack Chen is Mike’s f_____________ movie star. Mike likes his movies best.

4. The runners are very strong. Because they eat a lot of h__________ food.

5. We want to play tennis after school. But we don’t have tennis r____________.

二. 看一看,做一做:单项选择(15分)。

(     )1.  Look at these ___________. Victor has ____________ aunt and two uncles.

A. photos, a   B. photos, an     C. photos, the

(     )2.  Can you _____________ jiaozi __________ English?

A. say,  with     B. speak, in          C. say, in

(     )3.  Where __________ she ___________ from?

A. does, come   B. is , come    C. does, comes

(     )4.  How ____________ did you pay?

A. much yuan    B. many yuan       C. much yuans

(     )5.  Her mam is ___________. She ____________ a car now.

A. a driver, drive B. driver, drives C. a driver, is driving

(     )6.  Do you want __________ with me?

A. go shopping   B. to go shop   C. to go shopping

(     )7.  ---___________?    ---Yes, please.

A. How are you      B. Can I help you   C. What can you do for me

(     )8.  Miss White is a good teacher.  She usually _________.

A. helps me to English    B. help me learn English  C. helps me with my English.

(     )9.  Maria likes documentaries _______ cartoon, ______ she doesn’t like thrillers.

A. and , and     B. and, but    C. but, but

(     )10. Do you need shoes______ sports? We have lots of shoes ________ very good prices.

A. for, at    B. for, with    C. at, with

(     )11. Katrina often has French _______, tomatoes, chicken__________ dinner.

A. fry, for      B. fries, for      C. frys, at

(     )12. Let’s ____________ volleyball. That _________ good.

A. playing, is      B. play, sounds   C. play, is sound

(     )13.  Peter often _________ my textbook ________ home.

A. takes, to       B. brings,        C. takes,

(     )14.  The man is David Johnson. Johnson is his ____ name and David is his ______ name.

A. family, first     B. first, family    C. first, last

(     )15. Does Lili like documentaries?__________________.

A. Yes, she doesn’t.   B. No, she does.   C. Yes, she does.

三 读一读,对一对:对号入座(10分)。

(    )1.  Where is her pen pal from?                    A.  At 4.P.m.

(    )2.  May I have a look at your ticket?                B.  She’s swimming.

(    )3.  When is your birthday?                       C. No, I don’t. It’s hard for me.

(    )4.  What’s his phone number?                     D. Zhou Runfa

(    )5.  What color is your box?                       E. It’s 243-0876.

(    )6.  Who’s your favorite film star?                  F. Sure. Here it is.

(    )7.  Can you play the piano?                      G. No, I can’t.

(    )8.  Do you like playing chess?                    H. He’s from the UK.

(    )9.  What time does it close on Sunday?             I. It’s blue and yellow.

(    )10.  What is liming doing in the river?               J. December 4th

四. 看一看,找一找:改错题,下列句中均有一处错误,找出来并改正在横线上(5分)。

1. Her’s favorite sport is tennis.                              _____________

2. Miss Tian singing a new song.                             _____________

3. My father usually go to work at 7:30.                        _____________

4. Are this your brother, John?                               _____________

5. Math is me favorite subject.                               _____________

五. 读一读,排一排:给以下句子编号,组成一段意义完整的对话(5分)。

(    )Why do you like P.E.?

(  1  ) What’s your favorite subject?

(     ) How many P.E. classes do you have in a week?

(     ) Do you like him?

(     ) My favorite subject is P.E.

(     ) It’s exciting and relaxing.

(     ) I have two in a week.

(     ) Who’s your P.E. Teacher?

(     ) Mr. Li is.

(     ) Yes, he’s friendly, but he’s very strict.

六. 完形填空。(10分)

I ____(1) Li Lei. This ______(2) a ruler. ______(3) is ______(4) ruler. I spell _______(5), R-U-L-E-R. That is _______ (6) eraser. It’s _______(7). I _______(8) spell it. _____(9) do you spell it, Do you know? _______(10), I don’t know.

(    )1. A. is      B. am      C. are      D. do

(    )2. A. is      B. am      C. are      D. do

(    )3. A. This    B. That     C. It       D. One

(    )4. A. your    B. his      C. her      D. my

(    )5. A. it      B. one      C. her      D. me

(    )6. A. your   B. my       C. an      D. a

(    )7. A. your   B. my       C. his      D. her

(    )8. A. do     B. don’t     C. isn’t     D. am not

(    )9. A. How   B. What     C. What’s   D. How are

(    )10. A. OK   B. Not      C. Thank you  D. Sorry

七. 读一读,填一填:阅读理解(32分)。



A: Hello!

B: Hi, is that Paul? This is Nick, your new classmate.

A: Hi, Nick! Where are you?

B: At home. There’s a new movie at the Capital Cinema. Do you Know?

A: Yes, I do. Do you like going to movies?

B: Yes, very much. I usually go to movies with my parents on Sunday.

A: What kind of movies do you like?

B: Action movies. How about you?

A: I don’t often go to movies. I like watching TV or VCD at home.

B: That’s different from seeing the movie at the cinema. Let’s go to the movie this evening, OK?

A: Sorry, I’m going to a concert with my mam this evening. What about tomorrow afternoon?

B: OK. See you after lunch tomorrow.

A: Bye-bye.

(     )1. Who is B?

A. Nick, Paul’s new classmate.  B. Paul, Nick’s new classmate.

(     )2. What does Paul like?

A. Going to movies.   B. Watching TV or VCD at home

(     )3. Paul and Nick are going to ________.

A. the new movie this evening  B. a concert this evening

C. the new movie tomorrow    D. have lunch at the cinema

(     )4. Where are they talking about the movies?

A. At Nick’s home.  B. At Paul’s home. C. At the cinema.    D. On the phone.

(b). 阅读下面的短文并完成ID卡。(6分)

Nick is my pen pal. He is 12 years old. He is from Canada. He lives in Ottawa. He speaks English and French. His favorite subject is science. He likes Chinese, too. And he says he can speak a little Chinese, but he can’t write in Chinese.

Nick likes sports, too. He likes swimming best. He goes swimming on weekends with his father. He says he can swim very well. He doesn’t like Physics. He thinks it too difficult.

Nick has a big family. There are eight people in his family, his grandpa, grandma, father, mam and his brothers and sisters. He has two brothers and two sisters. They are Bob, Tim, Jane and Susan. They are happy!

Name: ________________

Age: ______   From: ______________________

Language(s): _______________________

Favorite subject(s): ____________________

Favorite sport(s): _________________________


bobo 正在向大家介绍他家的新客厅,你能根据他的介绍,把所给物品的图片放在适当的位置上吗?(把物品下方的字母写在图中相应的位置里)(6分)



(  )7. What is Emily talking about in her letter?

A. Joy’s birthday party.  B. Emily’s birthday party.

C. Uncle Paolo’s birthday party?

(  )8. Where are they going to have the party?

A. In Central Park.  B. Near History Museum.  C. At Uncle Paolo’s restaurant.

(  )9. What can they do from 6 : 30 to 7 : 45? They can ________.

A. go to a concert  B. eat and talk   C. go to the museum

(  )10. What time does the party start?  It starts at about ________.

A. 6 : 30   B. 7 : 45  C. 8 : 00


Xiao Ming 想要参加学校社团组织。他向学生会主席Nancy写了一封自荐信。请你根据他所介绍的情况,完成第11~13小题,把14小题回答完整。(每小题1分,共4分)

Dear Nancy,

My name is Xiao Ming. I want to be in a club in our school. I’m not famous now. But maybe I can be famous someday!I can’t sing or dance or act in movies, but I can do many other things. I can play three instruments: the guitar, the violin and the drums. I think I can be in the music club. Maybe I can be a famous musician. I like to read story books and I can write stories. Maybe I can be a famous writer. I like sports, too, but I don’t think I can be a famous and successful sports man. Can I join you?


Xiao Ming

(  )11. What’s the word “instruments” in Chinese?  It’s ________.

A. 乐谱    B. 乐器   C. 乐章

(  )12. What can’t Xiao Ming do?  He can’t ________.

A. write stories  B. play the violin  C. act in movies

(  )13. Xiao Ming thinks he can be a famous ________ or a famous writer.

A. musician   B. actor     C. sports man

(    ) 14. --What clubs do you think Xiao Ming can join?

--He can join a ___________ club, a ___________ club or a ___________ club.




I’m going to see a movie with my friends this weekend. We love seeing movies, but e all like different kinds. I like to see thrillers and science fictions, my friend Sam loves action movies and comedies and my best friend, Lee, loves a good romance. Because we like different kinds of movies, it can be difficult to choose(选择)one to see. So we usually take turns(轮流)to choose the movie. It’s my turn to choose this weekend, so we’re going to see Harry Potter II, a new movie. It’s number one at the box office, and everyone is saying what a great movie it is. I can’t wait!

(  )15. How many kinds of movies does the writer talk about in the story?

A. Six.    B. Five.    C. Four.

(  )16. Harry Potter II is ________  movie right now.

A. a boring   B. a popular   C. an action

(  )17. How do the writer and his friends choose which movie to see?

A. They like different kinds of movies.

B. They let Lee choose which movie to see.

C. They take turns to choose a movie to see.

(  )18. What is the main idea(中心意思)of the story?

A. Choosing which movie to see can be difficult.

B. It’s a good thing to see movies with friends.

C. Everyone likes the new movie Harry Potter II.


1. 你(Steven)的蓝色背包在操场上丢失,里面有书及各种文具,写一份寻物启事,你的电话:82345066  (9分)

_________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

2. 你想加入京剧社,根据以下表格编一段你与京剧社工作人员的对话 (9分)

First name: Mark

Last name: Smith

Age: 13

Telephone number: 6621-4810


What can you do? Sing, dance, Chinese Kung Fu

Why do you want to join the club? To learn a lot about Chinese history;


Clerk: Hi, can I help you?

Mark: Yes, please. ________________________________________________



一. 1. join  2. February  3. favorite  4. healthy  5. racket

二I. 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.C

三. 1.H 2.F 3.J 4.E 5.I 6.D 7.G 8.C 9.A 10.B

四. 1.Her’s改为Her 2.singing 改为is singing 3.go改为 goes 4.Are改为 Is 5.me改为 my

五. 3-1-5-9-2-4-6-7-8-10

六. 1―5  BACDA   6―10 CCBAD

七. (a) 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D

(b) Name: Nick  Age:12  From: Canada  Language: English and French Favorite subject: Science     Favorite sport: swimming



(    )1.This is ____useful book. I want to buy it.

A. an          B. a        C. the         D.

(    )2. --Is that a blue pen?    ---_____, it is a yellow pen.

A. Yes, it is                   B. Yes, that is

C. No, it isn’t                 D. No, that isn’t

(    )3.Lili’s birthday party is _____ January 1 st.

A. in           B. on         C. at          D. to

(    )4.There are _____ months in a year. The ____month is September.

A, twelfth; ninth               B. twelve; ninth

C. twelve; nineth               D. twelfth ;nineth

(    )5.---Can I have some_____?   ---Sure, here it is.

A. bananas    B. apples        C. chicken    D. pears

(    )6. The man’s name is Mr Green. Green is his _____name .

A. first        B. one         C. second     D. last

(    )7.---What’s your favorite _____? -----Blue.

A. subject     B. class         C. color       D. science

(    )8.---_____ do you like history?

----Because I think it’s interesting and fun.

A. Who        B. Where       C. Why      D. What

(    )9.---Let’s _____ basketball.   ---That’s a good idea(主意)!

A. play       B. plays        C .to  play   D. playing

(    )10.---What’s that?    ---It’s a cup.

---______.  ---C-U-P.

A. Spell it, please              B. Say it, please

C. Please                     D. Please say

(    )11.I’m fine, but my sister _____.

A. doesn’t     B. isn’t        C. is           D. not

(    )12.---Here _____ two balls for you.   --- Thank you!

A. is          B. are         C. am         D. be

(    )13.---Is that her pencil? ---Yes, it is.   _____is red.

A. Her       B. Mine        C. Your       D. My

(    )14.Linda eats fruit every day because she wants _____healthy.

A. being      B. be           C. to be       D. is

(    )15.---______, where is the post office(邮局)?

--- Sorry, I’m new here. You can ask that policeman(警察).

A. Sorry      B. Excuse me    C. Hi         D. Thank you

得分 评卷人

II. 补全对话。(共15分)

A. how old is he?

B. No, it isn’t.

C. Who’s Bob?

D. Is Bob your English teacher ‘s son?

E. What’s his favorite sport?

F. When is his birthday?

G. Yes, he does.


Paul: Hi ,liming. Is this your schoolbag?

liming:16.____________It’s Bob’s.

Paul: Bob’s? 17.______________

liming: He is my English teacher’s son.

Paul: Oh, 18.______________

liming: He is twelve. His birthday is in March.


liming: He likes playing soccer very much.

Paul: Does he like to play soccer with us?

liming:20.___________. Let’s play it now.


A:  21._____________________________________?

B:  Yes, please. I need a sweater for my son.

A:  22._____________________________________?

B:  Green.

A:  How about this one? It’s very nice.

B:  23.______________________________________?

A:  It’s only eighteen dollars.

B:  OK, 24.__________________________________.  Here is the money(钱).

A:  Thank you .

B:  25._______________________ _______________.

得分 评卷人


A).  根据短文内容选择正确答案填在括号里,使短文意思完整正确。(每小题1分,共10分)

Tom has a cousin, he likes to collect(收集)sports things. He  26 many sports things. He likes basketball very much,   27 he doesn’t play basketball. He only likes to  28 basketball games 29  TV. And he likes basketball shoes very much. He has four  30 basketball shoes. And he always wears(穿) 31  . He has ten ping-pong balls and two ping-pang bats in his box. He has many photos of  32  stars. He  33 heir names, too.

How  34  your brother?  35  he like any things?

(    ) 26.A.is        B.have        C.has        D.am

(    ) 27.A.and      B.so          C.but        D.because

(    ) 28.A.look     B.watch      C.see       D.be

(    ) 29.A.in         B.on         C.at       D.under

(    ) 30.A.pairs     B.pair of      C.pair       D.pairs of

(    ) 31.A.shoe     B.it          C.them       D.pairs

(    ) 32.A.sport     B.sports      C.runing   D.run

(    ) 33.A.buy      B.buys      C.know       D.knows

(    ) 34.A.about    B.for          C.on       D.much

(    ) 35.A.Does     B.Do          C.Is       D.Can

B).  根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的适当形式完成短文,写在下面横线上,每个词只能用一次。(每小题1分,共10分)

English , student, music, year, she, with, think, good, also ,make

Ma Ling’s aunt is a musician in a school. She likes to36.______friends. Her friend, Linda is thirty 37.______old. She is a 38. _____ too. She is great fun. All of the 39.______like 40.____very much. They often call her “Miss Fun”.  Miss Fun is in China 41. _____her family now. She speaks English very 42. _____, so she teaches students 43.______.She 44._____likes playing volleyball. After school she often goes to play volleyball with Ma Ling’s aunt. She likes listening to music because she 45.______it can make(使)her happy.


41.___________42.___________43.____________44.___________ 45.____________

得分 评卷人

IV. 阅读理解.(共25分)



John and bobo are good friends. They love different foods and different sports.

Name: John White

Breakfast: An egg and some bread

In the morning: An apple

Lunch: Rice and vegetable salad

In the afternoon: Some milk

Dinner: Fruit porridge

Likes: Playing soccer and ping-pong

Name: bobo Green

Breakfast: A chicken hamburger and apple juice

In the morning: Some bread

Lunch: Rice and chicken

In the afternoon: Ice-cream

Dinner: Chicken salad

Likes: Watching TV and playing computer games

(     )46.What does John have for breakfast?

A.Some bread      B.A hamburger     C.Some chicken    D. fruit

(     )47.When does bobo have ice-cream?

A.At breakfast      B.In the morning

C.In the afternoon  D.  After dinner

(     ) 48.What sport does John like?

A.Tennis            B.Soccer         C.Basketball       D. Volleyball

(     )49.Who has rice for lunch?

A.John             B.No one         C.John and bobo     D. bobo

(     )50.What do we know about bobo?

A.He likes chicken.                      B.He loves sports.

C.He likes playing ping-pong.             D. He likes orange juice


Green Trees Gym(体育馆)

Swimming       Mon. ~ Sun.     8:00 a.m. ~ 8:00 p.m.

Basketball       Sat. ~ Sun.      8:00 a.m. ~ 6:00 p.m.

Volleyball        Mon. ~ Sat.    10:00 a.m. ~ 6:00 p.m.

Aerobics(健身操)  Mon. ~ Sun.    6:00 a.m. ~ 9:00 p.m.

Tel: 6227225

E-mail: greentrees@yahoo.com

Red Apples Gym

Swimming         Mon. ~ Fri.      6:00 a.m. ~ 6:00 p.m.

Basketball         Mon. ~ Sun.     8:00 a.m. ~ 6:00 p.m.

Volleyball         Mon. ~ Sun.     8:00 a.m. ~ 6:00 p.m.

Aerobics          Mon. ~ Sun.     8:00 a.m. ~ 9:00 p.m.

Tel: 6589417

Welcome You!

(   ) 51. I want to go swimming on Sunday. Where can I go?

A. Green Trees Gym.

B. Red Apples Gym.

C. Both Green Trees Gym and Red Apples Gym.

D. You can’t go swimming on Sunday.

(   ) 52. I want to play basketball on Monday morning. Where can I go?

A. Green Trees Gym.

B. Red Apples Gym.

C. Both Green Trees Gym and Red Apples Gym.

D. Green Apples Gym.

(   ) 53. Can I play volleyball at 9:00p.m. at Green Trees Gym?

A. Yes, you can             B. No, you can’t

C. Yes, you do              D. No, you don’t

(   ) 54. I do aerobics at 7:00 a.m. on Monday. So you can call me _____.

A. At 6589417              B. At 6227225

C. At 6222725              D. At 6589147

(  ) 55. Which gym accepts (接受) mail from computer?

A. Green Apples Gym.       B. Red Apples Gym.

C. Green Trees Gym.        D. Red Trees Gym.


Hello, everyone. My name is Lili, I’m from America. Now I’m a student of Beijing University. I can be a tutor(家教) for your kids, I study music ,and I ‘m good at this subject. I can help your kids with it, And I can also teach them some English .I’m fun. Your kids will enjoy my classes for sure.

I have time in the afternoon from Monday to Saturday. My class is 20 dollars every hour. And it is usually two hours.

Do you need my help? Call me at xxxx. You can write me  an e-mail , too. My e-mail address is americamary@gmail.com.

Best wishes!                                                             Lili

(    )56.Lili is a(n)_________tutor.

A. math             B. English      C. music      D. Chinese

(    )57.The underlined(画线)word means(意思是)____in Chinese.

A. 喜欢            B.怀念         C. 评价       D. 选择

(    )58.  Lili is free on ________.

A. Monday morning  B. Saturday afternoon

C. Friday evening    D. Sunday morning

(    )59. Lili can get ________dollars every class.

A. 20               B. 30          C., 40         D. 50

(    ) 60.  Which of the following is right?

A. Lili is from China

B. Lili can help the kids with their English

C. Lili’s phone number is 3326767

D. Lili is a teacher of Beijing University.

B).  阅读短文后回答问题. (每小题2分,共10分)


liming looks out(在外)of the window(窗户), she wants to go out but she needs help. Her father is busy and can’t help her.

“ We know it’s not easy for you to get used to(习惯于)a wheelchair(轮椅)and going to school is difficult,” says her father. “I think you need a special(特殊的`)friend to help you. Would you like to have a dog to help you?”

“How can a dog help me?” asks liming. “A dog can help you open(打开)and pick(捡起)things up. It can also help pull (拉)your wheelchair. You can go to school with it every day. ”says liming’s father.

So now , liming goes to school with the dog, Tony, and plays with it after school every day. She loves the dog very much.

61.Is liming’s father busy or free?


62.What does liming need to help her?


63.What can the dog do for liming?


64.What’s the dog’s name?


65. Does liming go to school with the dog now?


得分 评卷人



66.你的裤子在哪?  ________________________________your trousers?


We don’t go to school ______________________________________.


We sell all our clothes ______________________________________.


If you don’t know the word, you can __________________________.


His friend often____________________________________ his math.




B. 把下面的句子译成汉语.(每句2分,共4分)

74. I have an art lesson for two hours every afternoon.


75. We have a book sale in the school library.


得分 评卷人


76. It’s an English dictionary.(改为否定句)

It ______________   _______________English dictionary.

77.Thank you for helping me.(同义句转换)

Thank you for ______________  _______________.

78. His favorite day is Friday. ( 就划线部分提问)


79.That sounds interesting.(改为一般疑问句)


80. need,    for ,   a,  I ,  blue,   skirt,   school (连词成句)


得分 评卷人


A) 假如你叫John,你在老师的座子底下捡到一支黑色钢笔,请写一则招领启事。你的电话是336-4455.   (5分)


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________B) 假设你是Kate Brown, 你刚刚结交了一位新的笔友John. 请你写信告诉他你个人情况和你在校情况。(15分)




Dear John,





I.1-5 BCBBC  6-10. DCCAA  11-15. BBBCB  16-20. BCAEG

21. Can I help you?

22. What color do you / does he need/ want /like?

23. How much is it?  24. I’ll take it.  25. You’re welcome.

26-30. CCBBD    31-35. CBDAA

36.make  37. years  38. musician  39. students  40. her.

41. with  42. well   43. English   44. also.     45. thinks

46-50. ACBCA  51-55.ABBBC   56-60. CABCB

61. He is busy.   62. A special friend/A dog

63. It can open and pick things up , it can also help pull her wheelchair.

64. It’s Tony /Tony  65. Yes, she does. 66. Where’re  67. on Saturday   68. at very good prices. 69. ask the/your teacher for help

70. helps him with  71. English is very easy for us.

72. Does he like playing games with people?

73. What do you like( to eat) for dinner?

74. 我每天下午上两个小时的美术课。

75. 我们在学校图书馆进行售书活动。

76. isn’t an  77. your help  78. What’s his favorite day?

79. Does that sound interesting?

80. I need a blue skirt for school.



第一部分 听对话回答1-10小题 (共10小题,每小题1分,计10分,听两遍)

( ) 5. Where are they talking?

A. In a shop. B. At the bus stop. C. In the police station.

( ) 6. What will the girl do this afternoon?

A. Have a party. B. Visit the old people. C. Go shopping.

( ) 7. Where does the boy have lunch?

A. In the restaurant. B. At home. C. At school.

( ) 8. What does the man want to do?

A. Climb hills. B. Go fishing. C. Go shopping.

( ) 9. How often does the girl dance?

A. Every day. B. Five times a week. C. Three times every week.

( ) 10. How many students are there in the boy's school?

A. 150. B. over 3,000. C. 3,000.

第二部分 听对话或独白回答问题 (共10小题,每小题1分,计10分,听两遍)


( )11. They are going to have the party on .

A. Sunday evening B. Saturday evening C. Thursday evening

( )12. They are going to have the party .

A. in the man’s flat B. in the woman’s flat C. in Mary’s flat


A trip to the Flower Park

Time This 13

How to get there 14

Things to do Allan wants to row a boat .

Alice wants to 15 .

( ) 13. A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday

( ) 14. A. On foot B. By bus C. By bike

( ) 15. A. go swimming B. have a picnic C. take photos


( )16. What does the old man do?

A. A reporter. B. A policeman. C. A teacher.

( )17. The old man came back to school __________.

A. to listen to a talk. B. to have lessons. C. to give a talk.

( )18. The policeman studied in this school when he was __________.

A. 50 B.10 C. 20

( )19. The children were __________ before.

A. as good as B. as happy as C. much happier than

( )20. We can know that __________.

A. the short boy liked the talk very much

B. all the children liked the talk

C. the short boy didn’t like studying his lessons



( )21. It is ________ amazing thing that the little dog can play ______ piano very well.

A. an, \\ B. a, a C. an, the D. \\, the

( )22. — Excuse me ,where is the nearest supermarket?

—Walk along the road, turn left_____ the first crossing and then you'll see it____ your right.

A. at; on B. on; at C. in; on D. at; in

( )23. It’s not good for our health to sleep _______ all the windows ________.

A. by, closed B. by, open C. with, closed D. keep, closed

( )24. —Why are you in such a hurry, Mike?

—There_______ a friendly basketball match in ten minute s.

A. is going to have B. will have

C. will be D. are going to

( )25. — Did you_______ your grandparents last month?

— No. They didn't go to school when they were young. So they can't read or write.

A. heard of B. hear of C. heard from D. hear from

( )26. Tom is too short the leaves on the tree.

A. to reaching B. to reach C. reaching D. not to reach

( )27. There is a bookshop on_______ side of the street.

A. others B. other C. another D. the other

( )28.—Did you hear the news about the fire in our building?

—Yes. It took the firemen two hours to_______ the fire.

A. put out B. put up C. put down D. put off

( )29. —Our school basketball team won the match.

—_______ exciting news!

A. What B. How a C. What an D. How

( )30. —Daniel, remember to turn of f the lights before leaving the classroom.


A. Yes, please B. It's hard to say C. OK, I will D. It's my job

( )31. —Shall we go camping this weeken d ?

—_______. I will see my grandparents in my hometown.

A. I think so B. I'm afraid so C. I'd like to D. I'm afraid not

( ) 32. Please don’t put ________ into the rubbish bin because it’s very dangerous.

A. something hot B. anything hot

C. hot something D. hot anything

( )33. —Could I speak to Helen, please?

—Sorry, she is not here at the moment._______?

A. Who speaks B. Who are you

C. Who's that speaking D. What's that speaking

( ) 34. — Excuse me! You can't take photos here. Look at the sign. It says ”NO PHOTOS“.

— Sorry, I_______ it.

A. didn't see B. am going to see C. won't see D. don't see

( )35. —Could you teach me how to search the information on the Internet ?


A. You are welcome B. No problem C. Thank you D. Never mind

三、完形填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)

Mr Black loved his daughter Helen very much. Every day he spent all of his free time 36 with her. One night, he had much work to do, 37 he couldn't play with his daughter. In order to (为了) keep her 38 , he found a map of the world in a magazine and cut it into pieces. When he 39 home. Helen came running to him and was ready to play. Mr Black said he had 40 time to play now. He told the girl to put the pieces of paper back together to make a map of the world. and then they could both play.

After half an hour later, Helen came to her father and said: ”Okay, it's finished. Can we play now?“ Mr Black was very 41 , ”That's impossible. Let's go and see.“ And sure enough, there was the picture of the world. All put together, every 42 in its right place.

”That's surprising!“ Mr Black said, ” 43 did you do that?“

”It was 44 .“ Helen said. ”On the back of the page was a picture of a 45 .When I put the man together, the whole world fell into place.“

( )36. A. working B. running C. playing D. walking

( )37. A. so B. because C. but D. or

( )38. A. cold B. warm C. free D. busy

( )39. A. left B. got C. ran D. passed

( )40. A. no B. enough C. much D. some

( )41. A. funny B. gentle C. weak D. surprised

( )42.A. map B. picture C. piece D . page

( )43.A. How B. Why C. When D. Where

( )44.A. hard B. easy C. difficult D. different

( )45. A. boy B. girl C. man D. woman

四、阅读理解 ( 计40)

A. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能正确回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。(共10小题,每小题2分,计20分)


Basketball match: Changchun vs Shenyang

Day: Saturday

Time: in the morning (10:00)

Place: Changchun Stadium

Telephone: 70504266 Film: Superman

Day: Saturday

Time: in the afternoon and in the evening (15:00-17:00;18:00-20:00)

Price: adult 16 yuan; child half price

Telephone: 62603941

Swimming lesson

Day: Thursday

Time: in the morning

Place: Great Swimming Pool

Telephone:58796324 Concert (音乐会)

Day: Wednesday

Time: in the morning (10:30-12:00)

Place: People Theatre

Price: 35 yuan

Telephone: 99687241

( ) 46. Where is the swimming lesson?

A. Changchun Stadium. B. Great Swimming Pool.

C. People Theatre. D. Great Garden.

( ) 47. When is the concert?

A. On Thursday (18:00-20:00). B. On Saturday (10:00).

C. On Saturday (15:00-17:00). D. On Wednesday (10:30-12:00)

( ) 48. If you want to ask something about the basketball match, you can call ____________.

A. 62603941 B. 70504266 C. 58796324 D. 99687241

( ) 49. On Saturday, you can______________.

A. watch the basketball match and have the swimming lesson

B. see the film Superman and go to the concert

C. have the swimming lesson and go t o the concert

D. watch the basketball match and see the film Superman

( ) 50. Two adults and one child will spend ___________ seeing the film Superman.

A. 87.5 yuan B. 8 yuan C. 40 yuan D. 16 yuan


What do you usually do in your fr ee time? Play sports? Watch TV? How about reading books? You must know the Chinese saying: ”Read thousands of books; travel thousands of miles“ .Books are important in our life. Reading books is good for us. It can help us know and understand the world better. It can help us get a lot of knowledge(知识). It brings us a new and different world that we have never been before. Almost all the great men like reading, like Chairman Mao and Madame Curie.

In a word, books are treasure(财宝) and we must love them. But before you read, remember to choose a good one. Ask your parents or teachers about what books to read. Be sure you are interested in them. There are many different kinds of books. I like biography(传记) because I can learn something from the characters(人物).

What about you? Young friends. Please love books and read them. They are very helpful to you.

( ) 51. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Madame Curie doesn't like reading at all.

B. We shouldn't ask teachers about what books to read.

C. Reading books can give us little knowledge.

D. We have to choose a good book before we start to read.

( )52. What does the underlined part ”Read thousands of books; travel thousands of miles.\" mean in Chinese?

A.读书百遍,其义自见 B. 读万卷书,行万里路

C.滚石不生苔 D.读数千本书就能行数千里路

( )53. Reading books can help people_________.

A. to get more sleep B. to know little about themselves

C. to get money from others D. to understand the world better

( ) 54. What kind of books does the writer like?

A. Story-books. B. Comic books. C. Bi ography. D. Novels

( ) 55. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Only reading books can make people succeed.

B. Chairman Mao likes reading very much.

C. Books are helpful to human.

D. Young people should read more books.

第II卷 (非选择题, 共55分)


B. 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,每空一词。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)

What can you do to keep healthy? Perhaps for children, healthy eating is one of the most important things. Here are some ideas about how to eat healthily.

Having breakfast

A good breakfast is very important to children. It’s necessary to have it in the morning. But some children don’t have breakfast, just because they want to sleep a little longer. Remember that a good breakfast will help you study better.

Having milk

“My dream is that all the Chinese children can get half a kilogram of milk a day.” The Chinese Premier(总理)Wen Jiabao said this during his visit to a milk farm. Milk is also very important to children’s health. It makes children grow stronger. It’s better for you to drink a glass of warm milk before you go to bed. That will help you have a good sleep.

Having healthy food

Having healthy food is the most important. That means eating lots of different kinds of food, especially fruits and vegetables. Don’t eat too much chocolate or ice-cream. Some of you eat fast food, but in fact it is not good for your health. Try to eat healthy food as much as possible.

Have healthy eating habits(习惯), and you will have a strong body.

56 about how to eat healthily

Having breakfast It’s important to have a 57 breakfast in the morning.

We can’t go to school 58 breakfast.

A good breakfast will help us study 59 .

Having milk Drinking milk m 60 children grow stronger.

It’s better for us to drink milk before 61 to bed.

That will help us sleep 62 .

Having 63 food Fast food is b 64 for our health.

65 to eat healthy food as much as possible.

56. ___________57. ___________ 58. ___________ 59. ___________ 60. ___________

61.____________62. ___________63. ___________ 64. _________ __ 65. ___________

C. 读短文回答问题。(前三个问题的答案不超过3个词)(共5小题,计10分)

I’m going to the sun on my holiday. I will go there by spaceship.

I will take a big blue spaceship. Then I’ll take the spaceship to the sun. The sun is very hot. So I put on the super shirt. In the morning, I will have some sun burgers for my breakfast. At eight o’clock, I will play with my friends there. They are a super dog and a super girl. The super dog is white and black. The super girl is very clever. The super girl and the super dog like to play with me. So I play with them for an hour and a half. Then I will do my homework on a small blue table. After finishing my homework, I will have my lunch. I will eat sun salad. I will have red juice, red fish and red rice. All things are red. Then I need a lot of water because the sun is too hot. Then I will walk to the spaceship. After that I will take the spaceship to the earth.

This is a good holiday on the sun.

66. How will he go to the sun on his holiday?

67. What will he have for his breakfast?

68. What colour is the super dog?

69. Why does he need a lot of water?

70. What do you think of his holiday?


A. 根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。

71. (相信)it or not, I did the work on my own.

72. We are getting ready for my little brother’s ________ (九)birthday.

73. Taiwan is in the __________ (东南) of China.

74. The rabbit ran quickly _________ (穿过) the garden.

75. Weifang became_______ (著名的)for making kites.


76. An old friend of _________ (I) came to visit me last weekend.

77. When I passed by the river, I saw someone _________ (lie) on the floor.

78. We are looking forward to (get) presents at Christmas.

79. He fell off the bike yesterday and _________ (hurt) himself.

80. Stop ________ (talk)! Listen to the teacher carefully!


Cinderella(灰姑娘)was a p 81 but poor girl. Her stepmother(继母) treated her very badly. She made her do all of the h 82 day and night. She didn’t tell her father about the sad thing because she loved her father and didn’t want him to w 83 about her.

One day, a prince (王子) in the country i 84 all the young girls to his birthday party. But she only had dirty and old c 85 , so she cried and cried. Suddenly a fairy(仙女)came and helped her go to the party. However, the fairy told her that she had to come back b 86 12 o’clock. During the dancing party, she and the prince danced together very well.

When the bell rang at 12 o’clock, she went b 87 home very quickly but l 88 one glass shoe in the palace. Then the prince took the glass shoe and asked from door to door around the country to l 89 for the girl who wore it. At last, he found Cinderella and m arried(娶) her. They lived a h_ 90 life ever after.

81.___________82._______ ___83.__________ 84.___________ 85.____________

86.___________87.__________88.__________ 89.___________ 90.____________


请以My best friend为题写一篇作文。要点如下,可适当发挥,80词左右。要点:

1. Amy是我最好的朋友,也是我的邻居。她住在我家隔壁。

2. 她很聪明,学习也很用功。各门功课都很优秀,对中国的历史很了解,也擅长于写作。

3. 经常参加一些户外活动,像骑马、野营之类的。

4. 很善良也很乐于助人,是援手俱乐部的一名成员。经常在公交车上给有需要的人让座;上周,在她回家的路上,一个八岁的小男孩迷路了,帮助他找到了他的父母。

My best friend

