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Time –30 minutes

25 Questions

1. Drug companies lose money when manufacturing

drugs that cure those suffering from rare diseases

because selling a drug to only a few people usually

does not recoup manufacturing expenses.Therefore,

a company manufacturing any of the drugs that cure

those suffering from loxemia, an extremely rare

disease, will undoubtedly lose money.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously

weakens the conclusion above?

(A)Several drugs that cure those suffering from

loxemia also cure those suffering from very

common illnesses.

(B)Most of those who contract loxemia also con-

tract another illness concurrently.

(C)Most of the drug companies that manufacture

drugs that cure rare diseases do not manufac-

ture drugs that cure loxemia.

(D)A sizable number of people are afflicted with

one or another rare disease even though each

rare disease afflicts only a small number of


(E)The larger the amount of a drug that is manu-

factured, the lower the manufacturing expense

for each unit of the drug that is produced.

2.The tomb of a warrior killed in 1501 bears a sculpted

portrait depicting him dressed for battle.Some his-

torians attribute the portrait to an artist from that

century, but of the many references to the tomb in

surviving documents, none that predates the 1800’s

mentions the portrait.The portrait is therefore more

likely the work of a much later artist.

Which of the following, if true, would also support

the conclusion of the argument if substituted for the

evidence given concerning the portrait?

(A)The portrait of the warrior was commissioned by

the family of the warrior’s widow.

(B)References in surviving documents mention that

an artist was paid in 1525 for an unspecified

number of works for the church in which the

tomb is located

(C)The warrior is depicted in the portrait as wearing

boots made of a material not used for boots

until the 1700’s.

(D)Some other art treasures from the church in

which the tomb is located have been reliable

dated to the 1400’s.

(E)The portrait of the warrior on the tomb strongly

resembles a portrait of him known to have

been completed during his lifetime.

Questions 3-7

A florist is designing flower arrangements containing two

or more varieties of flowers selected from among six

varieties of flowers:freesias, irises, lilies, peonies, tulips,

and zinnias.All acceptable arrangements conform to the

following conditions:

If an arrangement contains any freesias, it cannot

contain any zinnias.

If an arrangement contains any tulips, it cannot

contain any zinnias.

If an arrangement contains any peonies, it must also

contain at least one zinnia, and there must be

exactly as many zinnias as peonies.

If an arrangement contains any irises, it must also contain

tulips, and there must be twice as many tulips as irises.

If an arrangement contains freesias, the number of

freesias must be greater than the total number of

other flowers used.

3. Which of the following flower arrangements could be

made acceptable simply by adding a tulip?

(A)Three freesias, one lily, two tulips

(B)Four freesias, two peonies, one tulip

(C)Five freesias, one iris, one tulip

(D)Two irises, two tulips, two zinnias

(E)Two lilies, two peonies, two tulips

4.Which of the following, if added to an unacceptable

flower arrangement consisting of four tulips and two

freesias, would make the arrangement acceptable?

(A)Four freesias

(B)Four irises

(C)Two lilies

(D)Two peonies

(E)Two zinnias

5.Each of the following is a pair of varieties of flowers

that can be used together in an acceptable flower

arrangement EXCEPT

(A)freesias and irises

(B)freesias and tulips

(C)irises and lilies

(D)irises and peonies

(E)lilies and zinnias

6.Which of the following unacceptable flower arrange-

ments could be made acceptable simply by removing

some or all of the flowers of one variety?

(A)Four freesias, one iris, one lily, one peony

(B)Four freesias, one iris, two tulips, one zinnia

(C)Four freesias, two irises, two tulips, one zinnia

(D)Three freesias, one lily, one peony, two zinnias

(E)Three freesias, two peonies, one tulip, two zinnias

7.If an unacceptable flower arrangement consisting of

four freesias, one lily, one peony, and two tulips is to

be made acceptable by adding or removing only one

flower, which of the following must be done?

(A)Add one freesia

(B)Add one iris

(C)Add one zinnia

(D)Remove the peony

(E)Remove one tulip

8.Scientist:More than 1, 000 large asteroids regularly

cross the Earth’s path.Even though the probabil-




ity of one colliding with the Earth is extremely

slight, we should do whatever we can to reduce

that probability since any such collision would

be catastrophic.The best way to avoid such a

disaster is to deflect the asteroids.The only

known way of deflecting asteroids is by hitting

them with nuclear weapons that would be stored

in space stations.

The scientist’s claims are structured so as to lead to

which of the following conclusions?

(A)Nuclear technology is the only technology that

can plausibly be used to prevent natural


(B)Nuclear weapons should be deployed in space.

(C)No catastrophe has yet been caused by the

collision of an asteroid with the Earth.

(D)The 1, 000 large asteroids that cross the Earth’s

path pose only an extremely slight risk of

colliding with the Earth.

(E)There is currently no acceptable use to which

nuclear weapons can be put, aside from pro-

tecting the Earth from asteroids.

9.It has long been thought that high levels of the hor-

mone testosterone contribute to the onset of heart

disease in men.However, this view cannot be correct,

since men who have heart disease typically show

significantly lower levels of testosterone than do men

who have not had heart disease.

The argument above assumes which of the following?

(A)Many men who have never had heart disease

have unusually low levels of testosterone.

(B)Having heart disease does not significantly lower

the level of testosterone in men.

(C)Levels of hormones other than testosterone

significantly affect the likelihood that a man

will develop heart disease.

(D)Heart disease and lowered testosterone levels in

men are the effects of a single common cause.

(E)High levels of testosterone have never been

thought to contribute to a serious disease other

than heart disease

10.The time-out technique involves removing the child from

an undesirable situation in order to let the child think

things over.Over the last two decades, family doctors

have been advocating this technique as preferable to

spanking, which is now known to be potentially injurious

and no more effective.

10.Which of the following can properly be concluded

from the data presented in the graph?

(A)The 1962 survey was based on a larger sample

than the 1992 survey was.

(B)In the period between the surveys, denying tele-

vision privileges was never the disciplinary

technique most popular with parents.

(C)The four disciplinary techniques featured in the

graph were the only disciplinary techniques

named by parents in either survey.

(D)The 1962 survey allowed parents to name more

than one disciplinary technique, but the 1992

survey may not have allowed this.

(E)In the period between the surveys, there were

no significant changes in the popularity of lec-

turing children as a disciplinary method.

11.People who engage in scuba diving are healthier, on

average, than people who do not engage in this

activity.Therefore, scuba diving tends to promote

improved health.

The argument is most vulnerable to criticism on the

grounds that it

(A)presupposes that everyone who takes up scuba

diving does so solely for health reasons

(B)leads to a further and falsifiable conclusion that

no one can achieve good health without

engaging in scuba diving

(C)fails to point out that a small number of people

are seriously injured in scuba diving accidents

each year

(D)treats a precondition for improving one’s health

as though it were something that by itself

could ensure good health

(E)overlooks the possibility that people generally do

not take up scuba diving unless they are in

good health

Questions 12-15

An art museum owns six paintings by an eighteenth-

century painter.The paintings, listed in order by esti-

mated value from lowest to highest, are F, G, H, S, T,

and U.Paintings F, G, and H are landscapes; S, T, and U

are portraits.At any one time, exactly three of the six

paintings are on exhibit, subject to the following


The paintings on exhibit cannot all be landscapes.

If the exhibit includes only one portrait, that portrait

must be U.

H cannot be on exhibit at any time that T is on exhibit.

12.Which of the following could be the three paintings

on exhibit at some point?

(A)F, G, and H

(B)F, G, and T

(C)G, H, and S

(D)G, S, and U

(E)H, T, and U

13.Which of the following, if they are the first two

paintings selected for inclusion in a future exhibit,

leave the widest choice of paintings for the third

painting in that future exhibit?

(A)F and G

(B)G and H

(C)H and U

(D)S and T

(E)S and U




14.An exhibit must include S if which of the following

is true?

(A)T is included in the exhibit.

(B)T is not included in the exhibit.

(C)H is the only landscape included in the exhibit.

(D)U is included in the exhibit.

(E)The exhibit includes either F or G, but not both.

15.If U is undergoing restoration and is not available to

be exhibited, which of the following is a painting that

CANNOT then be exhibited?






Questions 16-22

In each of the five consecutive days of a cooks’ con-

tention, exactly one of five well-known cooks―G, H, J,

K, and L―will cook a demonstration meal.Each of the

five cooks will cook exactly one of the five meals.The

schedule for the cooks is constrained by the following


H cannot cook on any of the first three days.

L must cook on one of the days before the day on

which H cooks.

J must cook on one of the days before the day on

which G cooks.

G must cook on one of the days before the day on

which K cooks.

16.Which of the following can be the order, from first to

fifth, in which the five cooks cook the meals?

(A)G, K, L, J, H

(B)J, G, K, H, L

(C)J, G, K, L, H

(D)J, K, G, L, H

(E)L, J, H, K, G

17.If K cooks the fourth meal, which of the following

must be true?

(A)G cooks on the third day.

(B)H cooks on the fifth day.

(C)J cooks on the first day.

(D)J cooks on the second day.

(E)L cooks on the third day.

18.Which of the following can be true?

(A)G cooks the first meal.

(B)J cooks the fourth meal.

(C)L cooks the fifth meal.

(D)H cooks on some day before G cooks.

(E)L cooks on some day after K cooks.

19.If G cooks a meal on some day before L does, then it

must be true that

(A)G cooks the second meal

(B)J cooks the third meal

(C)H cooks the fourth meal

(D)K cooks the fifth meal

(E)L cooks the fourth meal

20.If J does not cook on the first day, then it must be

true that

(A)G does not cook the third meal

(B)H does not cook the fourth meal

(C)J does not cook the second meal

(D)L does not cook the third meal

(E)K does not cook the fifth meal

21.If H does not cook the fifth meal, which of the fol-

lowing must be true?

(A)G cooks the second meal.

(B)J cooks the first meal.

(C)J cooks the second meal.

(D)K cooks the fifth meal.

(E)L cooks the first meal.

22.If G cooks the third meal, which of the following

is true?

(A)L is the only one of the five cooks who can

cook the first meal.

(B)J is the only one of the five cooks who can

cook the second meal.

(C)Any one of exactly three of the five cooks can

cook the second meal.

(D)K is the only one of the five cooks who can

cook the fourth meal.

(E)Either one of exactly two of the five cooks can

cook the fifth meal.

23.Which of the following most logically completes the

argument below?

In recent years, the proportion of car buyers who buy

new cars rather than used cars has declined.Some

consumers have attributed this change to an increase

in new-car prices.As evidence of the price increase,

they cite figures that show that, even adjusting for

inflation, the price that the buyer of a new car pays,

on average, is far higher now than a few years ago.

This evidence is unpersuasive, however, because

(A)the value of a car that is bought new declines

much more rapidly than does the value of a

car that is bought used

(B)after someone has bought a car, it might be

several years before that person next buys

a car

(C)a decline in the proportion of car buyers who

buy new cars must necessarily mean that the

proportion who buy used cars has increased

(D)the relative increase in used-car sales might be

explained by the decisions of only a small

proportion of all car buyers

(E)the change in the average price paid for a new

car could result solely from more people’s

rejecting inexpensive new cars in favor of used


24.In Bassaria a group of that country’s most senior

judges has criticized the uniform mandatory sentences

recently introduced for certain specific crimes.The

judges argue that such sentences, by depriving them

of all discretion in setting sentences, make it impos-

sible for them to consider either aggravating or exten-

uating circumstances and so make it impossible to

achieve true justice―the fitting of the severity of the

punishment to the gravity of the particular crime.

Which of the following, if true, provides the strongest

evidence for the claim that in Bassaria the newly

introduced mandatory sentences are not necessarily a

change for the worse with respect to ac


hieving true

justice as defined in the argument?

(A)Before mandatory sentencing, judges in eastern

Bassaria imposed strikingly different sentences

from those in western Bassaria for equally

grave instances of the same kind of offense.

(B)In Bassaria the frequency of crimes that have

been made subject to mandatory sentences is

lower now than it was just prior to the intro-

duction of mandatory sentencing.

(C)The law introducing mandatory sentences was

passed in the legislature of Bassaria by a large

majority and is unlikely to be repealed in the

foreseeable future.

(D)There used to be a wide difference between the

minimum and the maximum sentences allowed

by law in cases of crimes now subject to man-

datory sentences.

(E)In Bassaria judges are appointed for life and are

thus not easily influenced by political pressure


25.Each of two particular inspection systems that are based

on different principles would detect all product flaws but

would also erroneously reject three percent of flawless

products.Assuming there is no overlap between the

products erroneously rejected by the two systems and

also no interference between the systems if both operate,

using both systems and rejecting only those products

found flawed by both would be a way of avoiding all

erroneous rejections.

Which of the following most precisely characterizes the

reasoning in the argument?

(A)The reasoning is conclusive, that is, the conclusion

cannot be false if the statements offered in its

support are true.

(B)The reasoning is strong but not conclusive, if the

statements offered in support of the conclusion are

true, they provide good grounds for that conclu-

sion, though it is possible that additional infor-

mation might weaken the argument.

(C)The reasoning is weak; the statements offered in

support of the conclusion, though relevant to it,

by themselves provide at best inadequate grounds for the conclusion.

(D)The reasoning is flawed in that the conclusion is no

more than a paraphrase of one of the pieces of

evidence offered in its support.

(E)The reasoning is flawed in that the argument treats

evidence that a factor is necessary to bring about

an event as if it were evidence that the factor is

sufficient to bring about that event.




Time –30 minutes

25 Questions

Questions 1-8

A bakery makes nine kinds of cookies. Of these nine,three kinds are fruit cookies—G, H, and J; three kindsare nut cookies—K, L, and O; and three kinds are plaincookies—X, Y, and Z. Each day of the week, Mondaythrough Sunday, the bakery will feature a special priceon exactly three different kinds of cookies. The threefeatured cookies will be selected according to the

following rules:

Each day at least one fruit cookie must be featured,and each day at least one nut cookie must befeatured.On any day on which cookie J is featured, cookie Lcannot be featured.On any day on which cookie k is featured, cookie Ymust also be featured.No kind of cookie can be featured more than threetimes in a week.

1.Which of the following lists three cookies that can befeatured together?

(A) G, L, Z

(B) H, K, X

(C) J, L, Y

(D) J, O, Z

(E) K, O, Y

2. On a day on which both cookie L and cookie Z arefeatured, which of the following can be the third kindof cookie featured?

(A) H

(B) J

(C) O

(D) X

(E) Y

3.A partial schedule of featured cookies is shown below.Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FridayL H O G ZAccording to this schedule, which of the following is a day onwhich cookie X CANNOT be one of the featured cookies?

(A) Monday

(B) Tuesday

(C) Wednesday

(D) Thursday

(E) Friday

4.If cookie J is featured on Friday, Saturday, andSunday; if cookie K is featured on Monday, Tuesday,and Wednesday, and if cookie G is featured only onThursday, then cookie L can be featured on

(A) Monday only

(B) Thursday only

(C) Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday only

(D) Friday, Saturday, and Sunday only

(E) any two of the first four days of the week

5. If each kind of nut cookie is featured three times inone week, what is the maximum number or days onwhich plain cookies can be featured during that week?

(A) Three

(B) Four

(C) Five

(D) Six

(E) Seven

6.If cookie H and cookie Y are each featured onMonday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and if cookie Gand cookie X are each featured on Thursday, Fridayand Saturday, then the cookies featured on Sundaymust include both

(A) J and K

(B) J and L

(C) J and O

(D) K and L

(E) K and Z

7.If exactly seven kinds of cookies are featured duringone week, which of the following must be true aboutthat week?

(A) X is the only kind of plain cookie that is featured

(B) Y is the only kind of plain cookie that is featured

(C) Z is the only kind of plain cookie that is featured.

(D) On at least one day, both cookie G and cookie Zare featured.

(E) On at least one day, both cookie J and cookie Xare featured.

8.If cookie X is featured exactly twice and cookie Z isfeatured exactly three times in one week, which ofthe following must be true?

(A)Cookie G is featured exactly three times duringthe week.

(B)Cookie J is featured at most twice during theweek.

(C)Cookie K is featured at most twice during theweek.

(D)Cookie L is featured at most twice during theweek.

(E) Cookie Y is featured exactly twice during theweek.

9. In recent years, there has been a dramatic decline inthe population of the shrike, a predatory bird thatinhabits flat land, such as farms and pastures. Someornithologists hypothesize that this decline is due tothe introduction of new, more effective pesticides tocontrol the insect species on which shrikes prey.The answer to which of the following questions isNOT relevant to evaluating the ornithologists’hypothesis?

(A) Was there a decline in the shrike populationbefore the new pesticides were first used?

(B) Have shrike populations declined significantlyin those habitats where the new pesticides havenot been used?

(C) Have the new pesticides more significantlyreduced the population of insect species onwhich shrikes prey than did the pesticides previouslyused?

(D) Are insects that have consumed the new pesti-cides more toxic to the shrikes that eat thoseinsects than were insects that consumed theless effective pesticides?

(E) Are the new pesticides considered by mostpeople to be less harmful to the environmentthan the old pesticides were considered to be?

10. Census data for Prenland show that unmarriedPrenlandic men in their thirties outnumber unmarriedPrenlandic women in that age group by about ten toOne. Most of these men do wish to marry. Clearly,however, unless many of them marry women who

are not Prenlandic, all but a minori




ty will remain


The argument makes which of the following assump-tions?

(A) Emigration from Preland is more commonamong women than among men.

(B) A greater proportion of Prelandic womenin their thirties than of Prenlandic men of thesame age would prefer to remain unmarried.

(C) It is unlikely that many of these unmarriedPrenlandic men will marry women more thana few years older than themselves.

(D) Prenland has a high rate of divorce.

(E) Most of the unmarried Prenlandic men areunwilling to marry women who are notPrenlandic.

11.Certain extremely harmful bacteria found only insewage are difficult to detect directly. Testing forE. coli, an easily detected and less harmful type ofbacteria, in ocean water would be a reliable way ofdetermining whether or not these more harmful bateria are present, since ocean water contains E. Colionly if the water is contaminated with sewage thatcontains the harmful bacteria.

Which of the following, if true, most seriouslyweakens the argument?

(A) There are many different strains of the E. colibacteria, and only some of these strains areharmful.

(B) Some types of bacteria found in sewage areneither disease-causing nor difficult to detectdirectly.

(C) Some of the types of bacteria found in sewagealong with E. coli are not harmful to peopleunless the bacteria are ingested in large quantities.

(D) E. coli dies out much more quickly than some ofthe more harmful bacteria found in sewage andthen can no longer be easily detected.

(E) Some of the types of bacteria found in sewagealong with E. coli reproduce at a slower ratethan E. coli.

Questions 12-17A bank has exactly four cashier windows, arranged in arow and numbered consecutively 1through 4 from one

end of the row to the other. The bank has exactly sixcashiers: two supervisors (Joan and Karim); and fourtrainees (Lorraine, Mark, Nora, and patrick). Throughouta particular peak-hour period, the stationing of cashiers atwindows is restricted as follows:There must be exactly one cashier at each window.The cashier at window 2 must be a supervisor.Lorraine must be at a window but cannot be at window 3.If Mark is at one of the windows, Joan must be at awindow immediately adjacent to it.The cashiers at the windows must include either Noraor Patrick, but they cannot include both Nora andPatrick.

12.Which of the following lists the cashiers who can bestationed at windows 1 through 4 during this period?

(A) Joan Karim Mark Lorraine

(B) Joan Karim Nora Lorraine

(C) Karim Nora Joan Lorraine

(D) Mark Joan Lorraine Patrick

(E) Patrick Joan Nora Lorraine

13.Which of the following must be true about thestationing of the cashiers during this period?

(A) Joan is at window 1 or at window 2.

(B) Karim is at window 2 or at window 4.

(C) Lorraine is at window 1 or window 4.

(D) Nora is at window 1 or at window 3.

(E) Patrick is at window 3 or at window 4.sarily in that order, are stationed at immediatelyadjacent windows, which of the following must bestationed at window 4 during this period?

(A) Joan

(B) Karim

(C) Lorraine

(D) Mark

(E) Patrick

15.If during this period Lorraine and Mark, not neces-sarily in that order, are stationed at immediatelyadjacent windows, which of the following can bestationed at window 1 during this period?

(A) Joan

(B) Karim

(C) Lorraine

(D) Mark

(E) Nora

16.If during this period Lorrained and Nora, not neces-sarily in that order, are stationed at immediatelyadjacent windows, which of the following must betrue during this period?

(A) Joan is stationed at window 1.

(B) Joan is stationed at window 2.

(C) Karim is stationed at window 2

(D) Nora is stationed at windows 3.

(E) Patrick is stationed at window 1.

17.If during this period Mark is stationed at a window,which of the following CANNOT be stationed at awindow during this period?

(A) Joan

(B) Karim

(C) Lorraine

(D) Nora

(E) Patrick

Questions 18-22Seven photographs—three landscapes: F, H, and J; and four still lifes:Q, R, T and W—will appear on the first seven pages—numberedconsecutively from page 1 through page 7—of an exhibit catalog.Each page will contain exactly one of the photographs. The orderingof the photographs in the catalog is governed by the followingconditions.J and W, not necessarily in that order, must appear on consecu-tively numbered pages.The three landscapes cannot appear on-consecutively numberedpages.

Neither page 2 not page 4




is a page on which a landscape canappear.A landscape must appear on page 7

18.Which of the following is an acceptable ordering of the photographs inthe catalog?

Page 1 Page 2 page 3 Page 4 page 5 page 6 page 7

(A) F T H Q W R J

(B) H Q J W R F T

(C) J W H R T Q F

(D) Q T R W J F H

(E) T F Q W J R H

19.Any of the following can appear on page 3 EXCEPT

(A) J

(B) Q

(C) R

(D) T

(E) W

20. If F appears on page 6, H must appear on page

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 5

(E) 7

21.If the still lifes all appear on consecutive pages,which of the following must be true?

(A) A still life appears on page 1.

(B) A still life appears on page 5.

(C) J appears on page 6.

(D) T appears on page 4.

(E) W appears on page 5

22.If F and H, not necessarily in that order, appear onconsecutive pages, which of the following can betrue?

(A) J appears on page 1

(B) J appears on page 5

(C) R appears on page 6

(D) W appears on page 1

(E) W appears on page 5

23.The organizers of tomorrow’s outdoor concertannounced that it will go on tomorrow on scheduleunless bad weather is forecast or too few advancetickets are sold. If the concert is canceled, refundswill be made to ticket holders. Since some ticket

holders have already been issued refunds even thoughmore than enough advance tickets were sold, it mustbe the case that bad weather is forecast.Which of the following is an error of reasoning con-tained in the argument?

(A) It proceeds as if a condition, which by itself isenough to guarantee a certain result, is the onlycondition under which that result would occur.

(B) It bases a conclusion that is known to requiretwo conditions on evidence that bears on onlyone of those conditions.

(C) It explains one event as being caused by anotherevent, even though both events must actuallyhave been caused by some third, unidentifiedevent.

(D) It treats evidence for the absence of one condi-tion under which a circumstance would occuras conclusive evidence that that circumstancewill not occur.

(E) Evidence given to support the conclusion actuallyundermines it.

24. Although the prevailing supposition has been that it istoo hot for microorganisms to survive deep below theEarth’s surface, some scientists argue that there areliving communities of microorganisms there that havebeen cut off from surface life for millions of years.These scientists base their argument on the discoveryof living microorganisms in samples of material thatwere taken from holes drilled as deep as 1.74 miles.The scientists’ argument depends on which of the fol-lowing assumptions?

(A)The microorganisms brought up were of aspecies that is related to those previouslyknown to science.

(B)No holes have been drilled into the Earth’ssurface to a distance deeper than 1.74 miles

(C)The microorganisms did not come from surfacesoil that came into contact with the drillingequipment.

(D) The stratum from which the samples came hasbeen below the surface of the Earth ever sincethe Earth came into existence.

(E) The temperature at the bottom of the holes drilledwas not significantly hotter than that of thehottest spots on the Earth’s surface.

25. For 20 years all applicants for jobs as technicians atEquipCorp were required to demonstrate that they couldoperate and repair the machinery that was central toEquipCorp’s manufacturing business. Now, however,that particular machinery is obsolete, and very differentmachinery fills the central role. Therefore, the oldrequirement is no longer a useful method for evaluatingwhether applicants for jobs as technicians at EquipCorphave the skills necessary for the job.Which of the following, if true, most strengthens theargument?

(A) The machinery that is now obsolete was used by alarge number of manufacturing companies beforeit became obsolete.

(B) Among the people already holding jobs as tech-nicians at Equip Corp, those who are most skillfulat operating the new machinery had been some ofthe least skillful at operating the old machinery

(C) Most people applying for jobs as technicians todayhave much broader skills than did people applyingfor jobs as technicians 20 years ago.

(D) The skills required to operate and repair theobsolete machinery are useful in operating andmaintaining many other types of machinery atEquipCorp that are not obsolete.

(E) Much of the machinery that EquipCorp now uses inmanufacturing is very likely to become obsoletewithin the next 20




1. Although sales have continued to increase since last April, unfortunately the rate of increase has ----.

(A) resurged

(B) capitulated

(C) retaliated

(D) persevered

(E) decelerated

2. Although the mental process that creates a fresh and original poem or drama is doubtless ---- that which originates and elaborates scientific discoveries, there is clearly a discernible difference between the creators

(A) peripheral to

(B) contiguous with

(C) opposed to

(D) analogous to

(E) inconsistent with

3. It is disappointing to note that the latest edition of the bibliography belies its long-standing reputation for ---- by ---- some significant references to recent publications.

(A) imprecision.. appropriating

(B) relevance.. adding

(C) timeliness.. updating

(D) meticulousness.. revising

(E) exhaustiveness.. omitting

4. Although Simpson was ingenious at ---- to appear innovative and spontaneous, beneath the ruse he remained uninspired and rigid in his approach to problem solving.

(A) intending

(B) contriving

(C) forbearing

(D) declining

(E) deserving

5. She was criticized by her fellow lawyers not because she was not ----, but because she so ---- prepared her cases that she failed to bring the expected number to trial.

(A) well versed.. knowledgeably

(B) well trained.. enthusiastically

(C) congenial.. rapidly

(D) hardworking.. minutely

(E) astute.. efficiently

6. Schlesinger has recently assumed a conciliatory attitude that is not ---- by his colleagues, who continue to ---- compromise.

(A) eschewed.. dread

(B) shared.. defend

(C) questioned.. reject

(D) understood.. advocate

(E) commended.. disparage






巨大的手指在慢慢指向着今天世界的中心,伦敦东部。随着高速列车的脚步,我们一起逐渐在接近、在llng lue( )伦敦的田园风光,将达到一个奇迹的起点。刚才看到挥手致意的就是曾经参加jing jl( )的英国运动员。现在听到的是划船歌,可以看到令英国人感到自豪的板球运动。直升机____(指引、引领)着我们的目光,一一(略过、掠过)伦敦眼,自西向东,我们穿过一座座桥,看到了奥林匹克的标志,我们来到了蜿蜒的太晤士河为我们标记的伦敦东部。今天的开幕式从18跨越到,此前的29届奥运会,为这一届奥运会盛大的开幕做了充分。穿过英国的地铁,穿过隧道,我们一起来到令人心潮澎湃( )的奥林匹克公园。眼前就是万众期待的伦敦碗,满眼都是前29届夏季奥运会的招贴画。我们耐心等待,进到了这个开幕式的现场。这里是奇异之岛,孩子们手中的气球完成了最后的十秒钟倒计时。


linglu e( )jingji( )

蜿蜒( ) 澎湃( )



























wan yan peng pai





4.会徽:表示举办年份的“2012”,通过变体的形式成了会徽的主体,表示举办地点的“London”和代表奥运的五环标志被嵌在第一个“2”和“0”上。和往届奥运会不同的是,2012年伦敦奥运会会徽的颜色一共有4种,分别是粉色、橙色、蓝色和绿色。将根据不同场合的需要,选择不同颜色的会徽。 吉祥物:伦敦夏季奥运会吉祥物名叫文洛克,是以1850年现代奥运会的雏形——英国温洛克奥林匹亚运动会命名的。文洛克的头上还有黄灯标志,是伦敦出租车的标志。文洛克手上栽有奥运友谊手环,大眼睛事实上还有照相功能,目的是见证他们每一个去过的地方和见过的人。这个吉祥物是为儿童创作的,他们把儿童和运动联系在一起,讲述让人们感动的奥运会的故事,让文洛克帮助孩子们健康成长。








( )1. A. point B. bike C. pine

( )2. A. tall B. toy C. dive

( )3. A. day B. cat C. date

( )4. A. coke B. dog C. not

( )5. A. than B. this C. thank


( )1. A. old B. young C. age

( )2. A. shorter B. taller C. old

( )3. A. centimeter B. kilogram C. kilometer

( )4. A. brother B. sister C. teacher

( )5. A. little B. brown C. yellow


My name is Sarah. I am 14 years old. I am 161 cm and 40 kg. I _______ a new friend. ______ name is Chen Jie. She is 13 years old. She is one year ______ than me. How _____ is Chen Jie? I am 1 kg heavier ______ her. How ______ is she? And Chen Jie is 160 cm ______. She is ______ than me. Chen Jie ______ long hair. But my hair is _______ than hers.


1. Tom is ________(tall) than Amy. But he is ________(young) than her.

2.六年级下册英语第一单元测试题:Who is ________(strong), Zhang Peng or Mike?

3. The desk is 150 cm ________(long).

4. Wu Yifan runs ________(fast) than Zhang Peng.


( )1. Who is younger than you?

( )2. How heavy are you?

( )3 Which book do you like?

( )4. How tall are you?

( )5. How old are you?

A. I’m thirteen years old.

B. I’m 35 kg.

C. I like the big one.

D. John.

E. I’m 141 cm tall.

六、根据所给的标点符号连词成句, 注意大小写(10%)

1. are, tall, you, how

2. tall, cm, am, 145, I

3. me, you, shorter, than, stronger, are, and

4. Monkey, only, tall, is, little, the, cm, 40

5. you, is, than, who, taller


Name Age Height (cm)

Zhang Peng 13 171

John 14 155

Mr Lee 31 169

1. Line up from taller to shorter. ______________ ______________ ______________

2. Line up from younger to older ______________ ______________ ______________

3. Zhang Peng is 171cm. He is _____________ than Mr Lee.

4. John is _________ cm shorter than Zhang Peng.

5. John is fourteen. He is __________ than Zhang Peng, but he is __________ than Mr Lee.



My name’s Wu Yifan. I’m 13 years old. I’m in Class 2, Grade 6. I have many good friends. John is my best friend. He is 1 year younger than me, but he is 2 years older than Amy. He’s 141cm tall. He’s 5cm shorter than me. He’s 10cm taller than Amy. We like playing computer games. And we often play computer games and watch TV on the weekends. But this weekend we are going to have a picnic in the park.

根据短文的内容, 判断下列各句话的正误,正确的写T, 错误的写F(5%)

1. Wu Yifan is in Class Six, Grade Two. ( )

2. Amy is 10 years old. ( )

3. Wu Yifan is 131 cm tall. ( )

4. They like having a picnic. ( )

5. They’re going to have a picnic this weekend. ( )


Dad: Which monkey do you like, Ben?

Ben: I like the yellow one. Look, it’s taller than the brown one.

Dad: Which monkey is stronger?

Ben: The brown monkey is stronger. But the yellow monkey is taller.

Dad: I like the little monkey. It’s younger and funnier.

Ben: How long is its tail?

Dad: I think the little monkey is only 40 cm tall. Its tail is about 30 cm long.

Ben: I think the yellow monkey is 150 cm tall.

Dad: The yellow monkey is taller but the little monkey is funnier.


( )1. Which monkey does Ben like?

A. The brown one B. The yellow one C. The yellow one and the brown one

( )2. Which monkey is funnier?

A. The brown one B. The yellow one C. The yellow one and the brown one

( )3. How long is the little monkey’s tail?

A. 40 cm B. 150 cm C. 30 cm

( )4. How tall is the little monkey?

A. 40 cm B. 150 cm C. 30 cm

( )5. Where are Ben and Dad now?

A. In the zoo B. In the park C. In the school


