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More Than a Ride to School

The National Education Association claims.“The school bus is a mirror Of the community.”

They further add that,unfortunately,what appears on the exterior(外部)does not always reflect

the reality of a chosen community.They are right.and sometimes it reflects more!Just ask Liesl

Denson Riding the school bus has been more than a ride to school for Liesl

Bruce Hardy.sch001 bus driver for Althouse Bus Company has been Liesl’s bus driver since

kindergarten Last year when Liesl’s family moved to Parkesburg,knowing her bus went by her

new residence,she requested to ride the same bus

This year Liesl is a senior and will enjoy her last year riding the bus.She says.“It’s been a

great ride so far!My bus driver is so c001 and has always been a good friend and a good listener.

Sometimes when you’re a child adults do not think that what you have to say is important.Mr.

Hardy always listens to what you have to say and makes you feel important.”Her friends Ashley

Batista and Amanda Wolfc agree.

Brace Hardy has been making Octorara students feel special since 1975.This year he will

celebrate 30 years working for Althouse Bus Transportation.Company President。Larry A1thouse

acknowledges Bruce Hardy’s outstanding record.“You do not come by employees 1ike Bruce

these days;he has never missed a day of work and has a perfect driving record.Recognized in

by the Pennsylvania School Bus Association for driving 350,000 accident free miles,

Hardy’s reputation is made further evident through the relationships he has made with the

students that ride his bus’’

A1thouse further added.“Althouse Bus Transportation was established 70 years ago and has

been providing quality transportation ever since MY grandfather started the business with one

bus.Althouse Bus Transportation is delighted to have the opportunity to bring distinctive and

safe service to our local school and community and looks forward to continuing to provide

quality service for many more years to come.’’

Three generations of business is not all the company has enjoyed.Thanks to出ivers like

Bruce Hardy,they have been building relationships through generations.Liesl’s mother CaroI

also enjoys fond memories of riding Bruce Hardy’s bus to the Octorara Sch001 District.

31 The word“mirror’’in the first line could be best replaced by

A “vehicle”.

B “device”

C ‘‘company”.

D “reflection”

32 How long has Bruce Hardy been working for Althouse Bus Transportation?

A For 30 years.

B For 70 years

C Since last year.

D Since 2000.

33 Which of the following statements is NOT true of Bruce Hardy?

A Heisc001.

B He is a good friend

C He is impatient.

D He has driven 350,000 accident free miles

34 Who founded Althouse Bus Transportation?

A Larry Althouse.

B Althouse’s grandfather

C Liesl’s mother,

D Ashley Batista.

35 What has Althouse Bus Transportation been mainly aiming at?

A Making as much money as possible.

B Building up its fame

C Developing its business.

D Providing the local community with quality service


More Than Just Money

When Patricia Rochester decided to go back to school after ten years as a staff nurse at

Toronto Western Hospital.her employer not only cheered her on.but also Paid her tuition and

gave her a day off with pay every week to study.Throughout her years at the hospital,Rochester

has also taken workshops on everything from coaching peers to career development――courses

that she believes have helped her advance at work.“I’m now head of the mentoring(指导)

program for new hires.students and staff nurses.”she says.“There’s a lot of room for personal improvement here.”

Perhaps as important,Rochester says her employer supports and values her work.‘‘If you put in overtime.”the nurse points Out.“you get your meals―they’11 order in pizza or Greek food or Chinese.”And if staffers feel stiff and stressed from too many hours on the ward.they can call for a flee 15-minute shoulder-and-neck massage(按摩)or even sign up for an eight-week

evening course on meditation skills and stress-relief.If that’s not enough,employees can take

advantage of five family days a year that can be used if the kids come down with the flu or an

aging parent needs ferrying to an important doctor’s appointment And they have access to a

range of perks(好处)such as special rates on hotel rooms,drugstore purchases,and scholarships

for employees’children.

You might wonder how an organization can provide such resources and still survive.But

University Health Network is one of a number of progressive employers in Canada that have

discovered that investing in staff is good business.

If such initiatives help companies cut down on turnover(人员更替)alone,they’re well

worthwhile.says Prem Benimadhu,a vice―president at the Conference Board of Canada.It costs

anywhere frmn$3.300 to rehire support staff,an average$13,300 for technical staff and a

whopping(巨资)$43,000 for an executive position,according to one study of Conference Board members

Innovative initiatives help companies attract talented employees,cut down on sick days

(which cost Canadian businesses an estimated$17 billion a year,or an average of$3,550 per

Employee)and keep employees more interested in their work.With the substantial talent shortage

that already exists in Canada and the prospect of mass retirement over the next five years―as

many as 50 or 60 percent in some sectors―Benimadhu says that intelligent employers are

putting a renewed focus on the people who work for them.

41 When Rochester decided to go to school,her employer

A persuaded her to change her mind

B fired her.

C cheered her on.

D discouraged her.

42Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to ease one’S stiffness and stress?

A To take an eight-week evening course on meditation skills and stress-relief.

B To call for a flee 15-minute shoulder-and-neck massage.

C To use five family days

D T0 ask for sick leave

43 Investment in staff has been motivated

A to attract the public’S attention

B to reduce staff turnover,

C to solve labor disputes.

D to show off financial resources

44 Canada has been short of

A talented people.

B timber.

C flesh water.

D money.

45 In paragraph 2,the phrase“come down with’’could be best replaced by

A “shake off’

B “get rid of#39;’.

C “get”.

D ‘‘cure”.

第5部分:补全短文 (第46~50题,每题2分,共10分)



Read with Greater Speed

Do you have difficulty reading in class?If so,a special reading program that helps match

sounds with letters could speed up your brain.

At least one out of every five elementary school students in the US has trouble learning t0

read,even when the students are good at other subjects.____(46)

Researchers from Yale University,US,studied a group of children from New York and

Connecticut State.As part of the study,37 struggling readers received special tutoring

Every day,instructors worked with them on recognizing how written letters represent units

of sound called phonemes(音素)____(47)

By the end of the school year,these children could read faster than before.They also made

fewer mistakes,and understood more of what they read than they could earlier in the year,

As part of their study,the researchers used a special machine to take action photos of the


___(48)This is the same part of the brain that becomes active when good readers

read.This activated brain area appears to include a structure that helps people recognize familiar written words quickly.In lower level readers,this structure remains inactive.

A year later,the brain structure was still working hard in the students who had gone through

the special tutoring,and they continued to do well in reading tests.___(49)

However,some researchers still doubt the study_____(50)

A Many adults are interested in matching sounds with letters

B The students also practiced reading aloud and spelling

C The biggest challenge for many of these kids,scientists say,is matching sounds with letters.

D Another group in the study who went through a more traditional reading program didn’t

show the same progress.

E The pictures showed all increase in activity in the back of the brain on the left side

F They believe that reading without making any noise or linking words to sounds is more



Don’t Count on Dung

Conservationists(自然保护主义者)may be miscalculating the numbers of the threatened

animals such as elephants.say African and American researchers.The error occurs because of a flaw in the way they estimate animal numbers from the piles of dung(粪)the creatures leave


The mistake could 1ead researchers to think that there are twice as many elephants as there really are in some regions according to Andrew Plumptre of the Wildlife Conservation Society(wcs) in New York

Biologist Katy Payne of Cornell University in Ithaca,New York,agrees.‘‘We really need to know elephant numbers and the evidence that we have is quite indirect,”says Payne,who

electronically tracks elephants

Counting elephants from planes is impossible in the vast rainforests of Central Africa.So researchers often estimate elephant numbers by counting dung piles in a given area.They also need to know the rate at which dung decays Because it’s extremely difficult to determine these rates.however,researchers counting elephants in one region tend to rely on standard decay rates established elsewhere

But researchers at the WCS have found that this decay rate varies from region to region

depending on the climate and environment Using the wrong values can lead the census astray

(离开正道),says Plumptre

He and his colleague Anthony Chifu Nchanji studied decaying elephant dung in the forests of Cameroon They found that the dung decayed between 55 and 65 per cent more slowly than the dung in the rainforests of neighbouring Gabon.If researchers use decay rates from Gabon to count elephants in Cameroon,they would probably find more elephants than are actually around.

This could mean estimates in Cameroon are at least twice as high as those derived from

decay rates calculated locally,says Plumptre“However accurate your dung density estimate

might be.the decay rate can severely affect the result”

Plumptre also says that the dung―pile census should be carried out over a region similar in size to an elephant’s natural range The usual technique of monitoring only small,protected areas distorts numbers because elephants move in and out of these regions,he says“If the elephant population increases within the protected area,you can not determine whether 1t is a real increase or whether it is due to elephants moving in because they are being poached(入侵偷猎)outside.”

Plumptre says that similar problems may also affect other animal census studies that rely on indirect evidence such as nests,tracks or burrows(地洞)

36 The word“threatened”in the first sentence of the first paragraph could be best replaced by

A ‘‘endangered”

B “frightened”

C “killed”

D “angered”

37 Why do researchers estimate elephant numbers in an area by counting dung piles?

A Because elephants are difficult to catch

B Because it is not possible to count elephants from a plane.

C Because it is not possible to keep track of elephants.

D Because elephants are shy animals

38 Piles of dung can’t be relied upon when it comes to estimating elephant numbers because

A they are different in size

B they scatter an over the region.

C they are different in decay rate.

D they are different in quality.

39 According to Plumptre,the region over which a dung―pile census is carried out should be

A small enough

B well protected.

C carefully monitored.

D large enough

40 The first word“He”in paragraph 6 refers to

A Andrew Plumptre

B Katy Payne.

C Anthony Chifu Nchanji.

D the writer of the article.


【您现在阅读的文章来自“中国人才指南网”,请记住我们的永久域名: 】 下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请从每个句子后面所



1 These are the motives for doing it.

A reasons B excuses

C answers D replies

2 The river widens considerably as it begins to turn west

A extends B stretches

C broadens D bends

3 Many economists have given in to the fatal lure of mathematics.

A error B puzzle

C attraction D contradiction

4 With immense relief I stopped running

A no B 1ittle

C scarce D enormous

5 A great deal has been done to remedy the situation

A maintain B improve

C preserve D protect

6 John is collaborating with Mary in writing an article

A cooperating B marrying

C combining D arguing

7 He will consolidate his power.

A strengthen B win

C abandon D unite

8 Many scientists have been probing psychological problems

A solving B exploring

C settling D handling

9.Hearing problems may be alleviated by changes in diet and exercise habits.

A removed B cured

C treated D lessened

10 The conclusion can be deduced from the premises

A gone B derived

C done D come

11 The food is insufficient for three people

A scarce B short

C marginal D inadequate

12 Most of the butterflies perish in the first frosts of autumn

A die B disappear

C migrate D vanish

13 But ultimately he gave in.

A undoubtedly B certainly

C finally D necessarily

14 It is a complicated problem.

A strange B complex

C difficult D unusual

15 In Britain and many other countries appraisal is now a tool of management-

A evaluation B production

C efficiency D publicity

第2部分:阅读判断 (第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)




Going Back to Its Birthplace

No sporting event takes hold of the world’S attention and imagination like the Olympic

Games The football world Cup fascinates fans in Europe and South America;baseball’s World

Series is required viewing in North America;and the world table Tennis Championships attracts

the most interest in Asia.

But the Olympics belong to the whole world.Now,after travelling to 17 countries over 108

years,the summer Games are returning to Athens,the place where the first modern Olympics

was held.

Participation in the Games is looked on not only as an achievement,but also as an honour,

The 16 days between August 13 and 29 will see a record 202 countries compete,up from

Sydney’s 199. Afghanistan is back,having been banned from Sydney because the Taliban

government didn’t let women do sports.There is also a place for newcomers East Timer and


A total of 10.500 athletes will compete in 28 sports,watched by 5 3 million ticket―paying

viewers as well as a television audience of 4 billion.

Athens is to use its rich history and culture to make the Olympics as special as possible.The

Games will open with cycling events which start in front of the Parthenon and Acropolis

monuments.The final event will be a historic men’s marathon following the 0rjgihal route l\"un by

Phidippides in 490 BC to bring news of victory over the Persians.

The ancient stadium at Olympia.first used for the Games nearly three centuries ago,will

stage the shot put competitions.And the Panathenian Stadium,where the first modern Olympics

was held,is to host the archery (射箭)events.

If the well―known ancient sites deliver a great sense of history to the Games.the 39 new

venues add a modem touch to the city of Athens The main Olympic stadium.with a giant glass

and steel roof,is the landmark(标志)building of the Olympics.

“We believe that we will organize a‘magical’Games.”said Athens President Gianna

Angelopoulos―Daskalaki.“Our history with the Olympic Gaines goes back nearly 3,000 years,

and Athens 2004 could be the best ever.”

16 The World Table Tennis Championships attracts the most interest in Asian countries

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

17Participation in the OIympic Games is looked upon as an honor as well as an achievement.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

18 Many state leaders will attend the opening ceremony.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

19The Games will open with cycling events because these events will take hold of the world’s


A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

20 The first modern Olympics was held nearly three centuries ago

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

21 The Panathenian Stadium is the landmark building of Olympics.

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

22 Athens 2004 has been proven to be the best Olympic Games

A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

第3部分:概括大意与完成句子 (第23~30题,每题1分,共8分)




Even Intelligent People Can Fail

1 The striking thing about the innovators who succeeded in making our modern world is how

often they failed.Turn on a light,take a photograph,watch TV,search the web,jet across the

Pacific Ocean,talk on a cellphone(手机).The innovators who left us these things had to find the

way to success through a maze(错综复杂)of wrong tarns.

2 we have just celebrated the 125th anniversary of American innovator Thomas Edison’s

success in heating a thin line to white.hot heat for 14 hours in his lab in New Jersey,US.He did

mat on October 22.1879.and followed up a month later by keeping a thread of common

cardboard alight(点亮着的)in an airless space for 45 hours.Three years later he went on t0 light

up half a square mile of downtown Manhattan,even though only one of the six power plants in

his design worked when he tamed it on,on September 4,1882.

3 “Many of 1ife’s failures.”the supreme innovator said.“are people who did not realize how

close they were to Success when they gave up”Before that magical moment in October 1879.

Edison had worked out no fewer than 3,000 theories about electric light,but in only two cases did

his experiments work.

4 No one likes failure.but the smart innovators 1earn from it Mark Gumz,the head of the

camera maker Olympus America Inc,attributes some of the company’s successes in technology

to understanding failure.His popular phrase is:“Y0n only fail when you quit.”

5 Over two centuries.the most common quality of the innovators has been persistence That is

another way of saying they had the emotional ability to keep up what they were doing.Walt

Disney,the founder of Disneyland,was so broke after a succession of financial failures that he

was left shoeless in his office because he could not afford the US$1.50 to get his shoes from me

repair shop Pioneering car maker Henry F0rd failed with one company and was forced out of

another before he developed the Model T car.

6 Failure is harder to bear in today’s open.accelerated world.Hardly any innovation works

the first time.But an impatient society and the media want instant success.When American

music and movie master David Geffen had a difficult time.a critic said nastily that the only

difference between Geffen Records(Geffen’s company)and the Titanic(the ship that went down)

was that the Titanic had better music Actually,it wasn’t.After four years of losses,Geffen had 80

many hits(成功的作品)he could afford a ship as big as the Titanic an to himself.


第三篇The World Cup

This summer’s World Cup competition will see teams competing to play the world’s best football.But the football they play will not all be of the same kind.The fans expect different styles of play from Brazil,Germany,or Italy.

What makes Brazilian football Brazilian?Our style of playing football contrasts with the Europeans because of a combination of qualities of surprise,accuracy and good judgment.This style has won Brazil five world cups.Yet many Brazilian fans only count four of these victories.In 1994,the team abandoned this style for modern,scientific training and tactics.The team won the cup,but in a boring way.

The ltalians think differently.“To many ltalians,the score 0-0 has a glorious quality,suggesting perfection,”says the British football writer Simon Kuper.In the ltalian culture,the idea of face is very important.This is why ltalian teams are traditionally built around strong defences.The Dutch footballer Johan Cruyff once said that ltalian teams never exactly beat you.It’s just that you often lose to them.

In Holland,there is a tradition of decision making through argument and discussion.It is a society where everybody is expected to have a point of view.“Every Dutch player wants to control the game,”says Arnold Muhren.“You play football with your brains and not your feet.”

“A Dutch player argues,”says Simon Kuper.“An English player obeys his superior.He is a soldier.”The qualities valued in English football are military-strength,aggression and courage.This can make for exciting football.But it also means that the English find it difficult to use skillful players.David Beckham is usually criticized for his failure to defend-despite the fact that he is an attacker.

If the English like to fight,the Germans like to win.In recent years,Germany has tried to change its image as a country of ruthless efficiency and a desire for victory at all costs.But Germans are quite happy for these qualities to remain in their national football team.“Football is a simple game,”Gary Lineker once said.“You kick a ball about for ninety minutes and in the end the Germans win.”

It’s difficult to predict who will win this year’s World Cup.There is no strong favorite.But a look at the track record of previous winners shows that it is the nations with the strongest national characteristics in the football that perform best.It seems that you need to know where you come from if you want to get to the top.

41.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Brazilian style of playing football?



C.Good judgment.

D.Ruthless efficiency.

42.Why do many lialians think that the score 0-0 has a glorious quality?

A.Because it makes no one lose face.

B.Because the ltalian team is not very strong.

C.Because ltalians are nice people.

D.Because that score is what their team could obtain.

43.What is one expected to do in Holland?

A.To play football.

B.To express his or her opinion freely.

C.To make a fuss about nothing.

D.To beat his or her opponents ruthlessly.

44.Which of the following is NOT true of the British football players?

A.They are aggressive.

B.They are courageous.

C.They play football for friendship.

D.They obey their superiors.

45.Who will win this year’s World Cup?

A.The Brazilian team.

B.The ltalian team.

C.The German Team.

D.It is unpredictable.




Creating a World without Smoking

Smoking will be banned in all pubs,clubs and workplaces from next year affter historic votes in the Commons last night.After last-minute appeals from health campaigners,MPs opted for a blanket prohibition which will start in summer ,ending months of argumeng over whether smokers should be barred in pubs and restaurants only.They voted to ban smoking in all pubs and clubs by 384 to 184,a surprisingly large majority of 200.

Smoking will still be allowed in the home and in places considered to be homes,such as prisons,care homes and hotels.

Smokers lighting up in banned areas will face a fixed penality notice of £50 and spot fines of £200 will be introduced for failing to display no-smoking signs,with the possible penalty,if the issue goes to court,increasing to £1,000.

Carpline Flint,the Public Health Minister,also announced that the fine for failing to stop people smoking in banned areas would be increased to £2,500-more than ten times the £200 originally proposed.

The Bill also allows the Government to increase the age for buying cigarettes.Ministers will consult on raising it from 16 to 18.

The Bill now goes to the Lords but will be through by the summer recess.

Even a plan to allow smoking to continue in private clubs was thrown out as MPs on all sides were given permission to vote with their conscience rather than on a party line.

Patricia Hewitt,the Health Secretary,said the Health Bill would ban smoking in“virtually every enclosed public place and workplace”in England and save thousands of lives a year.Smoke-free workplaces and public places“will become the norm”.

She said:“An additional 600,000 people will give up smoking as a result of this law and millions more will be protected from second-hand smoke.”

Peter Hollins,director-general of the British Heart Foundation,said:“The vote is a landmark victory for the public health of this country and will save the lives of many people.”

16.A ban on smoking in all pubs,clubs and workplaces will begin in summer 2007.

A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

17.The law doesn’t seem to apply to officials.

A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

18.One can nevertheless smoke at home.

A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

19.There is a possibility for the Government to raise the age for buying cigarettes.

A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

20.The Government will shut down cigarette factories in large numbers.

A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

21.The Government will definitely impose a much heavier tax on tobacco.

A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

22.The Government will take necessary measures to help smokers give up smoking.

A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned




American Dreams

There is a common response to America among foreign writers:the US is a land of extremes where the best of things qre just as easily found as the worst.This is a cliche(陈词滥调).

In the land of black and white,people should not be too surprised to find some of the biggest gaps between the rich and the poor in the world.But the American Dream offers a way out to everyone.(46) No class system or govemment stands in the way.

Sadly,this old argument is no longer true.Over the past few decades there has been a fundamental shift in the structure of the American economy.

The gap between the rich and the poor has widened and widened.(47)

Over the past 25 years the median US family income has gone up 18 per cent.For the top 1 per cent,however,it has gone up 200 per cent.Twenty-five years ago the top fifth of Americans had an average income 6.7 times that of the bottom fifth.(48)

Inequalities have grown worse in different regions.In California,incomes for lower class families have fallen by 4 per cent since 1969.(49) This has led to an economy hugely in favor of a small group of very rich Americans.The wealthiest 1 per cent of households now control a third of the national wealth.There are now 37 million Americans living in poverty.At 12.7 per cent of the population,it is the highest percentage in the developed world.

Yet the tax burden on America’s rich is falling,not growing.(50) There was an economic theory holding that the rich spending more would benefit everyone as a whole.But clearly that theory has not worked in reality.

A.Nobody is poor in the US.

B.The top 0.01 per cent of households has seen its tax bite fall by a full 25 percentage points since 1980.

C.For upper class families they have risen 41 per cent.

D.Now it is 9.8 times.

E.As it does so,the possibility to cross that gap gets smaller and smaller.

F.All one has to do is to work hard and climb the ladder towards the top.




Sending E-mails to Professors

One student skipped class and then sent the professor an e-mail(51)for copies of her teaching notes.

Another(52)that she was late for a Monday class because she was recovering from drinking too much at a wild weekend party.

At colleges and universities in the US,e-mail has made professors more approachable(平易近人).But many say it has made them too accessible,(53)boundaries that traditionally kept students at a healthy distance.

These days,professors say,students seem to view them as available(54)the clock,sending a steady stream of informal e-mails.

“The tone that they take in e-mails is pretty astounding(令人吃惊的),”said Michael Kessler,an assistant dean at Georgetown University.“They’ll(55)you to help:‘I need to know this.’”

“There’s a fine(56)between meeting their needs and at the same time maintaining a level of legitimacy(正统性)as an (57)who is in charge.”

Christopher Dede,a professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education,said(58)show that students no longer defer to(听从)their professors,perhaps because they realize that professors’ (59)could rapidly become outdated.

“The deference was driven by the (60)that professors were all-knowing sources of deep knowledge,”Dede said,and that notion has(61).

For junior faculty members,e-mails bring new tension into their work,some say,as they struggle with how to(62).Their job prospects,they realize,may rest in part on student evaluations of their accessibility.

College students say e-mail makes(63)easier to ask questions and helps them learn.

But they seem unaware that what they write in e-mails could have negative effects(64)them,said Alexandra Lahav,and associate professor of Law at the University of Connecticut.

She recalled an e-mail message from a student saying that he planned to miss class so he could play with his son.Professor Lahav did not respond.

“Such e-mails can have consequences,”she said.“Students don’t understand that (65)they say in e-mail can make them seem unprofessional,and could result in a bad recommendation.”

51.A.providing B.offering C.supplying D.asking

52.A.complained B.argued C.explained D.believed

53.A.removing B.moving C.putting D.placing

54.A.about B.around C.at D.from

55.A.control B.shout C.order D.make

56.A.requirement B.contradiction C.tension D.balance

57.A.teacher B.instructor C.lecturer D.professor

58.A.e-mails B.passages C.texts D.books

59.A.technology B.expertise C.science D.imagination

60.A.tradition B.sense C.notionD.meaning

61.A.strengthened B.weakened C.reinforced D.consolidated

62.A.ask B.question C.respond D.request

63.A.him B.her C.you D.it

64.A.on B.against C.in D.about

65.A.this B.which C.that D.what










