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Hello! My name is Zhou Xuelian. I have a nice bedroom,please come and have a look at it. With me.

Look at the wall.On the wall there is a picture of my family.Near the

wall there is a bed .It is my bed. It is very clear. I like it. Under the

bed there is a football. I like playing football with my friends. Near the

window there is a desk .On the desk there is a light ,a clock and some books.Under the desk there are some toys .

This is my bedroom .I think it is a very nice bedroom. What about yours?

Can you tell me?


Christmas day is coming. We will hold an English party on Christmas Eve in the meeting hall of our school. It will begin at 7:00 and end at 10:00 in the evening. Each group has to prepare two or three performances. For example, singing English songs,playing English plays, telling jokes or stories in English and reading English poems. Welcome to take part in the party on time. Thanks.



The sports meeting which was to take place this Saturday has to be put off because of the heavy rairi these days. All students are required to come to school on Saturday morning as usual, but there will be no class that afternoon. Weather permitting, the sports meeting will be held next Saturday morning. Members of the school ping-pong team must come to the Ping-pong Ha]] at 4:30 this Saturday afternoon. Ping-pong stars from Wuhan will come and give special training and coaching then.

Office of Physical Education

10th April,


Everyone knows that there is a very important sports meeting over the world called the Olympic Games. It’s held once every four years.The twenty-ninth Olympic Games will be held in Beijing which is the captial of China. Beijing is an old but beautiful city, there are many places that are famous for their scenery or historical relics here. For example , the Great Wall , the Forbidden City , the Temple of Heaven and so on, they all show the history and culture of China.

“One World , One Dream”is the slogan of the twenty-ninth Olympic Games.

And do you know the five happy babies? They are Beibei、Jingjing、Huanhuan、Yingying and Nini. In fact, they’re the personifications of animals.

With the nice city, with the good slogan and the five happy babies, the most important is with the industrions Chinese people. I think the twenty-ninth Olympic Games will have a great success!

Welcome to Beijing , welcome to China !


How time flies! We‘re just leaving you&our lovely junior high school. I have so many words from my heart to say.

Thanks, dear junior school. You‘re a beautiful and happy home for us all. I hope you‘ll be better and better. Thanks, dear teachers. You‘re taught us lot of knowledge and helped us in all ways. I‘ll remember you forever. Thanks, our staff members. You‘ve taken good care of us and helped us grow up. I hope you are happy all the time. Thanks, dear classmates.

You‘ve got on well with me just like sisters and brothers. Let‘s always keep in touch with each other.

Thanks, all my loved ones. All the best to you ! Goodbye!


Should students make friends on line? Some people say yes. Internet helps people make many friends.

Chatting on line, students can express more freely their feelings and opinions, and even get help for their foreign language studies。Others, however, think students should not. They say making friends on line is a waste of time, which should be spent more meaningfully on study. Besides, some students get cheated on line.

It is my opinion that students should place their study, health and safety before other things. As for friendship, we can readily find it in our classmates and other people around us.


It is known to everyone: Oct,1st is our National Day Now let me tell you!

At 8:00 I got up and went bus station with my mother The traffic was so bad too! It cost nearly 1 hour that we arrived the center of street. What were worse there were even more people! In my opinion it was not very interesting to come out at this day! Next time I prefer to stay at home and study!


We are middle school students and we are busy with our lessons If we volunteer to help others, it’s a waste of time I not only feel good about helping others but also get to spend time doing what I love to do So if I have an oppoutunity, I’d like to visit old people’s home to clean up for them I love kids and I plan to put my love to good use by working in hospital If everyone helps out a bit, the world will be more colorfulSmall kinds

Human beings are advanced animals in the world For example , if you are kind to a dog , it will shake So if you are kind to others, they will also be kind to you You can help him to cross the street If he or she asks you questions, you should be kind to answer them Maybe it seems to you a piece of cake, but it is very important to people in need

Be kind to others, and they will be kind to youMy opinion on Internet

Hello, everyone! As you know, many students like to work on the Internet We can learn more knowledge outside our books, practice our spoken English with someone else and look up some useful information Some students have made too many friends, seen some bad information that is not good for us and spent too much time on it

That’s my ideaInternet shopping

Internet shopping is a new way of shopping The most important one is convenience And you don’t have to queue with others.

There are some disadvantages, too Besides you can not enjoy walking around the shops and talking with your friends.


The thermometer had dropped to 18 deGREes below zero, but still chose to sleep in the porch as usual Though they were a mere sprinkle of twinkling dots, yet I had become so accustomed to them that their occasional absence would bring me loneliness and ennui My roommate and I, each wrapped in a quilt, were seated far apart in a different corner of the porch, facing each other and chatting away I beamed and said pointing to a tiny lamplight on the opposite mountain, “It’s Jupiter over there!”

More and more lights came into sight as we kept pointing here and there With the distinction between sky and forest obscured by snowflakes, the numerous lamp-lights now easily passed for as many stars With the illusory stars hanging still overhead, I was spared the effort of tracing their positions when I woke up from my dreams in the dead of night.

Thus I found consolation even on a lonely snowy night !


Desmond Tutu, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984, once said, “Your family are God's gift to you, as you are to them.”, which tells us that parents are to us what lighthouses are to ships. Without parents, we would get lost when we grow up; without us, parents would feel sad and lonely.

I'm the apple of my parents' eye. As a pupil, I couldn't remember English words, often failing exams. So bitter was the feeling of being defeated that I thought of giving up. To encourage me, they told me to fill a glass with rapid running water. Unexpectedly, I found however hard I tried, my glass was only half full. Only then, did I realize what I needed to learn English well were right ways. With their help, I mastered the methods of memorizing vocabulary. Now, English has become my strength, which has also become their pride and joy.

No doubt both parents and we are important to each other.


Mother is the most important person to us. Now people celebrate Mother’s Day every year. It has become more and more popular. This day is on the second Sunday in May. On that day, children often send their mother flowers to express their love. And some children make small gifts for their mothers.

In last year's Mother's Day, I didn't spend it with my mother because she was in the hometown and I was at school, which made me feel ashamed. At night, I called my mother. At that time, I left my tears, and my mother told me that I should study hard at school. In the end, I said to her “Happy Mother’ Day, I love you“ and she was very surprised and happy.


Be friendly to a lot of people That way you’ll have a bigger group to choose from and have more chances to make friendsMy view on television

Television has come into our life for many years Jt can give us the latest information and news We can get happiness from the plays on television Television programs are attractive How wonderful it is!

Television is also bad for people’s health

It is true that watching TV can influence our behaviorwwwcom







一谈到对人生的思考,大家一定各有想法。古贤人诸葛亮认为: 非淡泊无以明志,”非宁静无以致远。“ 印度著名学者泰戈尔则说: 使生如夏花之绚烂,”死如秋叶之静美。“而我觉得人生如棋,我愿为卒。

我从小就酷爱下象棋,最喜欢的是看高手博弈。有一天出门路过两个老人下棋,围观的人很多,我凑近人群挤了进去。这二位下棋的风格截然不同:一个思维敏捷落子飞快;另一个思维缜密,摆棋之前深思熟虑,两眼紧盯棋局,刚拿起一粒棋子又举棋不定,突然两眼放光像是发现了对手的破绽,才缓缓把棋下好,下一步棋竟用了 40分钟。这时有的看客催促道:”老人家,下快点吧,照您这速度,一盘棋岂不得下上一天?“ 落子缓慢的老人不慌不忙地说: 我虽然下得慢,但是每步棋都不后悔。”既然心中有目标,只要每步都脚踏实地向目标而去,又何必匆匆下完而知输羸?“ 看客们听了无不心服口服,不再多语。



Mr Li is one of my beloved teachers.He taught us physics when we were in Senior 1.He was old,but he taught very well.He could make his classes lively and interesting. Mr Li made good preparations for his lessons and was strict with us,too.Whenever we made mistakes in our homework,he would ask us to correct and do it again. I used to be poor in physics. Mr Li often helped me with my lessons very patiently.Thanks to his help and hard work,I have made good progress and caught up with the class.As a retired teacher,he's still working hard for our educational cause(教育事业).

篇三:中考英语作文范文:3.My view on school uniform

At our school , we have to wear uniforms every day. The problem is that all my classmates think the uniforms are ugly. We think young people should look smart and so we would like to wear our own clothes. Our teachers believe that if we did that. We would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies. We disagree. We should feel more comfortable and thate is good for studying. If we can’t do that, we should be allowed to design our own uniforms. We also think everyone should be different from others. That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy.

篇四:中考英语作文范文: My opinions on volunteering

We are middle school students and we are busy with our lessons. So some people think we should concentrate more on our studies. If we volunteer to help others, it’s a waste of time. But I think volunteering is great. I not only feel good about helping others but also get to spend time doing what I love to do. And from volunteering I have learned many things that I have never learned in class. So if I have an oppoutunity, I’d like to visit old people’s home to clean up for them. I’d also like to help sick kids in hospital. I love kids and I plan to put my love to good use by working in hospital. In a word, I’d like to help people who need help. If everyone helps out a bit, the world will be more colorful.























(浙江丽水)Ellen看到大家都对自己的未来充满期待,感到特别高兴。为了鼓励大家学好英语,他准备出一期英语学习经验交流专刊。请根据以下问题和答案的提示并结合你的实际情况,以”My English Learning\"为题写一篇80词左右的英文稿件,要求至少涉及其中的三个问题,并且不能出现你的真实姓名、校名和县名等。提示:

When did you start learning English? (in … /…years ago)

How do you learn English? (listen carefully, study with a group, read English every day…)

What is difficult to learn? (listening, grammar…)

What other helpful ways do you know to learn English well? (watch English movies, sing English songs…)


English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old. But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes, watching English TV programs. And I found it really helped a lot. In fact, there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries. I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.


当今社会,与人交往越来越成为一种不可或缺的能力,作为中学生,学会如何与人相处尤为重要。假如上周你们班对“如何与人相处”展开了讨论,请根据以下的讨论结果,以“How to get on well with others?”为题,写一篇英语短文。







How to get on well with others

As we all know, students should learn how to get on well with others. But in what ways?

First of all, we should respect others. Everyone has their own way to do things, so we should understand each other. Besides, it is important for us to communicate with each other and share our happiness and sadness. What’s more, we should be kind to others and offer necessary help to those who are in trouble.

In my opinion, we should treat others in an honest way. Only in this way can we get along well with each other and feel happy.


克服社交恐惧症Overcoming Social Phobia

We live in a world that surrounded by people, we need to communicate with others, for the purpose of share our emotions and keep survive. While some people have social phobia, they are afraid of talking to others, they can’t make the social communication. This is such a big illness, but they can overcome it. First, they need to take the positive attitude to life, having more communication with others can enriches their knowledge, they can share happiness and sorrow with friends, when they are in trouble, friends will help them. Second, they should open their hearts, don’t be afraid of talking to others, once the mouths are opened, the world will be lit up.









Before I went to high school, I lived in my hometown. My hometown is far away from the city, so the trees there are very green and the water there is so clear, I even can see the fish swimming. When the night comes, the air is cooler than the daytime, people like to walk out their homes and go to a place to have a chat. I like to play games with my friends, we run along the village happily. When the moon comes out, the village is lighted. Unlike the city, as the air is polluted and the buildings are high, so people can’t see the moon clearly. The stars are hanged in the sky. When I look at the sky, I could see the moon and the stars, they are so close to me, it seems that I could touch them. Night at the countryside is so wonderful.



My Low-carbon Life

The environmental pollution is worse and worse today. Many trees are cut down, and water and air are polluted. As a student I try to have a low-carbon life to save energy and reduce pollution.

Firstly, I often walk to school. It can reduce air pollution. Secondly, I always turn off the lights and fans when leaving the classroom. Thirdly, I always make full use of paper and other school things and never waste water.

I wish more students to join me and make the earth more and more beautiful.


