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第一节 听力选择 (共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)




( )6. What color is Peter’s jacket?

A. Blue. B. Green. C. Red.

( )7. What’s this?

A. A book. B. A notebook. C. A map.

( )8. What’s Jim’s phone number?

A. 210-9675 B. 210-6957 C. 201-6975

( )9. Where’s Jane’s watch?

A. In her schoolbag. B. On her bed. C. On her desk.

( )10. How much is the white pen?

A. 12 yuan. B. 14 yuan. C. 16 yuan.


( )11. What does Jack have for breakfast?

A. Eggs and pears. B. Eggs and oranges. C. Oranges and potatoes.

( )12. What does Jack’s father like for dinner?

A. Pears and chicken. B. Potatoes and pears. C. Potatoes and chicken.


( )13. What does Nick think of the music lesson?

A. Easy. B. Boring . C. Relaxing.

( )14. When does Nick have music every week?

A. On Monday and Wednesday. B. On Tuesday and Thursday.

C. On Tuesday and Wednesday.

( )15. What subject does Sandy like?

A. P.E. B. Music. C. Art.

第二节 笔录要点(5小题,计5分)


Teacher Age Birthday Favorite color

English teacher (16) July 21st (17)

Math teacher 24 (18) 9th Black

(19)______teacher 25 August 17th (20)__________

第二部分 知识运用(共两节,计20分)

第一节 语法填空(10小题,计10分)从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。

( )21. Tom plays _____ volleyball very well.

A. / B. the C. a

( )22. I don’t like geography _____ it’s boring.

A. but B. because C. and

( )23. This is my friend. name is Alice.

A. His B. He C. Her

( )24. ―_____ he ______ a ping-pong bat?

―No, he doesn’t.

A. Does, have B. Do, have C. Does, has

( )25. ― _______ is your pencil box?

― In my schoolbag.

A. When B. What C. Where

( )26. ―______ are they?

― They are my grandfather.

A. What B. Who C. Which

( )27. ―When is your birthday?

―My birthday is _____ May 2nd.

A. on B. in C. at

( )28. Jim and I _____ good friends.

A. is B. are C. /

( )29. ― _____ are the socks?

― Fifty dollars.

A. Where B. What color C. How much

( ) 30. Today we have _____ classes, and the _____ one is music.

A. five; fiveth B. fifth; five C. five; fifth

第二节 词语填空( 10小题,计10分) 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

Hi! I’m Lucy. This is my 31 , Anna. She’s 12 years old. Her 32 is on November 8th. Here is a 32 of her. Look! What color are her eyes? Oh! They’re 34 . And her hair is black, too. She is beautiful and healthy. Ping-pong is her favorite 35 . She can play it very well. It’s 36 for her. After school, she plays 37 with her classmates. For breakfast, she loves milk, eggs and fruit. So she has a good eating habit. Her favorite 38 is science. She says it’s useful, 39 I think it’s difficult. Both of us like our science 40 , Ms. Wang, because she is great fun.

( )31. A. friend B. mother C. aunt

( )31. A. date B. birthday C. month

( )32. A. photo B. map C. book

( )34. A. black B. blue C. green

( )35. A. food B. sport C. clothes

( )36. A. difficult B. boring C. easy

( )37. A. ping-pong B. football C. basketball

( )38. A. subject B. movie C. story

( )39. A. because B. but C. so

( )40. A. student B. teacher C. room

第三部分 阅读技能(共三节,计40分)

第一节 阅读选择 ( 10小题,计20分)



Is this your notebook? It is a Chinese notebook. The cover

(封面)of it is black. It is in the library. Ask the teacher for it.



I lost a schoolbag on the school playground. It is green. Two books, a pencil box and a dictionary are in it. Please call me at 627-0193. Thanks.


( )41. Mary found a notebook .

A. in the classroom B. on the playground C. in the library

( )42. You can get the notebook from .

A. Mary B. Nick C. the teacher

( )43. Nick lost a .

A. notebook B. schoolbag C. pencil box

( )44. If you find a schoolbag, you can call Nick at .

A. 627-0193 B. 627-1913 C. 627-9013

( )45. Which one is TRUE(正确)?

A. Mary’s notebook is in the library.

B. Nick’s schoolbag is green.

C. There are two books, two pencils and a dictionary in Nick’s schoolbag.


I’m Mark. Henry, Peg and Cindy are my classmates. Our friend Paul’s birthday party is next Saturday. He asks us to go to his birthday party.

We want to buy some gifts for Paul. Paul likes playing baseball. He has eight baseballs and five baseball bats. But he doesn’t have a baseball cap. I know he likes blue. I want to buy a blue baseball cap for him. Paul likes strawberries and apples, but he doesn’t like pears or bananas. So Cindy and Henry want to buy a birthday cake with some strawberries and apples on it. “What do you want to buy for Paul?” I ask Peg. “Well, Paul is always late for school,” Peg says, “so I want to buy a watch for him.”

( )46. Paul asks friends to go to his birthday party.

A. three B. four C. five

( )47. The underlined word “gifts” means (意思是) “ ” in Chinese.

A.礼物 B.蛋糕 C. 衣服

( )48. Paul doesn’t have .

A. eight baseballs B. five baseball bats C. a baseball cap

( )49. Cindy and Henry want to buy a birthday cake with on it.

A. pears and bananas B. strawberries and apples C. apples and pears

( )50. wants to buy a watch for Paul.

A. Mark B. Peg C. Cindy

第二节 摘录要点( 5小题,计10分) 在下面的表格中完成内容摘要,每空不超过3个单词。

I’m Dave. Today, I ask some of my friends about their favorite subjects. Jerry likes geography because she says it is interesting and useful. Linda’s favorite subject is math because she likes her math teacher, Miss Black. Mike’s favorite subject is science. He wants to be a scientist(科学家). Tim’s favorite subject is history. He likes to read stories (故事) about history.

Name Favorite (51) Reason (原因)

Jerry geography It is interesting and (52)

(53) math She likes her math teacher

Mike (54) He wants to be a scientist

Tim history He likes to read (55) about history.

第三节 回答问题 ( 5小题, 计10分) 阅读下面的材料,然后根据材料内容回答问题。

Hi! I am Gina Smith. I have four good friends. They are Dale, Frank, Penny and Jean. Now we are talking about the months of the year. Dale likes April very much. Our school has an art festival this month every year. He likes art. He wants to take part in (参加)it and he thinks it’s very relaxing. Frank likes July. He can go out for trips in July. For Penny, August is the best month in a year. His birthday is in it. And he doesn’t go to school. I like October best. I can have a one-week holiday this month, and I also like June because Children’s Day is in it.

56. What are Gina and her friends talking about?

57. What does Dale think of art festival?

58. Why does Frank like July?

59. When is Penny’s birthday?

60. Does Gina like June?

第四部分 写作技能(共三节,计20分)



Hello, boys and girls! My name is Sandy. 61.This term is from September to January. I have many subjects. They are math, Chinese, English, history, computer, music, geography, science, art and P.E. 62. My favorite subjects are English and P.E. I’m good at English. I can talk with foreigners (外国人)in English now. In P.E. class, I can do sports. 63. 它们非常有趣。 I can play soccer and basketball very well. And my favorite sport is soccer. 64. I like art, too, because it is very relaxing. I can draw fruit, clothes, and some other funny things in art class. Our art teacher Miss Brown is nice. She always takes us out to draw pictures. What subject do you have this term? What is your avorite subject? Tell me, please. 65. 你可以打电话586-4702找我。 Or you can e-mail me at sandy@tom.com.






第二节 完成对话 (5小题,计5分)根据上下文,从右框中选择正确选项补全对话。

A: Good morning, madam. 66. ( )

B: Yes, please. I want to buy a dress for my daughter.

A: Come and look at these dresses.

B: Wow, this one is nice. 67. ( )

A: It’s 200 yuan.

B: Oh, it s too expensive.

A: 68. ( ) It’s only 80 yuan.

B: Hmm, that one is cheap. But my daughter doesn’t like red.

A: 69. ( )

B: She likes green.

A: Oh, green. Look, here is a green dress. Do you like it?

B: Good. I think she’ll like it. 70. ( )

A: Here you are.

B: Thank you.

第三节 情景作文(10分)

假如你是Alice, 你将要班会上做一个英文的自我介绍,写一篇60字左右的短文,可以包括以下的内容: Age, Phone number, Appearance(外貌), Interest(兴趣), Best friends, Family等。




第一部分 听力技能 (共两节,计20分)

第一节 听力选择 (1小题,每小题1分,计15分)

1-5 BABCC 6-10 CCABB 11-15 BCCBA

第二节 笔录要点(5小题,计5分)

16. 36 17. Red (red) 18. September 19. Chinese 20. Green (green)

第二部分 知识运用(共两节,计20分)

第一节 语法填空(10小题,计10分)

21-25 ABCAC 26-30 BABCC

第二节 词语填空( 10小题,计10分)

31-35 ABAAB 36-40 CAABB

第三部分 阅读技能(共三节,计40分)

第一节 阅读选择 ( 10小题,计20分)

41-45 CCBAB 46-50 BACBB

第二节 摘录要点( 5小题,计10分)

51. subject(s) 52. useful 53. Linda 54.science 55.stories

第三节 回答问题 ( 5小题, 计10分)

56. The months of the year. 57. Relaxing (He thinks it’s relaxing).

58. Because he can go out for trips. 59. In August.

60. Yes, he does.

第四部分 写作技能(共三节,计20分)

第一节 翻译语篇 (5小题,计5分)

61. 这个学期是从9月开始到1月结束。

62. 我最喜欢的科目是英语和体育。

63. They are very (really) interesting.

64. 我也喜欢艺术。

65. You can call me at 586-4702.

第二节 完成对话 (5小题,计5分)

66-70 EBADC

第三节 情景作文(10分)



七年级上册期末考试(1) I. 单项选择题(25)分

1.I think it is ________ interesting book.A a B an C 不填 D the 2.---Is this _______ dictionary?----No, it isn't.. It is _______ dictionary. A you,he B your , he C you ,his D your , his 3.Please_______ these things _____your classroom.

A bring , to B take , to C bring ,for D take ,for

4.Let's_______ basketball.A plays B play, the C play D to play

5._____your brother_______English?A Do ,like B Do ,likes C Does ,like D Does, likes 6. My sister _____eggs ______breakfast.A have, for B has, for C have, to D has ,to 7.---Do you often _______a movie?----No , I often ________TV. A see ,see B watch ,watch C see ,watch D watch ,see

8.Thanks_____the photo _____your school.A of, for B for ,of C for, about D about, for 9.The boy is _______.He eats_____good food.

A healthy , a lot B health ,a lot of C healthy , lots of D heath, a lot of 10._____ are these socks ? ---Twenty yuan.A What B How old C How much D When 11.____do you want?----Blue.A How much B What color C What D When 12. September is _____month of the year.A nine B ninth C the ninth D the nineth 13.My good friend is twelve_______A, years old B year old C old year D old years 14.--______is your teacher ? --He is in the classroom.A When B How CWhere D What 15.I like apples , _____I don't like orangesA and B or C but D 不填 16.Do you often go to see Beijing Opera______your friend______ weekends? A with , about B about , on C with, on D on ,with

17.He likes playing _______ piano and he can play_______volleyball. A.the the B the 不填 C 不填 不填 D the 不填

18. What club do you want ________?A to join B join C joins Djoin in 19.You can call him ______035-7578.A at B in C for D on

20. Let me ______your watch.A have a look B has a look C have a look atD has a look at 21.---Your English is very good.--_________________.

A No, it isn't good B Yes C Thank you D Don't say like this

22. He can _____about Chinese history.A learn B to learn C learns D to lear ns 23.---______David and Jane like bananas? ---Yes ,___________.

A Do, he does B Do , they do C Does , he does D Do , they don't

24. Excuse me , C an you help _______?A his B our C he D us 25.Look! These are ______pens.A your brother B you C your brother's D your brothers II.完形填空 (10分)

June 26 action movies and she often goes 2 7 Chinese action movies. She thinks they are very 28 . She thinks documentaries are boring, 29 she doesn’t like 30 . She thinks they are scary. She 31 likes Beijing Opera. Some 32 don’t like it, but she thinks it very 33 . She thinks she can 34 Chinese history. She with her friends 35 to see Beijing Opera.( )26. A. really like B. like really C. really likes D. likes really( ) 27. A. seeing B. to see C. see D. sees( ) 28. A. exciting B. boring C. difficult D. sad( ) 29. A. but B. so C. or D. and( ) 30. A. comedies B. thrillers C. action moviesD. documentaries( )31. A. too B. either C. also D. often( ) 32. A. people B. peoples C. English D. Chinese( ) 33. A. interesting B. boring C. scary D. exciting

( ) 34. A. thinks of B. think of C. learns about D. learn about( ) 35. A. has B. go C. wants D. find

V.阅读理解 (15分)This is a Chinese boy. His name is Wu Yonghua. He is twelve. He is in No. 8 Middle School. He’s in Class Three, Grade Two. His English teacher is Mr. Liu. His Chinese teacher is Mr. Zhu. Bob is an English boy. He’s in No. 8 Middle School, too. His English teacher is Miss Wang. His Chinese teacher is Mrs. Fang. Wu Yonghua and Bob are Number 5. They are good friends

( ) 36. Wu Yonghua is _____ boy.A. an AmericanB. a ChineseC. an English D. a Japanese ( ) 37. How old is Wu Yonghua? _______.A. He’s 10 B. He’s 11C. She’s 12 D. He’s 12 ( ) 38. Bob is ______ boy.A. a Chinese B. an English C. an American D. a Japanese ( )39. How old is Bob? _______.A. He’s 12 B. She’s 12C. He’s 13 D. We don’t know ( ) 40. Which is not right(正确)?

A. Mr. Zhu is Bob’s English teacher.B. Mrs. Fang is Wu Yonghua’s Chinese teacher. C. Bob is Wu Yonghua’s friend D. A and B

Jim is a basketball fan (球迷). He is very good at playing basketball. Michael Jorden is his favorite (最喜欢的`) basketball player. Jim is on the school basketball team. Every Friday (星期五) afternoon, they play basketball after class. Jim’s friend Mike isn’t good at basketball, but he’s very good at football. Ronaldo is his favorite football player. Mike is on the football team. They play football every Tuesday afternoon.


( ) 41. Jim likes basketball very much. ( )4 2. Michael Jorden is a football player. ( )4 3. Jim plays basketball every day.( ) 44. Jim’s friend Mike is good at basketball, too. ( ) 45. Ronaldo is Jim’s favorite football player. V. 按要求改写句子(12分)

1.Lucy has a friend.(改为一般疑问句) _______Lucy ________ a friend? 2.Can she play basketball?(做否定回答) No, _______ ________ 3.My brother’s birthday is April 3rd.(划线提问) ______ _____ your brother’s birthday? 4.Do Jim and Bob want a room ?(做肯定回答) Yes , _______ ________. 5.My parents are forty .(划线提问)________ _________ are your parents? VII..根据短文内容用所给词的适当形式填空(10分)

Mr. White____(be) an English man. He teaches English. His English class is very interesting. He ____(like) us and we like him, too. Mr. White _____(have) two children―Tom and Lucy. Tom ____(be) seven and _____(he) sister Lucy is four. Tom _____(go) to school but Lucy _____(not go) to school . Mr. White likes to wear a T-shirt and jeans(牛仔裤). Football is _____(he)favorite sport. After school we have a basketball match. Mr. White often _____(watch) and joins (加入) us. He ______(play) basketball just (只是) for fun.


以My friend为题,根据提示写一篇作文

Ann有一个好朋友,他是中国人,他的名字叫李平,今年14岁了,9月10日是的他的生日。他喜欢足球和电影,看!足球在椅子下面,许多VCD在桌子上,他经常和他的亲下棋,他弹吉他弹的很好。你喜欢 他吗

七年级英语试卷1第 1 页 共 1 页



七年级 英 语

(总分:100分 时间:100分钟)

题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总分



一、单项选择(每空1分,共15 分)

( ) 1.----Dad, we can sports in school an hour a day now.

---- Really? That sounds great.

A. to play B. plays C. play D. playing

( ) 2.He goes to school after breakfast every morning.

A. the, the B. \\, \\ C. the, \\ D. \\, the

( ) 3. We should do more in our lessons.

A. exercise B. exercises C. exercising D. exercised

( ) 4. The fish .

A. taste well B. tastes well C. taste good D. tastes good

( ) 5. --- How many teachers are there in your school?

--- About four .

A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of

( ) 6. She often a train to school, sometimes she goes to school bus.

A. takes, takes B. takes, by C. by, takes D. by, by

( ) 7. It will you a long time a language well.

A. spend, learn B. to spend, to learn C. take, to learn D. take, learn

( ) 8. Li Tao is from a small village.

A. a 11 years old boy B. a 11-year-old boy

C. an 11-year-old boy D. an 11 years old

( ) 9.Our teacher is very strict us our homework.

A. in, in B. with, with C. in, with D. with, in

( ) 10. The movie is , and we are really very when we see it.

A. relaxing, relaxing B. relaxed, relaxed

C. relaxing, relaxed D. relaxed, relaxing

( )11. There are many animals in the zoo. But some animal are scary.

A. kinds of, kind of B. kinds of, kinds of

C. kind of, kind of D. kind of, kinds of

( )12. There are a lot of in our school.

A. woman teachers B. women teachers

C. woman teacher D. women teacher

( ) 13. CIs the woman your teacher?

-- Yes, she teaches Chinese.

A. us B. our C. ours D. we

( ) 14. C Excuse me. Is there a post office near here?

-- .

A. Yes, it is. B. No, this isn’t. C. Yes, there is. D. No, there aren’t.

( ) 15. C Have a nice weekend.

-- .

A. That’s OK. B. No problem. C. You’re welcome. D. Thank you.


一、单项选择(每空1分,共15 分)

( ) 1.----Dad, we can sports in school an hour a day now.

---- Really? That sounds great.

A. to play B. plays C. play D. playing

( ) 2.He goes to school after breakfast every morning.

A. the, the B. \\, \\ C. the, \\ D. \\, the

( ) 3. We should do more in our lessons.

A. exercise B. exercises C. exercising D. exercised

( ) 4. The fish .

A. taste well B. tastes well C. taste good D. tastes good

( ) 5. --- How many teachers are there in your school?

--- About four .

A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundred of

( ) 6. She often a train to school, sometimes she goes to school bus.

A. takes, takes B. takes, by C. by, takes D. by, by

( ) 7. It will you a long time a language well.

A. spend, learn B. to spend, to learn C. take, to learn D. take, learn

( ) 8. Li Tao is from a small village.

A. a 11 years old boy B. a 11-year-old boy

C. an 11-year-old boy D. an 11 years old

( ) 9.Our teacher is very strict us our homework.

A. in, in B. with, with C. in, with D. with, in

( ) 10. The movie is , and we are really very when we see it.

A. relaxing, relaxing B. relaxed, relaxed

C. relaxing, relaxed D. relaxed, relaxing

( )11. There are many animals in the zoo. But some animal are scary.

A. kinds of, kind of B. kinds of, kinds of

C. kind of, kind of D. kind of, kinds of

( )12. There are a lot of in our school.

A. woman teachers B. women teachers

C. woman teacher D. women teacher

( ) 13. –Is the woman your teacher?

-- Yes, she teaches Chinese.

A. us B. our C. ours D. we

( ) 14. – Excuse me. Is there a post office near here?

-- .

A. Yes, it is. B. No, this isn’t. C. Yes, there is. D. No, there aren’t.

( ) 15. – Have a nice weekend.

-- .

A. That’s OK. B. No problem. C. You’re welcome. D. Thank you.

二、完形填空(每空1分,共10 分)

People in different 16 like to eat different foods. 17 kind of food people in the UK 18 to

eat? Fish and fried 19 chips are very 20 in the UK. Sometimes people 21 them at home, but they usually go to a fast food 22 to buy them. They can have them 23 the restaurant or 24 them away home. Sometimes, they 25 like to eat them in a park.

( )16. A. country B. countries C. city D. town

( ) 17. A. Who B. When C. What D. How

( ) 18. A. would like B. like C. likes D. enjoys

( ) 19 A. potato B. potatoes C. potatos D. tomatoes

( ) 20. A. cheap B. large C. popular D. dear

( ) 21. A. cooking B. cook C. cooks D. to cook

( ) 22. A. restaurant B. library C. supermarket D. mall

( ) 23. A. in B. on C. under D. from

( ) 24. A. get B. bring C. take D. to take

( ) 25. A. and B. also C. too D. either

三、阅读理解(每空2 分,共30分)


We had a terrible school trip last week. Some students were late. Then we waited half an hour for the school bus, but it didn’t arrive. Finally, our teacher took us to take the subway. It took over an hour. When we arrived at the zoo, we were all tired and hungry. We wanted to see dolphins, but there weren’t any. There were some really smart seals(海豹), but we didn’t see the show because we arrived too late. We forgot our cameras, so we didn’t take any photos. Then it started to rain, and no one had an umbrella. We didn’t see many animals because of the rain. So we went for lunch. So we ate hamburgers. My friends also had some ice—cream. But I didn’t have any, because I don’t like it. I wanted French fries, but there weren’t any in the shop. They were sold out! Finally we went back to school. We were wet, tired and stressed out. I didn’t enjoy my school trip at all.

( ) 26.Why did the teacher take the students to take the subway?

A. Because the students didn’t want to have the trip.

B. Because the school bus didn’t arrive.

C. Because the students didn’t like taking the school bus.

D. Because the students didn’t take cameras.

( ) 27. The students were when they arrived at the zoo.

A. excited B. happy C. tired D. lucky

( )28. What animal show was there at the zoo?

A. Dolphin show. B. Seal show. C. Monkey show. D. Panda show.

( )29. How was the weather after they arrived at the zoo?

A. Sunny. B. Cloudy C. Windy D. Rainy

( )30. What did the writer think of the school trip?

A. Terrible. B. Great. C. Not bad. D. Fun.


It’s easy to get lost(迷路) in strange city. Here are some tips(方法) to help you find the way and get to your destination(目的地).

Take a map with you when you go to a new place. If you lose your way, look at the map, you’ll find the place where you want to go.

If you still can’t find the place on the map, ask the police for help. They will tell you the right way to go.

Remember the name of your hotel and the street where it is. If you can’t find the way back, take a taxi.

I hope these tips can help you.

( ) 31. What does the underlined word “strange” mean?

A. 熟悉的 B. 美丽的 C. 现代的 D. 陌生的

( ) 32. How many tips are there in the passage?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.

( ) 33. What should you take with you when you go to a strange city?

A. A taxi. B. A map. C. A watch. D. A dictionary.

( ) 34. You should ask for help if you lose your way.

A. a man B. a woman C. the police D. your teacher

( ) 35. Which is the best title(标题) of the passage?

A. Get lost in a large city B. Some useful tips

C. Never go to a strange city D. A map is useful


Hi, I’m a middle school student. I’m Judy. In my class there are thirty-eight students. How do they go to school every day? Seventeen of them take buses because they live far from the school. Six students walk. They think walking is good exercise. Fifteen students ride their bikes to school because they like riding bikes very much and their homes aren’t far from the school. No one goes to school by car. How do I go to school? Ha, I’m one of the fifteen.

( ) 36. There are students in Judy’s class.

A. 29 B. 30 C. 38 D. 45

( ) 37. Six students think is good exercise.

A. running B. walking C. swimming D. riding

( ) 38. students ride their bikes to school.

A. 17 B. 6 C. 10 D. 15

( ) 39. Judy goes to school .

A. on foot B. by bike C. by bus D. by car

( ) 40. No one gets to school .

A. by car B. by bike C. on foot D. by bus


A: Hi, excuse me.

( ) B: Yes. 41 .

( ) A: Well, I’m new in town. 42

( ) B: Yes, there is. It’s on Bridge Street. 43

( ) A: Oh••• 44

B: It’s not too far from here. I can walk with you.

A: Oh, that’s great! Thanks so much.

( ) B: 45


46. You can’t wear sunglasses in the classroom.(改为祈使句)

sunglasses in the classroom!

47. My weekend was boring.(对划线部分提问)

your weekend?

48. Li Ming did his homework last night. (改为否定句)

Li Ming his homework last night.

49. How’s the weather? (同义句转换)

the weather ?

50. Joe sits on my left. Lucy sits on my right. (合并为一句)

I sit Joe Lucy.



51. N and ten is one hundred.

52. Everyone must follow the school r .

53. If you want to borrow(借) a book, you can go to the l .

54. The house is too e . We can’t buy it.

55. Liu Huan is a famous m . I love his songs.


56. I enjoy (skate)on the ice in winter.

57. Many children like to eat (candy).

58. At the zoo, Jane (take) many photos along the way.

59. Look! Mike (use) a computer .

60. It took me an hour (do) my homework.


61. 我们必须准时到达学校。

We must get to school .

62. 我的父亲很喜欢写故事。

My father likes to very much.

63. 请把这些肉切碎。

Please the meat!

64. 如果你来,我会和你一起去。

If you , I go with you.

65. 你想要多大碗的?

would you like?



1. 上周末和父母一起去了厦门,住在叔叔家。

2. 星期六叔叔带我到厦门大学(university)参观。

3. 星期天参观了鼓浪屿(Gulangyu)和南普陀庙(South Putuo Temple).

4. 周末玩的很愉快。




1-5. CBBDA 6-10.BCCDC 11-15.ABACD

二、完形填空 (10分)


16-20. BCBAC 21-25. BAACB



26-30. BCBDA 31-35. DCBCB 36-40 CBDBA



41-45 DCEBA

五、句型转换:( 10分)


46、Don’t wear 47、How was 48、didn’t do

49、What’s like 50、between and

六、词语运用: (10分)



51、Ninety 52、rules 53、library 54、expensive 55、musician



56、skating 57、candies 58、took 59、is using 60、to do



61、on time 62、write stories 63. cut up

64、come, will 65、What size



1、作文包含所要求的内容,并有适当的发挥,句子通顺,条理清楚, 没有语法和单词错误可以给予10分。
































5、特别要注意听辨那些发音十分相近的音素。如单词:third – thirteen - thirty; bread - breath; 句子:Is this a bus / box? 等。同时还应侧重数词和计算、地点和情景、职业和关系,肯定与否定的听辨。






1、做“句子理解”题时,要迅速理解四个选项的意思,准确辨别其不同之处。细听录音同时注意语句形式上的变 化,如复合句变简单句,同义句型转换等。


3、做“短文理解”题时不需要逐词、逐句都听懂。只需大概了解发生的事情,特别留意听“六要素”:who 、where 、when 、what、which 、how ,对年龄、数字、职业等具体细节要快速笔录。如果听录音前还有时间,可尽快浏览一下四个选项,以便带着问题有的放矢地认真审听。


一. 动词be(is,am,are)的用法

我(I)用am, 你(you)用are,is跟着他(he)、她(she)、它(it)。单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。变否定,更容易,be后not加上去。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。还有一条须注意,句首大写莫忘记。

二. this,that和it用法


(2)距离说话人近的人或物用this, 距离说话人远的人或物用that。如:

This is a flower. 这是一朵花。(近处)

That is a tree. 那是一棵树。(远处)

(3)放在一起的两样东西,先说this, 后说that。如:

This is a pen. That is a pencil. 这是一支钢笔。那是一支铅笔。

(4)向别人介绍某人时说This is…, 不说That is…。如:

This is Helen. Helen, this is Tom. 这是海伦。海伦,这是汤姆。

(5)This is 不能缩写, 而That is可以缩写。如:

This is a bike. That’s a car. 这是一辆自行车。那是一辆轿车。

(6)打电话时,介绍自己用this, 询问对方用that。如:

—Hello! Is that Miss Green? 喂,是格林小姐吗?

—Yes, this is. Who’s that? 是的,我是,你是谁?

注意:虽然汉语中使用“我”和“你”,但英语中打电话时绝不可以说:I am…, Are you…?/Who are you?

(7)在回答this或that作主语的疑问句时, 要用it代替this或that。如:

①—Is this a notebook? 这是笔记本吗?

—Yes, it is. 是的,它是。

②—What’s that? 那是什么?

—It’s a kite. 是只风筝。

三. these和those用法

this, that, these和those是指示代词,these是this的复数形式,指时间、距离较近的或下面要提到的人或事;those是that的复数形式,指时间、距离较远或前面已经提到过的人或事物。

①This is my bed. That is Lily’s bed. 这是我的床。那是莉莉的床。

②These pictures are good. 那些画很好。

③ Are those apple trees? 那些是苹果树吗?


④Are these/those your apples? 这些(那些)是你的苹果吗?

Yes, they are. 是的,他们是。

四. 不定冠词a和an

a和an都是不定冠词,表示一(个,支,本,块……)的意思,但不强调数量概念,而是强调类别,用来限定名词。a用在辅音音素开头的单数名词前,如:a pencil(一支铅笔),a book(一本书);an用在元音音素开头的名词前,如an eraser(一块橡皮)。如果名词前有修饰语,用a还是用an,则以该修饰语的第一音素决定用a还是用an。如:

a clock 一座钟

an old clock 一座旧钟

a book 一本书

an English book 一本英语书

a nice apple 一个可爱的苹果

an apple 一个苹果

五. 名词+’s所有格


单数名词后直接加 “ ’s ”

Jim’s coat 吉姆的外套 Jeff’s mother杰夫的妈妈

以s结尾的复数名词,只加“ ’”

Teachers’ Day教师节

the twins’ books双胞胎的书

不以s结尾的不规则的名词复数,加“ ’s ”

Children’s Day 儿童节

men’s shoes男式鞋



Lucy and Lily’s mother 露茜和莉莉的妈妈(共同的妈妈,一个妈妈)

Lucy’s and Kate’s rooms 露茜和凯特的房间(各自的房间,两间房子)

六. There be句型

(1)There be句型主要用以表达“某处(某时)有某人(某物)。”其基本结构为“There be+某物(某人)+某地(某时)”其中there是引导词,没有词义;主语是be后面的名词, be是谓语动词,在一般现在时中be只用is和are两种形式。

下面这首歌诀可帮你巧记there be句型结构:

There be放句首,主语跟在后。地、时放句末,强调置前头。如:

There is a book on the desk.


On the desk there is a book.

(2)There be句型中的be动词如何确定呢?请先看看下面这首歌诀:

Be动词,有三个,am,is还有are。“There be”真特别,不留am只留俩,那就是is还有are。


①There is a tree behind the house.

②There is some water(水)in the bottle(瓶子).

③There are some pears in the box.


①There is a book and some pens on the floor.

②There are some pens and a book on the floor.

七. 一般现在时



八. 句子单数变复数,注意以下五要素

(1)主格人称代词要变成相应的复数主格人称代词,即I→we, you→you,she,he,it→ they。如:

She is a girl. →They are girls.


I’m a student. →We are students.


He is a boy. →They are boys.


It is an apple. →They are apples.


This is a box. →These are boxes.

九. 英语日期的表示法


用英语表示日期,其顺序为月+日+年,日和年之间需用逗号隔开。如:August 2nd,(8月2日)。也可以用日+月+年来表示。如:10th May,2003(205月10日)。英语日期前介词的使用:若指在哪一年或哪一月,则用介词in,若具体到某一天,则需用介词on。如:

①She was born in 1989

②She was born in August.

③She was born in August 1989.

④She was born on 2nd August, 1989.

十. 名词单数变复数

在英语里面,名词分可数名词(countable noun)和不可数名词(uncountable noun)。不可数名词没有单复数之分,用时只当单数词用;可数名词有单复数之分,一个的前面要用a或an,eg: a pencil, a basketball, a dictionary, an egg, an ID card,而复数即两个或两个以上的要作相应的变化,情况如下:









(5) 特殊词,特殊变化,需单独记:



十一. 时间的表达法


7: 05 seven five

8:16 eight sixteen

(2) 过、差式,即几点差几分,几点过几分。(以30分为分界线)

1:25 twenty-five past one

2:30 half past two

3:43 seventeen to four

4:38 twenty-two to five


6:00 a.m. 上午6点

8:20 p.m. 下午8点20分


13:00 13点钟

22:15 22点15分


4:15 a quarter past four

5:45 a quarter to six


at 5 o’clock

at 7:30 p.m.

十二. 关于时间的问法


①When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?

②My birthday is Dec. 29th. 我的生日是12月29日。


①When do you go home? 你几点回家?

②I go home at 4:30 p.m. 我下午4:30回家.


(2)具体几点我们通常用what time提问,如:

①What time is it now?/What’s the time now? 现在几点了?

It’s 9:26. 现在九点二十六。

②What time is it by your watch? 你手表几点了?

It’s 8:36. Oh, It’s 50 minutes late. 8:36,哦,它慢了50分钟。

③What time do you get up? 你几点起床?

I get up at 6:00 a.m. 我早上6点起床。



C ch s sh

窗 穿 草 长 晨 松 说 鼠 送 声


ěr jiàn fēi niǎo ér

( ) 朵 看( ) ( ) 机 ( )

mù tóu bái yún mǎ chē dà mǐ

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



tián yě 括 xiān ān jìn wěi b lán tiān hǎo xiàn

故乡 田野 蓝天 安静 好像 尾巴


猴 跟 最 常 望 静 更 举


长 扁 白 前 早 高

圆 短 后 黑 低 晚


田( ) 目( ) 云( ) 出( )

电( ) 木( ) 公( ) 山( )


一条 尾巴 宽宽的 山

三朵 鸭子 绿色的 门

五只 房子 高高的 树叶

七座 野花 金色的 阳光


我们 长出叶子。 弯弯的月亮像 宝石。

小树 有一座桥。 蓝蓝的天空像 大海。

江上 穿上衣服。 闪闪的星星像 小船。


东 西 南 北

1、早晨,太阳从( )方升起。傍晚,太阳从( )边落下。

2、我们住在中国的( )方,( )方的冬天会下雪。




1、3.25×7表示(      ),18×0.2表示(      )。

2、1.25÷2.5表示(                    )。

3、3.8平方米=( )平方米( )平方分米3.2时=( )时(  )分

4、一个等腰直角三角形,一条腰长3.5分米,这个三角形的面积是( )平方分米。

5、3.50202……是(  )循环小数,用简便写法记作(  ),保留两位小数约是(   )。

7、小红买5本书,每本x元,付出10元,找回(    )元。

8、一个平行四边形的面积是48平方厘米,底是12厘米,高是(  )厘米。

9、在8.5、9.6444、0.607、66.6、4.777……、1.453……这六个数中,循环小数有(      ),有限小数有(      )、无限小数有(         )。

10、比x的3倍少12的数是(     );9除以x的商与18的和是(     )。


1、无限小数是循环小数。              (  )

2、两个面积相等的三角形一定能拼成一个平行四边形。      (  )

3、长方形面积相等,周长一定相等。            (  )

4、一个数除以一个比1小的数,商一定小于被除数。      (  )

5、小数除法的意义与整数除法的意义相同。          (  )



1、计算除数是小数的除法时,必须先把(  )化为整数。

①被除数   ②除数     ③被除数和除数

2、a与b的和除3,列式为(  )。

①a+b÷3    ②(a+b)÷3  ③3÷(a+b)

3、用字母表示乘法的结合律是(  )。

①a+b=b+a       ②a+b+c=a+(b+c)

③(a?b)?c=a?(b?c) ④a?(b+c)=ab+ac

4、一个三角形的面积是48平方分米,它的底边长是8分米,高是(  )分米。

①6    ②3   ③12    ④24

5、两个边长都是a的正方形,组成一个长方形。这个长方形的周长是(  )。

①8a   ②7a    ③6a    ④5a

6、下列各式中积最小的是(  )。

①4.8×0.27   ②0.027×480    ③48×0.27



1÷0.125=     9.3-3.9=     3.4+4.6=      0.25×8=

1.2÷0.3=     10.72-3-7 =    8÷0.08=      15.1+4.9=

6.3÷0.3=      6.7×0.33×0=    26÷(1-0.9)=    1.2×5÷1.2=


①0.65×101    ②76.43-5.33-4.67  ③3.4÷[7.8-(3.9+2.2)]

④13.7÷12.5÷0.8  ⑤3.25×8.4+6.75×8.4   ⑥[1.4×2-(0.65+0.55)]÷40


(1)x÷0.26=0.52         (2)9x-2x=21.7

(3)3.18×2-2x=4.26        (4)0.25x+3.75=12























11+4○1215○8+9   4+7○118+8○17

5、()+5=123+()=108-()=4  ()+2=7

















1, 谢谢你的全家福Thanks for the photo of your family.

你的全家福 photo of your family = your family photo

2 谢谢你帮了我 Thanks for helping me =Thanks for your help

2 here be 句型和there be 句型一样 ,临近原则 Here is a cup of tea and two apples .

语法: 初中英语语法基础知识,也是初中英语考试的复习重点,河南中招英语考试。

1)单数名词加s: students, apples, bags, trees, books, brothers.

2)以s、x、sh、ch结尾的名词加es: glasses, boxes, brushes, matches.

3)以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加es: cities, babies, enemies.4)以f或fe结尾的名词,多数变f为v加es: wives, knives.但有些词只加s: roofs, proof s, chiefs.

5)以o结尾的名词,有生命的加es: Negroes, heroes, tomatoes, potatoes.无生命的加s: radio s, zoos, pianos, photos.

6)不规则名词:foot→feet, goose→geese, tooth→teeth, child→children, man→me n, woman→women, sheep→sheep, deer→deer, mouse→mice

7)集体名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数。例如: people police cattle 等本身就是复数,不能说 a people,a police,a cattle,但可以说a person,a policeman

